Butch how many shooters in the caps yesterday? Brad
News I heard from Dave Berlet yesterday is that Louie Morgan had to leave and come back to Ohio because his motel had bed bugs and he got bit up bad...
If Neil wouldn't have pulled the ATA out of Ohio we would never of had the CC. Thanks again Neil worked out well for all of us. Brad
Ever Bank is the same, ONE. Fair place to shoot. Brad
Yess I do. But 2XX only but can always add them if demand is enough. Brad
Now this is some funny shit. Not only hasn't the Midwest stepped up but all their state shoots have fewer shooters today than in 2005. THANKS NEIL...
SPARTA SUCKS, there I said it and I feel better. Brad Dysinger
Bad bet even from a money shooter's stand point. It most likely will take a 98 to hit the bottom payout. When the 50 dollar purse at the grand was...
I talked to Bob Zimmerman about the Youth High School team shoot at Mason. He said they had about 1500 shooters, non registered. Anybody have any...
Flyer, NASCAR and the ATA both headed in the same fantastic direction. Maybe Danika will save trap shooting like she did car racing.
Yes I'm watching.
This trend started about 1996 when the ATA first voted to go to 2 hole targets, then the radar gun, then take the money out of the sport to combat...
I think you all may want to check the numbers for the SCTP Trap Shoot this weekend at the Cardinal Center. It will probably be larger for one event...
Sometimes I think I quit shooting ATA ten years later than I should have. No targets since 2011, I won't let my daily fee be the one that breaks the...
AZCOTRAP, Glad to see you admit that if the ATA stays in Sparta it will be their demise. It is really a slow suicide we are watching. Brad
Use golf handle tape. That's what we used in the old days. Brad
If anyone has things they'd like to donate or put on loan to the OSTA HOF and museum call Betty Peterson. The HOF is running out of space and are...
Garry I can't give you per cent value because I don't think any suggestion alone will fix the ATA but i will give you 5 things but not in order as...
Great pictures.
More pictures to post.......
What I'm talking about is that since the move to Sparta every state shoot has gotten smaller. The EC's only focus in those years has been to prop up...
more pictures coming.......
My point was that AAA DID not have any positive affect on the shoot. If you check the attendance for the state shoot numbers have been going down...
Class AAA.
ollie, everyone I see at the Cardinal is driving a golf cart today, they don't even walk one field. There is no reason not to scrap the bank system....
Butch I can remember standing in line at Vandalia and me, Leo, whomever we were shooting with would get there about 4 or 5 am the day squading...
I wonder if this boycott will be extended to the Ohio State Shoot next week? Brad
Hope we can get an updated photo, we haven't seen one in awhile. Brad
When I used to shoot ATA I always liked the Pa shoots, my kids liked to go to the little amusement park, Knobel's if I remember right. Brad
Yes back in the mid 80's was before Winston and his boys took over the ata and made it what it is today. In the mid 80's the Missouri State shoot...
Maybe the fact that I have never met T shot is what keeps Neil Winston at number one. Brad
Neil Winston is the biggest Ass I ever met in 45 years of trap shooting, and his post above should prove that to all. Brad Dysinger
I wonder is there going to be class AAA zone team members, and what about a zone that doesn't have 2 AAA shooters shoot there zone? If a zone...
What needs to be done is walk the trap line like we used to do. That way no bank would be better than any other and the time of day would be what...
AZCOTRAP, Trap shooting is more than ATA to a lot of us. The PITA out west, Leagues in Maryland and Pa, money shoots in Ohio, protector shoots in...
I think the noise issue was worse for me when we had real live pullers than it was with voice pulls. I was always jumpy at fast pulls and then get...
Wildcat Lewis, What you are describing is something that bothered me a lot at big shoots. So in 1985 I started using a Walkman with recorded songs...
Does anyone know how the Sporting Clays membership is going? I know skeet shoots have never been very big in Ohio but were mostly down south back...
I remember playing the slot wheel with the County sheriff standing right beside me betting away, that they used the Westy Hogan's shooting method for...
This is an article in the March 1980 Trap & Field Brad [ATTACH]
Old Goat 2, I could have used the term "moronic statement", but I personally think idiot more correctly describes T shot from reading his posts on...
T shot maybe you are an ATA EC ass kissing idiot. Brad
In 2016 10,905 ATA members were sub jrs and jrs out of an ATA membership of 31,815. Of those kid shooters less than 1% of sub jrs and 1% of jrs shot...
Separate names with a comma.