I may be mistaken be I thought I saw Merlo in the balcony of the House Chambers a little while ago on Newsmax. Merlo hasn't been on here for awhile,...
The worthless Governor of Ohio Mike DeWine yesterday signed Ohio Senate Bill 175 into law. He said last week that he was going to veto it....
I'm wondering how many of you on here are going to get the Vaccine shots when you can. I'm not and I really don't think anyone wants to try and...
In August of 2016 I had a heart operation, 5 bypasses. My surgeon Dr. Bill is someone I have known for over 20 years. He and and his family have...
I'm a little disappointed that I'm the one who has to bring this up but Ohio Governor DeWine was hit with 12 counts of impeachment filed by 4...
I want to apologies to every trap shooter on here because I was at one time on Rob Portman's steering committee and even did TV adds for his last...
I just saw that the Pa governor says you have to wear a mask even in your own home, does he mean to bed too? First off DEDPAIR are you following his...
I don't know if you are feeling it but I sure can. The country out here in Western Ohio is getting surlier by the hour. People in the Dr. office,...
I just read on Whatfinger that President Trump is going to start holding Rally's and show the obituaries of dead voters that voted this election....
If you care to know what is going on I suggest you go to Newsmax on the web or TV. Fox News is not our friend if you are conservatives, and neither...
In 2011 I said no more ATA trap shooting. I haven't shot an ATA target since and the longer I've been away from it the easier it became not to go to...
I've been thinking about this BS that is going on with this presidential election. I'm wondering what the lying News media would rather have if...
[ATTACH] I found this old picture recently and I wonder how many can name the shooters, what year, and where the photo was taken. Notice how...
I read a couple of threads on here from some life members asking to see Lynn Gibson's ATA contract. I'd love to see it and I think any life member...
I looked at the scores from last weeks Buckeye shoot at the Cardinal Center and it reinforced what I've always known about shooting windy, or strong,...
I've been looking at the handicap scores at the Cardinal Center Buckeye shoot this week and they seem low to me, just like the good old days. I've...
As a member of the National Trapshooting HOF I am very concerned about the safety of the items in the Museum at Sparta and I can't see how any...
If you don't think I live in a Conservative area here is a picture of the Coldwater Ohio (football town) water tower that went up last week....
When I was at the Cardinal on Thursday I drove over to the Skeet Area to look at the 4 International Bunker Trap Fields that Jack's crew built. They...
I was told by Scoot Williams that the 2020 Ohio State Sporting Clays Shoot was being limited to 4 shooters on a squad. Why I don't have any idea,...
I don't know if anyone of you are paying attention or not but the crap that is going on in this country right now is much, much more important to us...
I've been pondering something all day today and would like some thoughts from the form members. I can't decide which organization is led by more...
With all the BS that is going on around the country right now I was wondering what is going to happen with this years' SCTP shoot at the CC. With...
I think that any shooting, hunting, or firearm business that has been ordered shut down by a tyrannical governor, that wanted to stay open, should...
Is it just me or could Cuomo use the help of the original ATA virus N1H1 to help him deflect those tuff questions at his news shin digs? We all know...
If a state has to cancel its 2020 state ATA shoot then what is the ATA delegate situation going to be ? The ATA rules say that a state has to elect...
Good news for all ATA members from CNN it was announced by the talking head that the 2020 Sparta, Illinois Grand will be held as usual this August...
I spent 2 days at this years shot show and thought I'd give a report on my impressions of it. The first Shot Show that I ever attended was in 1985...
I got a text from Luke today that the Shot Screen had some major damage from the wind, about 30K worth in fact. 4 of the 85' poles broke off at the...
Here are the next three communications concerning the 2009 OSTA, Fishburn offer to the HOF. Be sure to read the RESPONSE that Bradford sent Lynn...
Here are three letters sent between August 25, 2009 and September 16, 2009. The first is a follow up letter to the Trustees of the HOF from the...
From time to time their are questions asked on this site about trap shooting, guns, money shooting, where you look, where you hold (thank god no 7...
Hey family guy, I see you made a shirt for yourself but I think it might be a good idea to make a Merlo Shirt. Use the crow that is his avatar...
I've been buying old books off e-bay for many years and have acquired a lot of old time trap shooters books. I just bought one from Dick Baldwins...
I just wonder if any one on here has heard anything from the ATA about the Anti Gun laws that Illinois is instituting? I know I like to pick on them...
I've decided that the times call for some serious action and since our President has had to cancel his state of the union address I thought I'd give...
I don't have the insiders giving me the info that Merlo gets but I still have some contacts in the trap shooting world and one sent me this article...
Here is an article I previously wrote. I even had a graph on there for Neil's enjoyment. Please read what I wrote and tell me where I was wrong....
I've been thinking about this subject for several years and I've decided it's time for me to let it fly. Bill Martin has been way more than generous...
I don't know what the current rules for All American teams are today but we used to have to shoot own State Shoot, One Satellite grand, Grand HAA and...
I talked to Bob Zimmerman about the Youth High School team shoot at Mason. He said they had about 1500 shooters, non registered. Anybody have any...
[ATTACH] That's me with the Mod 12 along with Daniel, Luke, and Jake from the Cardinal Center yesterday after a bird hunt at my place Thorn...
I am heading down to the Cardinal Center today for the OSTA HOF party and inductions. My daughter Paula got me set up on Face Book Live and if my...
I was reading the HOF thread and thought I'd post this picture of what we shot for back in the day 7/4/78 at a Jagua's Calcutta. No Ribbons, No AA...
The Boys from the Cardinal Center came up for a day of pheasant hunting and after the hunt we had some eats and drinks and sat around talking about...
For argument's sake I'm going to say that the ATA may very well hold a shoot in Sparta this August (I don't see how it is going to happen though,...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Luke sent me these pictures of some of the work going on at the Cardinal Center getting ready for the kids SCTP Nationals. The...
I've heard the EC's secret plan to save the grand at Sparta, and the ATA in general, is to buy the winning lotto ticket in tonight's big powerball...
Watching Michigan State vs Alabama in the playoff game last week I couldn't help but think that maybe Dr. Longshot passed along some secret knowledge...
Separate names with a comma.