What if SCTP goes Cardinal Center - I told you so's

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Family Guy, Oct 8, 2016.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    If the SCTP goes to the Cardinal Center and for the record I am saying it will, then what happens to the WSRC? There will have to be a lot of money spent by the ATA to keep it open. There is at least one gun shop relying on it. Fortunately, the owner may have some pull to keep the place open or not?

    How much of the member's money should go to financing the place? The U.S. Open was another flop and the GAH again had as few shooters as the during the 1940's

    Can the ATA find another person to cover their bad decisions? Another enabler? Maybe two?

    Expect the I told you so gang, including me, to start screaming WE TOLD YOU SO!

    And for the record WE TOLD YOU SO!
  2. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    So many ways to keep this place generating money to stay open.

    A couple come to mind...

    Think out of the "Shooting Box" folks. There are other interests that shooters enjoy.

    This would be the ideal place to hold another Woodstock Festival. Would not bother anyone out there in no man's land.

    A farm neighbor of mine in NY almost had an anniversary of Woodstock in the '80's, but the town kept pressure on him to not do it, so he pulled the plug...He anticipated hundreds of thousands of dollars holding this event...

    Another out of the box venue could be.....

    Well, a POLO field...We already have the horse barn, and plenty of Horse S*** has been already been spread, tried and proven.

    Just some ideas for today.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  3. Union Strong

    Union Strong Well-Known Member

    We are to the point that fewer care every year. There is no cavalry coming.