Dear Roy D, for you I'll list a little bit about my trap shooting history and my current LIFE so you'll know where I'm coming from. I was an ata...
User 1, The Missouri Fall Handicap, the Golden West Grand, Bob Taylor's LV club shoots, The Mint shoots, The Vandalia Grand American, The Old...
I've tried to get the SCTP to ask gun and ammo companies what they want and are looking for in a rep in 2023 and rhen to set up a collage program of...
The main problem with the ATA is that the current membership knows little about the history of trap shooting or the rules OF trap shooting. From...
A lot better hunting gun than anything they make today.
The commie state of CA just added 11 % to guns and ammo sales in that great state of California. Why buy the shells if you can shop lift them and...
Terry I have always had good luck with AAA, I've been a gold memeber for 37 years. I've used the service many times and one time in the dead of...
Merlo should have said winchester once again owns white flyer. Back in the day winchester owned the target company before spinning it off. Not an...
This is one of the great reads on here. The dolls were the best. In 2015 the ATA apologists blamed the economy and the culture, then came Trump,...
This is one of the first threads from back in the good old days right after doc and joe got pitched from the kool aid site for speaking up. So joe...
jerry Nickell, thanks for the invite. I haven't shot a trap target in 2 years or an ata target in 12. I've got eye problems but I was done shooting...
Jimmy was with Sports Afield mag. He wrote some for T & F but Betty and Joan were Editors.
I hate to hear it ShellShock but thanks for the answer, if you find out for sure please post it, I would like to know. I'm with Family Guy the...
Trap & Field has been worthless for years. They need Betty and Joan Davis more than another award and ribbon in the ATA.
I've got a question for you ShellShock, it seems that the Middletown club is doing a lot of historical rewriting about Ohio Trap Shooting. I'm not...
Bert was one of the first gun club managers that I became friends with. The first big shoot I attended was the 1974 Mid American and that was the...
I was told that Michigan didn't pay out any events at their state shoot and sent out checks for everything. I was told that it took three weeks to...
Dave called and told me he won a shoot off for RUp in yesterdays handicap. He said he broke a twenty five. He got new glasses just before the...
50's 60's 70's 80's 90' 00's 10's 20's- This equals 8
Remember when that famous Nebraskan Jim Bradford said that it didn't matter if shooters from Ohio and east quit the ata and didn't come to the sparta...
I think the vase was full of pop corn when Dave picked it up. Good shooting. Two or three trophies there. Next time you see Dave ask him about...
Was there a democrat on the squad?
Don Hook line and sinker. On another note Brandon grew up in pa, so he comes by the way he is honestly I guess. ollie if there is a real fight...
If you go to my u-tube channel, Thorn Bottom Hunting, you will see my answer. I won the 2nd Budweiser Handicap at the grand in 1989, drank a lot of...
PaBob I think that you can get nice river front property cheap not that far from Pa in Ohio. East Palestine isn't that far from Pa so you won't have...
Is it just me or is Fedderman the smart one from PA?
A year and and 8 months from my last post on this thread and nothing has changed. PaBob Skip is gone from everywhere as far as I can tell. I think...
Winston and Acklin were two peas in a pod. The EC has not been worth a shit for 30 years. Why would anyone on this site care. The future of trap...
Dave when Dirk picked up my things from the HOF he missed my pins and All American patches, pick those up for me at the Cardinal Classic for me...
As I've stated many times the only fair shoot at pa is to draw for banks, or better yet walk the line like we did for years in the 70's and 80's. and...
Partly in and partly out will still get a girl mostly pregant. Makes no sense. Fence setting and then lying about it. The true mark of great...
Another Nebraska shooter I played a lot of cards with was Tom Buxman (spelling again). I remember Tom was a corn farmer from western Nebraska....
target manager - Dave told me that he got a 50 on one trap, I think the singles but might have been the caps. He still lost that event he said.
Ollie you should man up here, I agree with PaBob on this but you should also find out if the line ref sent them ahead of a full squad to speed up...
Were any of these ATA delegates or HOF members? File a complant. If you shoot out of turn the score doesn't count.
I talked to Kiner today about some things and I asked him what he knew about Nebraska State Shoot. I haven't been there for years and when I read...
SCTP kids teams shoot slower that regular old ATA members do so if a state has lots of SCTP kids and they shoot as teams during the state singles...
HCarl, Nice threat, but lying and getting caught is a good reason to quit. Tim should know that I still have many friends in the osta that fill...
In 1974 the 3rd or 4th ATA shoot I ever went to was the Mid American. That's when I first met Bert Wells. I was friends with him until the day he...
I removed the things from the HOF that I had on loan. That was what Dirk was picking up. With Betty going and the board lying about who voted on...
It has an after market rib on it, probably a 12 that was a field gun. bobski is right about the wood from what I can see in the picture. I would...
I don't think womanizing was alledge.
When you get your trigger arm to high it makes you cant the gun. I shot my best when both elbows were at about a 45 degree angle. When both of your...
You are so right bobski, history is what those in power say it is once the books are gone. I don't like it, and it's not right. Trap Shooting...
Thanks Family Guy, You confirmed what I was told yesterday on the phone. When I pushed for the museum I hoped that it would be the place that trap...
bpd20 were you at the meeting, don't hyjack my thread please. Start your own thread. The CC owns all the land. Are you on the osta board? I...
I asked Family Guy 7 hours ago what was what. In those 7 hours I've received many calls from many Ohio Shooters. Former OSTA board members that I...
Family guy you said that you were going to the osta meeting last nite but we haven't seen any evidence to prove that. What's the deal? Are you...
The good old days, I remember them well.
Separate names with a comma.