Cross Dominate Eye

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Ernroe, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. Ernroe

    Ernroe Well-Known Member

    I'm a right hand shooter with a left dominate eye and over the years have tried about every gimmick you can think of to keep both eyes open when shooting. Nothing has really worked as well as closing the dominate eye. In Skeet I can keep both eyes open when calling for the target and then close left eye before shooting. That works okay but for some reason not as well in Trap. I have used Keen Sight ribs on several of my guns and they are a good product. I'm planning to order another rib in the next few weeks. Now, this is my question. Has anybody reading this had any experience Keen Sights Crossfire Eliminator Rib?
  2. Smokintom

    Smokintom Mega Poster Founding Member

    Meadow Industries anti crossover front sight works great for me.
  3. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    As a RH left-eye dominant shooter, I've found that closing the left eye partially closes my shooting eye. I use the magic-dot on the left lens and after mounting I open both eyes wide.
  4. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    You can use both Meadows Industries and 3/4 " Magic dot. It takes a bit to get a use to but works for me.
  5. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    I bought a couple of their sight blinders but have yet to install them. The cross-over eliminator is a distraction from the target for me - didn't matter what color.
    firewater likes this.
  6. Ernroe

    Ernroe Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the response, thanks.