Dave I did threaten to kill Pete's monkey if he didn't make it shut up. But I only remember arguments over who's turn it was to buy.
In 1972 and 1977 there was no Sporting Clays in the US. Hows come if all those WWII shooters have died has a new shotgun Sport happened. Ollie the...
The only thing I miss about trap shooting is getting to say I TOLD you so, and look now I don't even need to miss that.
The club was the Jefferson Sportsman Club. I remember it had 6 traps and we shot a westy hogans style. I remember being there in 1975 for the...
This aged well.
Dave told me today that Dick wrecked his rig on the way back from sparta but he thinks he is mostly OK.
As a young man Dave took Annie to a dance.
The biggest shoot in the country is the SCTP at The CC.
Was this really a woman or a recently de nutted, was she,he,it an old Kentucky trap shooter claiming to be from the UK, how can anyone be sure?...
Same old bull shit different day.
Pictures of women SS hiding behind Pile of men. These DEI buffons are over weight incompatants. You you notice no woman on Brandons ss team.
Those females looked like the key stone cops. Women have no place on the line.
George was one of the guys I looked up to and always looked forword to talking with him about the old days of trap and birds. I hope him and Kitty...
Good to see that this Biden backing POS is still watching our HOF, the trustees should be ashamed for this. Not to mention all the other shit they...
Nice shadow box. Are those west coast decoys with that Model 12?
I shot my first ATA targets 50 years ago when I was 19. No body paid for my shooting, not the ATA not my dad and mom. I did it. I worked a...
Call me Dave when you need to talk, fill me in on the State Shoot. Ann and I are praying for you guys.
Mr Man, Every month gun sales are at a record, handguns, AR's make up the bulk. These are shooters, kids shoot trap in FFA, scouts, sctp, high...
Car shoots like the vast bison herds are long past gone.
I want to let everyone know that Dave Berlet called me this am to let me know that Sandy lost her battle last night. No plans of as yet have be...
Dave told me Sandy went into Hospice this week.
Glad to see this thread back up top.
The osta got less from the CC than they original offer, same money but lost the old white flyer building that could have been added to the HOF for...
What do you expect from a Illinois goverment hack? I can't remember when we talked about this on this site a few years back. The ATA, the HOF, the...
Mine and Ann's too sent
I have at least a dozen trap clubs within one hour drive from my house in Paulding County Ohio. My county has about 18000 people in it. I'm in Far...
I saw it happen one time. I think it was with an RXP wad, they were very stiff.
Trading my Colt Python for something in 1976 that I just had to have. Selling my first Model 12 Trap Gun even though the receiver was about shot...
Who ever said that time was relavent was surely talking about this our time. I remember when the kool aid kids said that Joe's web site, THIS ONE,...
I've not shot ata for over 10 yrs but I went from a flat mod 12 in 1974 to a 100% high gun and did much better. The reason I did it was shooting...
Joe have you been their since the Calcutta many years ago. If my memory is correct you snuck in, the last man to enter, hoping in buying yourself...
Not faster, more unfair.
I don't miss ata shooting at all, I miss pigeon shooting.
Bobski for your mental health please don't read this post. WRCS BRAD you are a dumb ass, it matters for the reason that the ata and the grand...
I know that the HOF was left over 65K by a member in his will in 2014 or 2015. What happened to that money?
Terry I'd say since you live in Commie Canada winchester doubts you'll be allowed to buy even shitty shells soon. Good luck.
Should this be the spot that I say I told you so oh so many years ago?
Lima 50 Ann and I try and eat there a few times each deer season. They serve the same great food that they do at the trap shoots. The locals come...
Joe don't forget me asking you what you were going to do about it when you got thrown off twice in a week for reporting on the grudge match for me....
Just Joe I can't read this pdf. What's this about?
The average ATA shooter in the past only lasted 3 years but they were replaced with new shooters each year. The ATA quit that when they made the...
Don the Sparta shoot is off more than 50 per cent, don't suger coat it. The Ohio state shoot had about 50 per cent as many in the handicap as it did...
User 1, even if no one else understands or appreciates you know that I do.
ATA targets today are registered practice, Ollie I've said it before I'm sure but if I haven't I'll say it now. You don't know what you are talking...
The best thing about shooting pigeons was that every club had one set of rules FOR THAT CLUB and one boss, the club owner. I shot different yards at...
Ed yes many times and in fact I own one of Dennis's rings and it is at my club. Brad
Beretta 302 tops for me Winchester Super X-1 Beretta 300-301 Beretta AL-1 AL-2 Rem 1100
Thanks, would punching a club member be grounds for getting thrown out of the club, the ATA, the OSTA HOF? What are the current and new OSTA by laws...
Pat and Shelly, Who punched who at Middletown? I remember in the old days that the shitters plugged up a few times. That was back in the 70's when...
Separate names with a comma.