OLD MAN When I was on the OSTA board (for 7 years) I made the same recommendation you just did at every meeting. No one listened.
Jack offers free ground for the HOF, the HOF a couple of hundred thousand dollars at the same time. All the EC members to get $10,000 guns (at...
Good to hear from you on here Dick. Follow the Dr's orders and I'll see you this summer at a Cardinal Shoot.
James344 When I was tournament director for the osta and CC the number of shooters who had an up to date average card was less than half. They all...
I'll be honest I'm not sure about the ones you mentioned although maybe the Savage. I just think that instead of spending money on a new...
Flyer I think you hit on the nose, it does have that beer tent feel to it. If it wasn't so tedious I 'd drink about a dozen Hudies and reread the...
This brings back memories of the grudge match.
I own a half dozen CZ rifles and I think they are as good a rifle as any made. We had a gun store and were CZ direct in about 2005 or 2006 when...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is the Brass Banana that Dave Berlet has been talking about. It was a doubles trophy that I got from the old Great Lakes...
No fear I have found the Brass Banana (Joe Powell award back then) in the curio cabinet and will get Ann to help me post a couple of pictures of it,...
This thread needs bumped to the top as a reminder of what is going on with the ATA leadership/delegates.
Flyer's can you do something for me for Christmas, can you make a graph of all of us who posted on this thread. I thought your last two posts were...
I had an ASE 90 when they first came out and it was a very good gun. The one I had was a full and full and I shot it mainly for live birds but also...
IowaShooter I enjoy your updates, thanks.
The first 680 series Beretta was called a 680 which was my first Beretta Trap Gun, then they made a 682X that I got right off the boat and I still...
Rookieshooter A very good question I'm sure that info can be put into a graph, a song or poem would be nice too. I fear for you this will get the...
flyer's a song would be better than a graph right about now. I think Family Guy is about to slip into the abyss. I almost think Roger and Ollie are...
Kenny I knew you still cared, though I'm still upset you didn't take Bradford's offer to resign because of what he did to you when he made it. Oh...
User 1 I have a book titled "Sixth Annual Review and official Registered Tournament Trap shooting Averages" from the year 1920 issued by The American...
Ollie I'm going to do a little more venting here. In 1985 I worked my ass off and broke 14 200 straights. That was one more than Ray Stafford's...
How can I as a member of the Trap Shooting HOF take being a member seriously and be proud of the organization when I look around at who is getting in...
I heard that Dick is in a Nursing Home and might be for a number of weeks, I don't know if that is true but I hope he is OK and can make it to the CC...
Kenny thanks for the info, I think you are own to something. Kiner told me last year that Bradford wanted to throw me out but they just couldn't...
20 years, HB when I got into the HOF in 2000 it was 25 years of active ATA shooting if you were alive. Betty Ann was my presenter at my induction....
User 1 You pretty much nailed it.
Was it Me?
Has anyone ever heard Dave give a Restaurant a bad review?
Pail T Cyr Did the MARTINS buy their way into a Midland TX Football HOF too. They are fake HOF members as far as Trap Shooting goes. If you don't...
Jack O'Matic better than any Winston graph ever.
Roger I've known you for a lot more than 30 years, I know you have the best interests for ATA shooting at Heart but just because I know you and know...
Rodger when Bradford and the HOF changed the requirements to get into the HOF just to let the Martians in any good that they had done was negated by...
If I could go back in time I'd love to set under the beer stand at Vandalia on a preliminary weekend day and drink some Buds with all my trap...
Flyer's I've always thought a thread has a shelf life, but then the Dave Schaffer thread makes an appearance. I wish we had a graph that explained...
See my update, wings anyone?
Flyersarebest, It does deify reason doesn't it.
I talked to Jake and he told me that the Cardinal Center has leased out the Legacy Restaurant to a Pizza, Wings, and Beer Outfit and he thinks they...
Terry do you know what's wrong with Dick?
At the risk of bringing this back on the subject of my original post in 1993 55,000 ATA shooters and less than 100 All Americans. Today hundreds of...
I don't think it will take three years. Every hunter that has came through Thorn Bottom this year has mentioned the ammo shortage. These guys for...
Good Luck we're thinking of you and praying for you.
Ollie I helped set the targets at the Maryland State, the Westy Hogans, and the Eastern Zone at Thurmont several years in the late 80's and early...
paBob I think you are a little slow to the party here. This stuff has been going on for a few years on here, I think A handle change may be called...
Bad management is now more the rule than the exception it appears, even at gun clubs. I'd guess History Seeker has the real reason.
Ollie What are you babbling about? The one thing that most amazed me about the eastern shooters when I first moved to Maryland was how snippy and...
Ollie when I was shooting back in the good old days it was all over the West that Frank Little was a target claimer, I always answered that I shot...
Looks like Ron was wrong, I don't think there will be much going on tonite because the looters now know that crossing the line can be fatal. Lets...
Flyers, I've been eyeing 1985. Good reading for anyone that wants a heads up. BUT I never jump in front of a speeding train.
Well said Family Guy but that horse is already 50 miles down the road.
Our local clubs that shoot 50 bird meat shoots have been holding up well but some shooters are saying that they are about out of reloads so I don't...
Separate names with a comma.