Could be to protect merlo's spies from Chicago politics.
HistoryBuff, Merlo told me the MOU is coming on this site for everyone to read sometime tonite. Then everyone can read it for themselves and make up...
I have come to the conclusion that Merlo must have a "man" on the inside. I'd guess either Greentitian or Hunter44, I'm leaning for hunter44 because...
I've viewed a copy of the actual signed MOU, looks a lot like m i c k e y M O U se club to me. Has the IDNR or ATA posted it yet? If they haven't...
I've heard Merlo has got some news from one of his local spies. Is this true?
duffkiss06, looks like my info on the SCTP from Dec 27 was right on the mark. My new info is that the MOU is now for only 2 or 3 weeks. PorchDog...
I've already talked with Luke and will be at the CC to help with the shoot anyway I can. I've talked to both Kenny Ray and Dave about doing...
I've heard the same news that the MOU is now for 2 or 3 weeks only. I've also read that the SCTP has a contract for 2017 with the IDNR so if the...
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that I think the Leaders of the ATA, (delegates and EC members) are what is hurting registered...
I talked with the boys at the CC and it is a signed deal as of today. This will be great for the SCTP kid's families too, just think of all the...
I've heard the EC's secret plan to save the grand at Sparta, and the ATA in general, is to buy the winning lotto ticket in tonight's big powerball...
I want to know why there is not an all Kool Aid drinker team, I vote for Geentitian and hunter44 as co captains. Certainly they would have the most...
Leonidas, If you live in a state that allows gun control to run amuck you need to fix your own house. I spend my time making sure that here in Ohio...
It's been so long since I shot in Arizona that I don't know if these guys are from Phoenix or Tucson. I thought that the HOF would have gotten the...
I no longer go to Maryland, I lived there for 8 years and loved the Eastern Shore, great hunting but I felt like I had to get out when my kids got...
Good facts Kenny. It sucks when good facts get in the way of the official BS line from the EC. Easier targets, shorter targets, more satellite...
I've heard from two different shooters from the AZ area in the last month that the Martin money hasn't found it's way into the hof's coffers as of...
Family guy might have a point. BigDon in the grudge match did resemble Michigan State more than Alabama did the good Doctor. I did hear a rumor...
The number one thing that has cost the ATA shooters is the move to Sparta, Illinois. All the other dumb ass moves before and since pail in...
Watching Michigan State vs Alabama in the playoff game last week I couldn't help but think that maybe Dr. Longshot passed along some secret knowledge...
I think today is the one year anniversary for if I'm not mistaken, although I don't know how that can be right, I remember...
Dan I think a collective WE TOLD YOU SO is in order right about now, so WE TOLD YOU SO. I feel better now. I'm planning on going to the Moulton...
I know that Jack told SCTP he'd build 16 skeet fields for the nationals if they'd commit to the CC. Not sure where they'd be but Jack does own...
Question --- When is the proper time to say I told you so? Answer ---- Right about now. Brad
I wonder when 'too late' is for the kool aid boys. I talked to a person in the firearms industry today and they still haven't heard anything on a...
I think this past year a lot of shooters got their eyes opened. American Trapshooter can't be a favorite of the Kool Aid drinkers and EC because...
No. There is so much more to holding a trap shoot than most ATA members realize. If the place is closed who does the parking, the trash, the camp...
I shot one PITA shoot in Vancover BC, had a great time. Leo and I shot the Canadian Championships there in 76 or 77, great time and a nice club. I...
Roger how about a past president's team, even though I haven't got my hat yet. Brad
I'd shoot some registered trap again. Brad
Roger you need to start a new thread I think. Brad
Why is there a relocation committee if the ATA is staying in Sparta? Brad
Leonidas, the ATA EC is who got the government involved in trap shooting in the first place when they went to an anti gun Illinois and signed a deal...
Does anyone believe that any state union would allow a non union, private, 501 c.3 to operate and event on state property without picketing the...
Has everyone just given up, I haven't seen the ATA held hostage week whatever for awhile. Doesn't anybody care anymore, if not the ATA is surely...
I've known Joel for years, I'd say he's an honest guy to do business with. A good shot too. Ask him about his 100 from 27 he broke to get his slam...
I had a conversation with someone this past week who should know tell me that Bill M is not as in love with the ATA as the Kool Aid Drinkers would...
Gary I kind of thought I might have it backwards, I remembered it worked out opposite of how I thought it might. Don won the 25 that was last but I...
Trapshooting HOF member John Sternberger shot a Model 21, very well too. Look up his records from the late 50's and 60's. I remember he canted it...
Both these guys were fun to deal with and good sports. I can't remember how much money we raised but it was a tidy sum I do know. Thanks to both of...
The ATA has never had a really fanatical shooter base, the average lifespan is/was about three years for a member. So generating new members was...
I hope Punkin is having a better holiday season than the HOF is. Brad
There can never be a better Rocky movie than the first one, sequels are never as good as the original. The Grudge Match is the same, a new one can...
Still not too late to order you I TOLD YOU SO tee shirts. I'm also taking thanksgiving dinner orders from ATA EC and Sparta supporters. The menu...
Don what was the winning 20 ga score? I have one of those 20 ga guns you remember, NOT tubed like some of your squad mates futile attempt at the...
My source tells me sometime in April and the college SCTP shoot will be in October in 2016. I was also told everyone enjoyed the place (maybe even...
Dr. Longshot, apathy has, is, and was what has caused the situation that trap shooting is in. You've been around longer than me, think of all the...
NO, NO, NO 71/2's. If you don't think bigger is always better just ask yourself have you ever seen a 2 3/4 inch dildo (maybe at a skeet shoot)? Brad
Buying Trophies for an ATA shoot today has to be a nightmare. In the first place you can't fool math and when you have so many damn categories,...
Greta C , Or stay home and shoot your local trap club, Cloverdale, Oh will have a 50 bird meat shoot Sunday. It costs 18 dollars and half the...
Separate names with a comma.