Way to go Travis, Next you'll get that 50 straight, then 75 and that big 100. Mr. Dave Berlet broke 25-straight at Crystal Lake GC in July 1967....
34" barrels date back to 1853 from my research and I have no doubt they go even further back in time. In 1906, Winchester assisted a notable shooter...
Phantom, I looked at an old lease. Here's is the payment provision. " . . . payment to the STATE OF ILLINOIS, acting by and through the Department...
Well said cwtech. It's disheartening to see citizens so willing to give up their rights without a challenge. We've been advised to "follow the...
Deepest sympathy to Mr. Boll's family. Thank you Mr. Jordan for keeping us updated on our northern shooting friends. I truly enjoyed my visits to...
While some years back I did record the infringement cases for Ligowsky, I never took time to read over the findings of the LIGOWSKY vs AMERICAN...
I must correct my previous post. The patent infringement case of Ligowsky vs Peters & Hisey was not regarding targets and traps. It was actually...
Mr. Dysinger, Without naming a vendor, can you confirm or deny an old rumor that while at the Shot Show about 6 years back, a top officer of a...
I might be totally wrong, but I believe some on this forum have heard directly from vendors mouths, that business at the Sparta Grand has been far...
New organizations were attempted before, none of which were successful in replacing the ATA. Here's one that only lasted about 4 years. I believe...
Patent infringement case of Standard Cartridge Company with Charles S. Hisey against Peters Cartridge Company. The suit was over who invented the...
I don't think I've ever seen one either. I don't recall David H. Eaton mentioning it in his book so I wouldn't think it was a popular trap. When he...
Good work Squigie, My guess is that they never patented either target. Or were denied. But if so, there should be a record of their patent request &...
Doc, it started well before Mr. Winston. Some gun clubs were throwing soft targets at least back to the late 1950. Targets at the Grand American...
Thanks Squigie. My printer is down so I can't print and scan into jpg. I could only save Sporting Life in pdf, so I took a picture off my computer...
squigie, What's the source of you Globe Shot Company advertisement? I'd like to note it in my files. Here's the Globe Shot Tower fire. [ATTACH]...
A Globe Flight advertisement in the May 27, 1885 issue of Sporting Life, on page 12. If you look closely on the pasteboard rim of the target you'll...
Nope. Ligowsky traps could not throw Belcher Paper Pigeons. They had two types of carriers, both designed for clay pigeons. Ligowsky did file...
Trap3, truly appreciate you taking time to locate another nice AD for the Belcher Paper Bird. I assure you Mr. Belcher was a shooter. In 1897 he...
Mr. Kolb was a pretty good rifle shooter in the 1860s & 70s, shooting Scheutzen events. He was also involved in the German community in Philadelphia....
Forgive me Squigie, I should have first welcomed you to our great forum. William M. Belcher (c.1840-24OCT1886) was the inventor. He was born in...
I researched the Belcher Paper Pigeon many years ago and was unable to locate a patent. But, notices of Mr. Belcher's patent were reported in...
To explain my earlier statement I offer the following: I've found several mistakes while reading books and articles over the years. I recently...
Dear Mr. Berlet, You raise an interesting point that I was not aware of (there's much I don't know) and I would agree that Mr. Nelson should receive...
It will never return to sport what it once was as long as leaders and shooters continue to believe what will save trap shooting is to make it easier...
Mr. Bowen, Do you have information regarding B. W. Alpiner, the gun club, the tournament or the winner of the medal? Also, am I correctly assuming...
All I'm at liberty to say is that I've been trying for weeks to join a group in my area who planned a bus trip to D.C. this morning but was not able...
The weight of guns was one of the two elements of handicapping shooters and dates back to the 1870s and probably even earlier than that. The other...
Mr. Berlet was kind enough to forward the below pictures of a few of his pins. Thank you sir. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Great pictures Trap3, thank you. Was that badge provided by Sporting Life? I saw the badge company Whitehead & Hoag, of Newark, NJ and they made...
The 1979 GAH attendance pin would have had President T. E. Dillon's name on it. The above pin may have been from an industry, perhaps an ammunition...
Thank you Flyersarebest. Saved to my file to confirm the first year of the small round pins. Was that 1980 pin given out by the ATA or did they give...
Many on this forum believe this is the premier site for obtaining good solid information for about any subject you can think of. You might consider...
Ditto what wpt said.
Actually, when the ATA was formed in 1923, they continued the practice of providing attendance emblems (pins, ribbons, badges) for contestants,...
I can do better than than Ron. How about Trap & Field, August 1986, page 29.
I think I saw that years ago. Isn't that the one where Brad has his back to the trap while talking and calling the direction of every target as he...
Have you found where this Forest City Gun & Rifle Club was located? Or anything on G. I. Koto? I'll bet he was a businessman in Forest City, IA.
Good post Trap3. Proves my contention that we all learn something new each and every day of our lives. Thanks for sharing.
That's some mighty fine bullet art shooting in User 1's moving graph.
Merry Christmas Everyone! HB
Hey, I found another one when luck was on his side and he broke a 200 straight. Well, actually 14 of them. Enjoy Our History ! [ATTACH]
Question: Does this Brad Dysinger fella really know anything about trapshooting? I haven't found his name much in the shoot reports. He sure seems...
The worst part is that our ATA leaders ignored the list of requirements necessary for relocation which was supported by the polling of the...
What is a vendor spot worth at Sparta? Asked Merlo I can't answer the question today, but to help readers understand what it took to lease vendor...
Great hearing from you. Wishing you a quick recovery friend. HB
There are too many satellite Grands already. No state should have two. They were not to interfere with the annual Grand American or State Shoots....
Mr. Portman's name appears first. [ATTACH]
I'm still holding on to hope. President Trump still insists he won the election. I'll wait to see if he finally plays the Trump Card and brings down...
Separate names with a comma.