It's time for a little "trapshooting history." Every issue being discussed today is really a century old topic. I just don't understand why anyone...
If history repeats itself, the intellectuals governing our sport will reduce the angles 5° on each side of the center stake and the rulebook will...
JohnWick, I was not aware the THOF secured a $1mm+ loan. A notice made in September 2015 by the THOF said they are approximately $380,000 short of...
I don't know if JohnWick's information is accurate or not. I have my doubts that the contents of the museum would be used as collateral in securing a...
The decision to fund the $2 million dollar Trapshooting HOF & Museum to be to be constructed on State lands and to be owned by Illinois, not the...
Welcome back old-timer!
RUSSELL W. ELLIOTT Kansas City, Missouri 09MAR1899, at Washington Park GC, Kansas City, MO – 27NOV1965, Kansas City, MO Father – Robert “Uncle Bob”...
Well 25nout, I do happen to have the names of the Dean Richmond 3-man team, the Livingston Sportsmen's Association 2-man Doubles team and the Pierce...
I thought so since Russell Klein was the first winner of the Ottumwa Diamond Badge. There were seven shooters who killed all 10 pigeons. In the...
25nout That's a beautiful picture of the Ottumwa Diamond Badge of Iowa. Is Russell Klein's name on the first plate as the 1902 winner? Are you...
It is my belief that the two trophies and the badge on the chest of the middle seated shooter are all New York awards given to winners of the...
I'm pretty confident the large badge on the chest of the shooter sitting in the middle is the R. V. Pierce diamond badge. [ATTACH] While I don't...
Ah, Senator Richard Blumenthal - Mr. I misspoke. In my view he was misleading not misspoken. With his reputation and lack of integrity he will make...
IRS Form 990 - 2018 Target Year [ATTACH]
Wow, she finally told the truth for once!
Over the years, I've had the opportunity to discuss Anheuser-Busch's sponsorship withdrawal with some folks with knowledge of this matter. Not one...
A belated birthday wish to Mr. Hunter. I'm grateful for his friendship.
I thought A.G. Wm. Barr handled himself pretty well. HIs testimony on Thursday before Chairman Nadler was truly a Grand Slam. No one should fail to...
Trap3, Did you ever find any reports of Ligowsky actually shooting? I've never found any. I can see how 25nout saw similarities with Ira Paine (...
The Hindmarsh you mentioned, is that Percy J. Hindmarsh (1860-1935)? If so, he would have been just 20 but I don't recall him traveling to shoot in...
In 1880, the age of the shooters mentioned would be: Carver - 40 Bogardus - 47 Ligowsky - 23 Paine - 43 The trophies in the picture are New York...
OK Roger, I'll give you my thoughts on the subject. Most newly elected Delegates just don't know much about how the organization works. A new...
I honestly don't know Garry. To my knowledge it has never been made public. We can't seem to get one member of the Board of Directors to inform us...
According to sources, the A.T.A. has paid the Executive Director nearly $1.2 million from January 1, 2012 through September 30, 2018. (7 years)...
Below are the pertinent sections of the 2019 By-Laws relating to the powers and duties of the Board of Directors, straight from the A.T.A. webpage:...
My guess . . . . 1878-1882. While the shooters share some familiarities of some well-known old crack shots, I have not been able to conclusively...
As I stated on another discussion, every Delegate should be able to answer these questions since according to annual filing of the Form 990 to the...
Garry, ask any Delegate. It is their duty to provide oversight of our Association and therefore should know what the Executive Director is being...
It's a great forum . . . . what did you expect?
Wow, now there's a name from the past. Edgar Geoffrey Adams, of Greenwood, DE. Real good shooter, Delaware State First Team and 1982 State Singles...
25nout, I agree that it looks very much like the Dean Richmond Trophy, but there appears to be some differences. Can you help with a shooter...
Ed Yanchok was a friend to everyone and served New Jersey shooters for several decades in various elected and volunteer positions. A salute to the...
Garry, Every incoming ATA President names his selections for the committee at the annual E.C. meeting during the Grand American tournament. I used...
That's a good picture of Alex L. Brewer, Ogden Mayor, businessman, trapshooter and a member of the Five "B's". Great job Shotshell99. You are a...
George E. Browning is another logical and excellent answer. Like his brother Thomas Samuel, he was both a shooter and also served as mayor of Ogden,...
Excellent guess Shotshell99, T. S. Browning would have been one of my guesses as well since he was in fact a shooter, elected mayor of Ogden, Utah...
Some believe the name 2012 Pull LLC was carefully chosen. The names of Illinois corporations can easily be found at:...
I've been told some of the current Executive Committee are aware of the deception. None seem willing to address the matter, which leaves those of us...
A very good post Par4 You did however, leave out the notion that the "Conflict of Interest" policy contained too may big words for the average ATA...
A clue to the name of the 5th B. Like Matthew Browning, this gentleman shooter was a well-known businessman and also was elected Mayor of Ogden,...
That guy has been proven wrong. He made a dumb statement without thinking it through. Congratulations on the success. Thanks to all who contribute...
Jakearoo, I think you selected a mighty fine hero. Truly appreciate your comments on Mr. Browning. I read somewhere that John M. Browning was...
Separate names with a comma.