It would be my guess that Mr. Shaw has or will face some scrutiny by the other E. C. members for acting alone. I would tend to believe Mr....
I don't shoot much anymore but I really like Sporting Clays. You may remember I have the History of Sporting Clays article in the HistoryBuff section...
I don't know why Charlie Young would have said this except to put on a joke. He knew fair well he was born in Frederick Co., MD, but there has always...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] RRe [ATTACH] Rest in Peace Mr. Young You will Always be Remembered! HB
In Post #13 you referred to a statement regarding Mr. Fishburn, which I quoted at the top of my Post #62. It was you who first mentioned the...
Mike J, I didn't comment on the discussion because I considered it just as you did, "ridiculous and laughable." But, it was you who initially made...
This is true Mike J, however you must remember that the ATA no longer has any ownership in a homegrounds. And, it must be stressed that the profits...
J. O. BATES July 4, 1900 - January 8, 1982 Of Fort Worth, Texas John Olin Bates, of Ft. Worth, Texas was a notable Skeet shooter who at one time...
1999 [ATTACH] 2000 [ATTACH] 2001 [ATTACH] 2002 [ATTACH] 2003 [ATTACH] 2004 [ATTACH] 2005 [ATTACH] 2006 [ATTACH] OOPS [ATTACH]
I was classified for the 2019 Grand American and never left my house. As Smitty so aptly points out, the number of shooters classified is not an...
Mike J, some folks disagree. And, if the Grand tournament was ever able to regain its approximate 3700 entries instead of 2,000 in recent years, the...
Mike J, It is a widely known fact that the Vandalia Grands had a lot more entries because it was in a proper location. The Vandalia homegrounds...
I should have made it a statement to myself rather than using a question mark. I really don't need an answer.
There are two sides to every debate / opinion. "What it was supposed to do was generate as much as $100 million annually in economic impact for the...
Mike J, I don't know what that secret liquid is that you're rubbing on that "crank bait" but you should patent it because you seem to be reeling 'em...
Yes Doc, The ATA reported a net profit of over $673,000 in 2018 on their IRS Form 990 and Annual Financial Statement. GAH revenue is over $2.6...
I would venture a guess that they were prizes to commemorate a Bill Hunter Appreciation Day shoot at the Redlands GC. I don't know the year but the...
Thank you Garry. Nothing wrong with a little reminder to try each and every day, to be a better person. HB
You all realize don't you that for pointing these issues out, we risk being called haters and non-supporters. But somebody has to help point out...
Maybe . . . just maybe . . . . an ATA Vice President is paying attention to the warning signs and attempted to insure the Grand American tournament...
Mr. Fishburn has made two trips to Sparta with offers of help. I don't think he'll make the trip a third time. The bridge is now burned and the...
[ATTACH] 2012 Pull LLC only had one function. It purchased, leased and then sold 1105 E. Broadway to the ATA. Then it was dissolved in hopes that...
Roger, I doubt many Delegates knew about 2012 PULL LLC. Hell, most still don't know and don't seem to care. I believe there were only a handful...
So, all is well in the State of Illinois. The honest Governor Pritzker has signed a new budget into law. And he says: “We achieved something that...
What is truly so sad is that all that sneaking, underhanded crap went down and not one Delegate or E. C. member seems to care. Shameful!
Hey, isn't that Monica, Director of the World Shooting & Recreational Complex? The one who visited the Cardinal Center in an attempt to entice the...
Delegates are fast asleep in the valley of "Blind Trust". I look for the E.C. and E.D. to remain silent on their effort to secure a contingency...
If I understand the matter correctly, the museum building belongs to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. They own it free and clear. The...
No. Roll call votes are called for occasionally when a delegate or officer wants to insure that the minutes forever reflect how each State...
Yes, I agree. He should have been recognized many decades ago.
There's no easy answer to your question Phantom. I'll start with the fact that they are each a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization with their own...
This question has been asked several times on this forum. But, who really does own the Trapshooting Hall of Fame Museum that houses a wonderful...
From 2018 Financial Audit: [ATTACH]
It was August 2009 that Mr. Fishburn and OSTA members made the trip to Sparta to offer deeded land and financial support to the THOF if they would...
Donation or assessment? Again, our leaders did not disclose that the $1.00 added to each event entrance fee was being used to pay for a building that...
180 Days according to the IDNR / THOF Agreement. I've heard rumor that originally the IDNR only wanted to give the THOF 3 months to remove everything...
Doc, Below are the page 2's of two separate 15+ page lease agreements initially granted by the IDNR for a 20ft x 40ft and a 40ft x 40ft building...
OK Merlo. So your story does seem to be factual so far. Surprising how the E. D.'s involvement in locating the property finally surfaced in a...
I don't know of any other Forum who has such diverse and knowledgeable members. I'm proud to be associated with each and every one of them. HB
I cannot vouch for the validity of A.T.A. minutes. They appear on their webpage, but we've all found inaccuracies and important details intentionally...
That sure is some story Merlo. Your story must certainly be a work of fiction. The "white hat" leaders of any organization would never permit a...
Here's what I have on file. You should verify yourself since I don't have much time working on PAT Traps and I don't recall who provided the...
The fate of the 2016 SCTP Championships were unknown during the shuttering of the World Shooting and Recreational Complex. Remember, the Governor...
The Illinois Policy Institute, a citizens watch group monitoring State government waste, reports the following on their webpage: Illinois’ 2019...
Would you kindly consider accepting a banner identifying you as our forum's "Flying Prognosticator"?
I find it amazing that with all the accusations leveled at members of the A.T.A. Executive Committee and Board of Directors, not one has called B.S....
Separate names with a comma.