Trap shooting doesn't need fixed, the ATA needs fixed. Local clubs around NW Ohio are doing fine shooting practice and meat shoots. Other parts of...
That wasn't so hard a question after all.
Let's see how that works out for them.
A lot of people seem to want Dave and me to write a book, I'll talk to him and see if we can come up with something.
Back when Leo won his events we shot together and he followed me at the grand. He could read the up and down movement of the trap off of my shot,...
Singles shooters ate bologna while handicap shooters ate steak and sea food back in my day.
Dave I'm sure I was working too hard to notice how quite you were (are) at the time. Ed Leo and I did play a game or two of hearts over the years....
How much does it pay? Not for me by the way I just thought it would be nice to know.
Leo and I traveled, shot, and hunted together for 30 years, We met in 1975 and he was as close to a brother as I will ever have. Even after I quit...
This thread seems to have aged pretty well. A lot better than the 30 days comments from all those years ago. I'd like to see that thread back to...
I don't think even Bill Martin can afford Sparta again, he did pay for the hof building once already. It will be interesting to see who does bid on...
I would think that the State of Illinois would have some laws on the books about how to sell state property. I can't think it could be done without...
Merlo, If this is true then the HOF is up for sale too. I remeber a thread on here from a couple years ago that a lawyer said that the state owned...
I spent Friday afternoon on u tube looking at trap shooting videos. The number of expert trap shooters giving advice was breath taking, most of...
How about stupidly foolish.
FTX math.
The mandatory doubles ford purse was around in 1978 for sure because Leo won them. In doubles you could win them all but in handicap only one and...
All the old western LV and Reno shoots had mandatory money. Live Bird shooting has mandatory money. The old ATA Grand's had mandatory money. I'll...
God trap shooters are stupid. I made my living off of people that knew more about shooting clay targets than I did. When the ATA went to 2 hole...
My part of Northwest Ohio was trap shooting and rifle shooting territory. Camp Perry was about 100 miles north and Vandalia 100 miles south. The...
bobski, What years were you in Maryland? I was there from 1985 to 1993, the Beretta Factory was on Indian Head Highway. I lived in Cambridge...
No news, I wonder if he is going to take the CC job? It is/was open.
PaShooter, when I first moved to Maryland in the fall of 1985 I was suprised to see that the state Association put out one program for all the...
paBob It would be nice if someone from Pa in the know, I guess that means not you, would fill us in on what the story is. Did Skip quit, get fired,...
It is done.
paBob you are just being mean.
Dan and Dave have spanish blood in their veins, and were/are/still kool trap shooters in a pinch.
Michigan had years of miss management before you started shooting. The MTA grounds were paid for at least 2 times that I know of. I think it was...
Many older semi auto shotguns have a mag cut off. I love my Beretta 302's for that reason and I believe the old A 5's had one. What does change...
Now the old guys drive their golf cart one trap to the next, as the young guys do too and all trap shooters get fatter and fatter. Terry have you...
I got hooked into re reading this old thread, much like I do old hunting books, and I have to say it is both enjoyable and frustrating.
The Cardinal shoot was off something like 40% for the week. We had plenty of help but not near the quality that we had when I last was a Tournament...
When I was actively shooting ATA I walked the line at all clubs I shot at in AZ, at three different clubs in Reno, two in Las Vegas, in Kansas, in...
Mike I was lucky to get the osta to switch ends on the 16's championship day so at least you had to shoot 8 different traps. That has went away at...
Just because Michigan has kicked OSU's ass the last two years doesn't mean the OSTA should follow Michigan's Trap Shooting idea's anywhere. They...
Maybe this was why the rush to let the Mexican's into the SW zone. The mexican GAH is in the future. Not much difference beteen Illinois and...
And Mike I forgot to mention all of those shoots were done with ink an paper long long before the first computer.
Mike you are wrong. It worked for years and years. All shoots should walk the line if you want a fair shoot. Many of today's AA's can't shoot a...
A good round of name calling is always a good read. What I've always liked about the net is the ability to set at my desk and F**k with people...
There was a plan to build ice aircraft carriers during WW2, I can't remember if it was US or British Brains that came up with it.
RJ dosn't do the Silver Dollar anymore. Drawing for banks is 1980's tech. Too hard for today's ATA State Associations.
Why didn't shoot management take care of this at the shoot. The TD should have stopped it, the trap puller should have not allowed it, the line ref...
I heard today that the osta might be reconsidering it's $10 Lewis Class move at the next osta meeting. I don't know if they are going back to the...
BIG PAPA I think you ment to say Dave does not like to buy.
Don Merlo Smerlo, catching the ATA telling a lie ain't that big of a deal. I don't know why Kiner would have voted to let the mexicans have a...
Who Cares, Merlo is losing his/hers/its/they/them/those/us/thems edge by asking questions? In the olden times he/she/it/them/those/ect,ect.ect had...
BIG PAPA Lima 50 should be PMing Dave about saving some kruat. Last time I was at the New Year's shoot that was who I saw hanging around the food...
The Illinois grand has been a failure from year one, check the numbers. Might of, could bee, who knows. The facts say the move is the reason....
Roy D, Only things that happen are the grand gets smaller, the all american team larger, the money in Gipson's bonus more and the ATA sheds members....
Guss I don't understand your point. I can't remember Gary tooting the govs horn or any business for that matter. I don't know what year you became...
Separate names with a comma.