Want to attract shooters to your club?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by dr.longshot, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Whether it is registered shooting or games shooting, this is working at one of the clubs I shoot at. You need a LOCKABLE GLASS DISPLAY CASE. A New deck of cards, you can use both JOKERS or one, One joker makes it a one in 53 cards chance to win.

    The inside base of the LOCKABLE GLASS DISPLAY CASE, needs to be Wood/Ply-wood/ Etc. Approx 30"inches x 36"inches. You will also need a Secure Lockable place/ We use a 4"inch Black Iron Pipe, with a welded plate for the bottom, and a welded hinge plate for the top, with a narrow slit in the top to drop
    small envelopes w/money and ticket w/buyers name and card number. You will also need 2 good locks
    with keys roll of 1 inch wide cellophane tape/stable gun that has handle.

    The steel pipe is an option for members. It should be in a secure area if you use it.

    I suggest you only sell tickets on shoot date once a week/ the drawing is only once a week at a specified time, Responsible person collects the money from participant and gives him a ticket to put his name and card number on, deposit his/her ticket in an Empty Coffee can that has a lid so it can be shaken up.

    On the day of the drawing you have a person who is not an entry, draw one ticket. The trusted person
    unlocks the LOCKABLE GLASS DISPLAY CASE, with a sharp knife he cuts around the drawn numbered card
    The person who had his/her name drawn pulls the stapled card, and turns it over to see if they got the
    JOKER to win the POT less the 20% or 40% if they are not present.

    The amount of MONEY IN POT is posted in view of all entrants. It Is Updated every week so everyone knows how much money can be won.

    You need cards shuffled face down, numerous times, to really mix up the new deck w/one joker.

    With witnesses all cards are placed face down with 1/2 inch space between them and stapled in the center. After all cards are stapled down, put cellophane tape covering 2 cards, in rows top to bottom, and then across side to side, all cards are taped down on 4 sides.

    Now with a BLACK PERMANENT MARKER number the back of cards w/numbers from One to 53. The area for numbers is the actual back of cards/not the taped area.

    You will need a large roll of tickets with a place for persons name/ we use the 2 piece ticket/ throw away the bottom half of ticket, it is not usable for the game, normally it is full of printing.

    You want shooters and their wives, or regular club attendees, club members/officers and wives

    You want to attract shooters/that participate at shoots of the club, it is not meant for the public.

    If I forgot anything please ask and I will answer as promptly as I can. I think I covered it all.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot Please read it all as I have erred placing some paragraphs. it is all there.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I could see that this would be a major attraction for many clubs ... Money and shooters just kind of go together like peanut butter and jelly ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    WPT: Our club JOKER jackpot has not been hit yet, It is now up to $7,240.00 + what goes in Thursday Night. Last Thursday we had a very large turn out and shot some 4 man protections, they were new at it and there was a lot of doubling up, and that is a lost target. The shoot is now up about 30% or more and still growing, and so is the JOKER POT.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    You obviously have something that is a draw for shooters, if its fun and you can make a few bucks at it, what could be better ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
  5. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    The club is apt to make $1400+ at this time,
