I went shooting last night to Continental's meat Lewis shoot. I hadn't shot a trap target for over a year. I've developed macular degeneration in...
Turbine I'm calling BS on your reasoning. First 30 minutes is nothing, if you can't be inconvenienced for 30 minutes you shouldn't be a delegate....
I was going to ask who the delegate was so thanks.
Just what I see in my memory.
Every trap field was different the first one had that camper in the background about 100 yards away and the last one the ground went up hill so that...
Don you should read my comments on another thread in which I point out ammo companies are mostly made up of whores who spend a lifetime going from...
They weigh too much to point well on anything but perfect targets.
The largest Ohio State Handicap was in 1975 and there were 1600 shooters, never were 2000 fake news.
This is what happens when you own a business and outsource a portion of it to someone else. I have ran Thorn Bottom Hunting for 26 years. I stock...
The Ohio State shoot in 1975 had 1600 entrees in the caps and was shot on 40 traps. The doubles that morning was shot first. The shootoffs were all...
To Subjr 1 The SCTP shoot at the CC this year was the World's Largest Trap Shoot, Skeet Shoot, and Sporting Clays Shoot. Also the hand gun shoot and...
Flyer's Is it just me or do you miss N1H1?
I called Jake, answer ?. I guess you'll know when you get there but I'd have a fall back plan.
I heard it was an EC member.
Hey Big PaPa is this true?
I got word from the grand that Someone shot the car beside theirs in the parking lot at Sparta after thinking they were using an empty instead they...
Wayne what in the hell are you talking about, not having a heat stoke are you. Get in the shade please. Drink some water, have your temp checked,...
I've heard the RUMOR all the way here in Ohio, Merlo don't necessarily get all the news first but I'm sure they wouldn't post it anyhow when they did.
Dave Berlet confirmed to me just a little bit ago in a phone call what you saw on the live feed of the dead shoot.
LimaShooter50 I talked to the powers that be at the CC and they told me that if enough people pull out of Sparta and head to the CC early they will...
lord maker I'm confused a couple of questions. When you say classification is closed for the week does that mean that entrees are closed for the...
Family Guy you sound like a corporate shill. If the vendors had done the right thing in the beginning the shit hole called the Sparta Grand would...
Thanks Kenny but did you notice that the first graph left off the last Saturday of the Grand?
Maybe the pos Trump hating Biden supporting museum director is the positive one, a Corona Mary sent by the State of Illinois to sabotage the hof...
Thanks for the info everyone.
I was at my Doc's today for a check up and the Doc's and the Nurses and Secretaries were wearing masks but were to a person pissed off. I told...
Don that's what I thought so how can you compare the events after today to other years. Even though it is Sparta I'm sure someone will come and sigh...
Have all this events been shot already?
The Bradford's of the 2003 ATA promised that the surrounding states would more than make up for the lost Ohio and Pa shooters. They must have not...
I just read on line that Biden has released over 7500 Covid positive Illegals into the interior of the States in the last month. Be sure and get...
I hoping to send my vote by 204.
WPT Remember what state Sparta is in. Same old same old.
Terry were you allowed to go?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] These pictures are from a neighbor kid who works for the border patrol, he has been an agent about 12 years....
MShooter I don't know who you are. I did know Leo maybe better than any trap shooter alive today. He was as close to a brother as I had. He was my...
2's and 4's
No Mask?
Merlo nice to finally hear from you. But saying that I can think of three people that probably aren't as happy as me to see your report. Those...
Seitz9010 Are you sure Merlo's e-mail didn't say by by. Not any news from him/her/it it looks like to me. You weren't just trolling the Sparta...
Back in the day they shot people wearing masks in St Louie.
I was talking with Tom from Guns Unlimited at the SCTP last week and he told me that every Feb. he gets 160 pallets of AA's from Winchester and that...
What can go wrong at the WORLD's Largest Trap Shoot Not named the SCTP?
The first weekend in August is the Route 127 yard sale all the way from Michigan to Alabama. This year I'm going to set up and sell some stuff. You...
One of the good guys, I spent a lot of time talking ATA with him over the years.
Ax a Moderator that question.
I'm still waiting for someone to say GO.
I started breaking a lot of 25 and 50 straights a couple pf months before my first 100 at the 1974 GAH. I don't think I had a 99 before that 100 but...
ljutic329 You are wrong the 4473 form you fill out stays with the dealer, when the dealer calls the FBI check system it is just to see if you can...
I'll be there on Wednesday, Jake told me that is Jack Fishburn day. I'll look you up.
Separate names with a comma.