Trapshooting Hall of Fame - - Would you donate? POLL

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Sep 18, 2015.


Would you donate money or trapshooting heirlooms to the Trapshooting Hall of Fame?

  1. Maybe

  2. Yes

  3. If it was relocated I would consider it.

  4. Yes if the HOF owned the building.

  5. No

  6. We don't need a HOF.

  7. Last year I would have considered doing that.

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  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Freedom of Information requests have been made by a forum member(s) concerning the HOF lease. The lease and other information has been posted on the site.

    Would you donate money or trapshooting heirlooms to the Trapshooting HOF now?
  2. conservative

    conservative Member

    I am betting donations have fallen a bit.
  3. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

    $2,000,000.00 on property you do not own. Our fees helped pay for it. We are the dummies. :(
  4. bruin

    bruin Member

    Where are the HOF and ATA kool ade servers.
  5. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I just donated some old targets to the OHIO State HOF Museum.

    I don't live in Ohio, but I believe they will get to be seen by many who attend shoots at the CC.

    I always donated each year to the national Trapshooting Hall of Fame but after seeing the lease they signed, I just cannot bring myself to donate to it any more.

    I love the history of trap shooting, and this is very sad what has happened. I do hope they can get things sorted out and be able to salvage all the monies and effort that have been put forth with the National endeavor. Perhaps the State of Illinois will be gracious enough to donate the monies spent on Their building back to the THOF if they cannot continue keeping the place open.

    I suppose I am dreaming, but I guess it's nice to think that the State would be willing to buy the building instead of almost stealing it over some dumb ass lease that was signed. ;)

    I still think the State has a whole lot more money than the THOF, and could relent a little.
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