Don I'm not privy to the what the rules for the shoot are, just that I will be enforcing them for the shoot. If Czaring isn't a word before it is...
I won't be shooting I'll be Czaring the shoot. I think Trap Czar has a better ring to it than just tournament director does. I'm looking into...
The only time I ever shot a release was way back in 1974 before I joined the ATA. My cousin and I would go to the Fort Wayne Winchester Club to...
Stafford was the best I ever saw in person although I heard Hiram Bradley was great. I saw Ray at Holford's pigeon shoot when a guy bet him 500...
Continental had a shoot last Sunday for Steak (another meat shoot) 50 bird 25 16's and 25 20 yard and they had 16 plus squads. For those of you that...
User 1 it started way before that, in the mid 70's the plot started. The mid western states of Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska...
Roger was he talking?
In 1974 when you joined the ATA you got a temporary 22 yard card and then after shooting 1000 handicap and 1000 single targets you got a permanent...
j price, Same thing with me, Shooters never were allowed to shoot drunk. Another shooter or club management would see to that. I was always more...
I miss the grandstands at night when the shoot offs were going on, lying in the grass between the hundreds on clay target day and watching the August...
Raising the age to 21 is no answer. The same people (news people, democrats, Liberals) think a minor girl can have an abortion without telling or...
I would like to see all Trumps supporters join the NRA just to see if we couldn't get some of the talking heads on PMSNBC and CNN to explode....
T shot, my opinion for what it is worth, and remember I have shot in 38 states and 4 Canadian Providences, and I have been to Sparta on 2 occasions,...
I think it is too late, the old guard is going fast. The average ATA member today knows nothing of Vandalia, money shooting, 55 yard 3 hole...
If you really want to change the ATA do what I did, quit giving them money and stop shooting ATA. Go to the shoot and visit and shoot practice if...
Good job Larry, and all the other volunteers too. Brad
Don, 70 Thousand fewer ATA members today than 1981, I'd say the vast majority of Registered shooters have already expressed themselves. Throw in the...
19 I started ATA but I had shot clay targets at Cloverdale when I was 9. I didn't shoot much between then and when I stated in 1974 shooting ATA...
Smithy, why don't you post their singles and doubles averages also to be fair? The ATA now throws 40 yard doubles instead of the 50 yard ones they...
Trappermike I don't think I know you but I hope you are sincere in what you say, Winston isn't to blame for anything that I know of but other than...
Larry you hit that nail on the head. Kevin sounds like most of the old time money shooters I've read about or have personally known. If you like to...
Trappermike, you may be in love with Neil Winston but he has undoubtedly done more to destroy ATA shooting than any one man I have known in 44 years...
Larry I like what you are saying, but unless the ATA EC gets their heads out of there asses what is the next level for those kids that like...
As for the free shell argument what number of free shells would be the limit. At the Grand Remington, Winchester, and Federal reps would often times...
Rebel Yell was Jim's drink, I tried to buy a bottle yesterday to pass around at the funeral home for him but couldn't find one. I remember Jim from...
Terry I haven't been to Fla for about 20 years, I figured it out (stopped wondering). Brad
HistoryBuff is always asking me why the delegates don't step in and fix the EC and ATA's problems, as Smithy is showing they are the problem. Yes...
Tim let us know about viewing when you find out. Brad
I think I double posted but you get the idea.
Bushmaster was located in Conn at the time of Sandy Hook and that is where they were produced. They made the R15 frames for Remington so it's the...
Oxy may explain how and why the Graph-master and the Kool aide drinkers look at Sparta and the EC with that Rosie outlook they do, they just have a...
I can't remember exactly but I don't think Soros owned Bushmaster until some time after 2012, Freedom group consolidated a lot of firearm names...
I see Fox is reporting on Remington today, George Soros was the big owner and also owned DPMS and Bushmaster. The black gun makers are really in a...
The humor is appreciated but it rings way to true, the osta just kicked all the D shooters in the head by cow-towing to a few fossils that are in AA...
All to true and good points too. I also like everything Live Oak said. I'd add also draw for handicap squad and positions like the Grand did when I...
The Flu?
It's AAA for Ohio, Really Dumb move. Brad
Yes, In fact I gave Merlo a heads up about this at the beginning of the week and he wouldn't print it because he didn't have another source, so he...
The topic of PRO sponsored trap shooter and free shells is something that I know a little about. In 1978 after I won my first Grand American Clay...
California used to have more ATA shooters than Ohio so moving the Grand Closer to them, you would think if we use Smellydogs reasoning, would mean...
Garry, I've shot little skeet, a good bit of sporting and have been hunting since the age of 6 and I shoot 0 pitch on everything if I have a choice....
Schultz is who your thinking of, Klink was the commander. Hogan's Heros' was the show for all the snowflakes who are trying to follow us. I can't...
I Garry, I don't do e-mail but I will try and answer your question in the open form if you ask it here. It might not be right away I'm busy...
Flyersarebest, now that is some good stuff. Brad
BIG PAPA, you should never never ever admit you know nothing else, Berlet might read this. Brad
Auto companies never gave the cars to the clubs in the first place oldskt94, the clubs bought them from dealers and shooters entree fees paid for...
I'd be happy to tell you about the money. It was different at every club but the gist of money shooting was this. Let's say you had a car shoot....
T-Shot having a handicap system that only works one way is a failure, the ATA goes on averages when they do reductions and having someone refuse them...
II think the big divide in this discussion is over "ATA" shooting and TRAP SHOOTING, to me these are two different animals. ATA shooting is where it...
[ATTACH] That's me with the Mod 12 along with Daniel, Luke, and Jake from the Cardinal Center yesterday after a bird hunt at my place Thorn...
Separate names with a comma.