I played a lot of hearts with Larry over the years, another one gone. RIP
Instead of changing the bylaws to remove a dead man from the HOF I think the current OSTA borad would be a lot better off spending their time...
I unerstand the jest of the thread, when the idea of making retro moral judgements about an HOF member and changing the rules to justify it an...
Jim/Canton, You must live down stream from the East Palestine chem spill to think that there are NO Ohio HOF bird shooters, or in Pa, or in the...
First of all my spell check is broken so if you don't like misspelled words remember I'm a trap shooter and not an English teacher. I do have a...
Phil Kiner told me a couple of years ago Bradford and Gipson were trying to find a way to throw me out of the Trapshooting HOF. So it hs been thought...
Ollie you are still full of shit. Push the 30 yard line some more. Everything you have said is wrong. You setting easy targets at your club so...
Joe I liked your responce. When money was taken out of trap shooting the die was cast. The shooters of my time were money shooters. We were young...
I have plenty of young hunters at my club. It costs them a lot more than trap shooting. The present for trap is dead, hunting preserves are doing...
I have a ring but I haven't used it in 15 years at least. Pigeons are hard birds to keep for any time. They get sick and die, screw head. There's...
Ollie and not replaced. The ATA was run like Bud Lite is today.
Joe are you too young to remember when your dad and I would have shot a northwest zone at Jaqua's in the 70's that had 400 shooters? You had a...
I think your ship has sailed, or sunk. Twenty years ago when I was telling everyone what the ATA was doing to registered shooting with the likes of...
I've generaly tried to stay quite about all things OSTA since I've been off the board and washed my hands of ATA shooting. But saying that, I'm glad...
How many shooters?
Those were a little faster and a lot harder kicking. I also broke a 100 in doubles at the grand one year shooting a 1oz 8 and a silver 7 1/2. I...
In 1988 I set the then HOA record at the grand shooting Extra Lite Fed 7 1/2s for all shots. They were slow but very consistent speed wise. When I...
I've been out of the mix for so long now that I don't know the cost of a box of targets today. I had a guy tell me today that the cost was around...
The reason that Budweiser left the grand was that Carson Woods was the new Margeting guro for the ATA about 1993 or 94 somewhere in that time period...
I spent many many August nites at the grand beer tent and would love to do it again but that sign, as much as I liked it, made me want to throw up...
I couldn't find it fast enough and lost interest. If we can't give info why report anything? I'm with Polars shooter.
I was 97 straight in handicap at Vandalia one year, might have been the state shoot, and my 98th shot which was an AA super handicap the shot hit the...
No news about fishing, maybe he fell in?
I like everything about hunting. A day of hunting is like a new book. It goes one chapter at a time.
I think the Win Mod 12 is the perfect shotgun. The one I shoot the best is a 28 inch field gun. I have both full and moified one's. When the...
We had pretty good money at the first few Ohio State Shoots at the CC. What killed money shooting was not one thing but several. The ATA's AA...
I talked to Jake and the CC is going to take down all the curtian, too much damage. It would cost over 70K just to replace the poles that are down...
Trap Shooters don't shoot for money, they should offer 5X AA points.
Just to visit Hunter?
Who would have ever thunk it? Too bad no one warned the ATA and it's shooters' before they moved to Illinois from Ohio. I quess no one saw this...
I forgot, who's the guy holding the flag, he looks somewhat familer to me?
Trap shooters were hard on bad pullers back then. Truefully I think the handguns were a team trophy from a north south shootout shoot that used to...
30 years sure have flown by. Thanks
What year?
Phil knew a lot about spreading stuff besides recoil. I miss our heart's games. Me, him, Leo, and Bobbie Gilbertson would shoot the chain together...
Don after today maybe we will be seeing you too.
D. Lee Braun was a skeet shooter. He shot some trap but if anyone knows which way a target is going it's a skeet shooter. I'd be interested in...
Back when men shot trap we would turn up the spring and put it in the 5 hole for 16 yard shoot offs.
Dave Berlet made my recoil pads when he worked at Goodyear. It;s the best pad I've ever had, but he only made about 2 doz or so. I have three of...
Thanks Bruce, hard to believe what that gun looks like. I've never seen any gun blow up that bad before. Have you?
I talked to Jake and he said that the CC would pay 20K to fix the screen anytime when needed in order to make the 90K in lead sales that they get for...
Bruce if you have heard what make of gun and was it and was it an O/U or auto?
I will agree with ollie that today's ATA shooters are made up of the fat and lazy who are so out of shape that they can't tote their $20,000 shotguns...
Ollie what are you talking about??? One of those clubs holding meat shoots once a month is Cloverdale and they have about 15 to 20 squads, a lot of...
Thanks Lima 50 and Joe. If you want to see what we do at Thorn Bottom you can find it on u tube under Thorn Bottom Hunting, Ohio Pheasant Hunting,...
The clubs in Ohio that are prospering are the smaller 2 trap clubs that DO set wider harder farther targets and don't shoot ATA. The ATA Ohio...
Don I agree with you but math is hard for some people. The only thing in this conversation that I want to add is that Neil Winston was the biggest...
When I shot my first Grand American in 1974 I watched Britt, Dan, and Larry shoot several events and I said then that's who I want to shoot like....
More important to me, what happens to Punkin?????
Separate names with a comma.