Trapshooting Games

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    How many have you shot these games at your club after an ATA shoot for fun?

    Blue Bird shot from 22 yd. line--shooter to your left shoots a target and leaves a piece big enough for you to break, you break it, that gives him a DING, 2 Dings he is out, and so on down the line until one shooter is left, take out target cooust, winner gets what is left.

    25 bird walking international, shot from 17 yds to 25 yards, you move 2 yds each target shot, then switch, 25yds down to 17yds
    rotating 5 times, 25 straight wins the Pot.

    Annie Oakleys, shot from max yardage, shooter to the left starts, he misses, you break it, he goes to the end of line. 1st man misses, 2nd man misses, 3rd man breaks it, shooters who missed go to end of line, keep shooting until shooters get 2 DINGS, they are out, shooter left gets the pot after targets are paid.

    Miss & Out, leader picks a spot shoots and breaks it, all shooters shoot from same spot, any missed makes a buy back of $5.00, he can buy back twice, lead shooter picks another spot shoots and misses, he buys back, next shooter breaks it, he becomes the leader on the next shot, the buy backs put a lot of money in the pot..

    5 from the pole, club has a specific spot to shoot from, all shooters shoot the 5 targets, all ties shoot off from the same place, until only one is left standing, he gets the pot after targets are paid for.Most clubs in my area shoot this as last shoot of the day/night.

    Shooters shoot their own shells, no buffer allowed, no 3 inch shells,

    These are the most popular shoots in my area,

    27-30 yard doubles buddy shoot, taking turns at lead shot, buddy misses, you attempt to break it, if you break it, it's dead target, then it is your turn to break yours, shoot 5 pair from each post, winners dived or shootoff for pot.

    Dr.longshot Gary Bryant

    Name some of yours that we can try.
  2. fredoniarob

    fredoniarob Active Member

    I shoot Oakley, S.H.O.O.T (miss and out with no buy back, 5 letters and out), Pendleton, chair shoot from 25yrd line, and a few varieties of skrap
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    We played many of those games, NO buy backs ... No second chance on the "Blus Birds" , shooter hits the piece your gone ...
    We would shoot a "Dove Shoot" , 25 targets, start out on the trap next to the objective trap (post5 /16 yardline then post 5 at the 27 yardline ... Then one each at 30 yards post 1-5 on the objective trap, then to the trap next to it on the opposite side (27 yd line ) them to the 16 yardline on that trap, keep shooting on that trap until someone wins ...

    5 for $5 , from the Pole (45 yards) ... Most hits wins, no ties, shoot for a winner ...

    We shot "Annies " from 30 yards, same rules apply ... No buy backs ...

    Good time's were had by all ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  4. ltsc1

    ltsc1 Active Member

    You bluebird is similar to our "piece behind the house". We stand directly behind the house and the shooters stand one on the left corner and then one on the right. Shooter on the left calls the bird and tries to break, Shooter on the right tries to shoot any part that is left. If he does the first shooter gets a ding. The shooter from the right then moves to the left and the process starts all over. 2 dings and you are out.