Why no new ATA held hostage updates

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by BRAD DYSINGER, Dec 2, 2015.


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Has everyone just given up, I haven't seen the ATA held hostage week whatever for awhile. Doesn't anybody care anymore, if not the ATA is surely done? No news, in this case, probably isn't good news.

    Has anyone of the kool aiders booked a hotel or paid for their camper space? I remember pipelayer saying in September how he had paid for his camper space. By the way at one time I thought he was an OK guy but it's turned out he fits right in with the free trap gun mentality of the EC's. What is it about that white hat the sucks out common sense?

    You know the leaders of the ATA are a lot like the leaders of the republican party. Snooty out of touch with the base snobs in too many cases. Trump is kicking their butts and all they can do is blame the voters (shooters) ironic how these two organizations parallel each other.

    I'm supposed to go to a Christmas get together with Portman's campaign tomorrow nite in Columbus and I'm going to ask him about the GOP leaders and what the hell they are thinking. I just saw that the Ohio gop head says Trump will lead the party to destruction, like they've done such a bang up job saving the usa. All these guys care about is they are seeing their power going. Them and the EC are just alike in this.

    I guess I shouldn't expect Rob to listen to me anymore than the EC did about Sparta. Although I do think he is more honest than most of the EC VP's I've known, definitely smarter, but I'm going to tell him anyway.

    If you are interested in youth trap shooting check out usa clay target web page, it's about high school teams. I've not seen anymore than their web advertisement but looks interesting to me.

    By the way what week is this hostage situation in? I guess I still care even though I'm not sure why. Brad
  2. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Isn't this the same type post that you are preaching about?
  3. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Talk Ann into taking some pictures.

    You are right about the ATA Held Hostage threads. I will work on a ATA Held Hostage -Holiday Edition. Coming soon!