Scammer Hulk439

Discussion in 'Report the Bastards!' started by Billy, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Billy

    Billy Mega Poster

    I decided to post this in the FS section
    also had I had seen the remarks about Hulk 439
    I would not have dealt with him
    Caveat emptor
    A26A likes this.
  2. skullrider

    skullrider Mega Poster

    What was this person selling? What was the listing?
  3. Harvey McCraw

    Harvey McCraw Well-Known Member

    I had a wanted to buy ad for a Benelli number one and he sent me a picture and would not do a phone call conversation. It was too cheap anyway.
  4. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    You should always talk to the seller...scammers do not want to talk to you, they don't know the answers to your questions....