Dave is right it happened at the Ohio State Shoot, I had a 98 and was none to happy that Terry Jordan was getting a chance to tie me. I told Acklin...
Gary, one year at the Ohio State shoot at Vandalia the EC was thinking about Trap Readers, Hiram Bradley was the best of the best so they came to him...
I was a trap reader. I didn't so much read for straightaways I read for areas, that's saying I tried to keep the trap on the left side or the right...
Well said Hap.
From the September 1979 Trap & Field Mag page 105, Dave Bopp's Manager's Office column he writes about the ATA's soon to be 100,000 member who would...
No, The only thing in the rules allowed me was to throw 50 yard 9 1/2 ft. The scores wouldn't have been as high with 3 hole. Doubles were too...
I will agree that easy targets are what the average ATA shooter of today wants, saying that the 70 per cent that the ATA has lost didn't. Money...
When I was shooting competition I never cared if I broke an 88 in caps, as long as the next high score was 87. Some of the best shooting I ever did...
Hap at the Cardinal Shoots last year that I was TC we shot t-bared 9 and half foot, 50 yard targets and I told the setters to not reset a trap...
Rosey, I've watched what you describe happen for the last 20 years until it has gotten to the point the ATA is today. Of course trap shooting is...
Dan back in 1981 the OHIO guys made some noise about PITA shooting with WV coming along. Fred Bischel was one of the drivers with some other OSTA...
Dan you and I have known this to be true for years. When you have a president like Taylor what would you expect. I sleep well at night knowing that...
I shot a 303 20ga the last 4 grands I shot. I shot it exclusively for singles and doubles for about 8 years. With two hole 46 yd targets the 7/8th...
I can not in good conscious tell someone to join the ATA. I can in good conscious tell them to try trap shooting. Trap Shooting and the ATA are not...
I think it had to do with the balance point of the gun. I go a lot by how a gun feels to me. This story doesn't have anything to do with anything...
The BT came right after the model 12, I bought it off Gene Sears at the Mint for $225 and started using it when my model 12 was broken. I ended up...
Not me.
The 5 is my favorite show. Brad
As tournament director at Cardinal shoots I was always watching the radar and had the trap line help watching the sky. If lighting was anywhere in...
There is no doubt in my mind that I shot the 682 best. With it I shot the best overall scores I ever broke at the grand in 88, broke 7 consecutive...
I talked to Jake and they may be adding a date in the fall also. Brad
The 30 yard line, the 32 yard line, the 35 yard line, none mean a thing if you keep shorting up the distance you throw the target, Speed kills,...
The black shells kicked me too much, I liked the fed papers better, or better yet the win supper target. I don't know why but they kicked less and...
Doc, That Illinois mag is definitely a fake, I would not, I repeat I would not let my picture be taken with the EC. As for the second I can't blame...
I think that is Dave Berlet just to the right of the scorer, Back before he started shooting for food. Brad
Doc, I like that cover of Mad, if you send it to me I can autograph it for you or is that the new ATA trap shooting magazine Illinois addition? Brad
HAP, I think that is very possible, I know that when I'm shooting my best my eyes go to the target and the gun follows. I think moving the gun...
Great post, it'd be hard to shoot against you laughing as hard as you just made me. A word of advice though don't shoot against Berlet for food, no...
Another issue is other than weight is Barrel length. When I was shooting for Beretta I had my choice of any shotgun they made to use. I tried a...
oleolliedawg, It's funny that you should say this today because I was just saying the same thing to Dave Berlet this weekend. I think that as the...
Sad to say it. Every club that I broke a 100 handicap is now closed. Jaqua's was only an hour from my house, my Aunt lived just across the tracks...
If I had a home club it was Jaqua's. Hate to see it go but can't blame Cam and George for selling, the land was worth way to much to be a trap club....
When I was on the OSTA board TSC.Com was my main way to communicate with the Ohio shooters, the EC, and the main body of old ATA shooters that had...
Rich, Lord does have a nice ring to it, maybe King of the ATA is what I should aspire to be. After all it looks to me that the EC has enough jesters...
Tron is going for the first 2000 views on americantrapshooter. Go big guy. You can do it. Trolling is s much an art as a science. This to the top...
Leonidas, I like big Don. Brad
Leonidas, To answer our question both. Remember back in the day the ATA only ran the Grand in Vandalia. The added money they gave for that shoot...
I've stated my opposition many times to the EC's vision of ATA trap shooting. I do not believe there is enough of a core of shooters left....
Ken, the last time I shot Wisc. was at the Central Zone shoot in 75 or 76 but I have been up there a couple of times to Ben Smith's place. Ben will...
Mason is one of my favorite places to shoot, I'm glad they are making some headway. I hope I don't have to add it too my top 10 list. Is it true...
The single biggest problem (I) had as CC tournament director was the ATA's shooter records. Many times they were out of date or missing altogether,...
Rich, you' re a little testy today. ATA is not "what we got". There is PITA, International (Olympic, pit) games, money shoots, live birds, behind...
Dr.Longshot, I don't want my money to go to the ATA because of the EC. I don't really care about angle, shell speed, target distance, hundreds of...
Wow you'd have to shoot with your buddies, do you need them to call targets for you,? So are you really class B or just claim to be. TVG011 your...
TGV011 I used to think that winning my second clay target championship in a 400 bird shoot off was by far my best personal accomplishment, but then...
The only reason anyone runs off of this site is by choice, not because the moderators ban them because of there speech or opinion and throw them...
I think I can clear my calendar to be there. Brad
Gary, I'm talking about the Physical Trap Club that is gone and not a money shoot. Hope this clears up any confusion. I'm starting to put to...
Here is the last of my top 10 clubs that aren't around anymore numbers 5 to 1 5. Troy, OH - Camp Troy Gun Club - Dave Berlet wrote a piece about...
Bashshmn, You make my point. I want trapshooting to get back to what it was when I started shooting 40 years ago, it is going in the wrong...
Separate names with a comma.