As skeptical as they come . . . I was . . . even though Terry looked me straight in the eyes and told me it would make me a better shooter by gaining...
Good shooting Hap MecTweaks! And the State Shoot is just the place to do it. Congrats!
Leftout is absolutely correct. Throughout history, those with disabilities such as missing limbs have never complained in the name of fairness....
Wishbone, Those with the belief that changes making our sport more challenging are not only in the minority, they are greatly outnumbered by those...
There have been many times A.T.A. Executive Committees have conducted write-in polls over the years. Much of the time the returned responses are so...
Does this "Trapshooters' Poll" look a little familiar? It was taken over 100 years go. [ATTACH]
Our discussions of today are merely echoes from our past ! Kenny Ray [ATTACH]
Flyersarebest & Got Beagles, I withdraw my comments. I was speaking in general of the evolution of narrowing the parameter of target angles over...
HAP, I knew it was an oversight my friend. You and I both know that there have been many great ladies elected to leadership positions in gun clubs,...
Flyersarebest, I honestly don't think that was the case. I believe all traps were capable of throwing a much wider angle that the old "left and...
HAP you've given folks one of the most important reminders for this year. Except I would have included "right man or woman." What our ATA does not...
Ah, that old Remington Nylon 66 is memorable. I just completed reviewing a manuscript for a potential book deal regarding a comparison of endurance...
A very fair and balanced notice in my view. There is no need for profanity or derogatory remarks. Neither are required or useful in the...
To be clear, I have never used the word cheating regarding the use of the #2-hole target. And I don't know that I could personally tell the...
N1H1, that was the Remington 4100 trap that held 154 targets. I believe our club replaced the old WW 1524 with the Rem. 4100, a big heavy trap and...
N1H1 Your print (whatever the year) is virtually exact to the prints by the Winchester Western Division for Western White Flyer Electric Trap House...
Roger, I don't need any information. I was giving you an answer to your question. The base was 12 inches below the level of No. 3 shooting post....
I don't either but it was in the rules at one time. I have the American Trapshooting Association rules from circa 1919 which state : Rule 11 - Lost...
Sounds like "stickbird." I've seen guys attach a holder to an old fishing rod. I have one that uses a golf club shaft. They all really whip a...
The for decades, dating at least back to the 1950s, the only provision in the ATA rulebook relating to the position of the target thrower was that...
N1H1 I appreciate your "thank you" for the work in compiling records on the history of our Flights & Angles rule. Actually, I have been typing up...
Neil, As per your request, “ I wonder if you can find and post here some of the times I advocated two-hole targets in print as an officer of the ATA...
Roger, I have no reason to doubt you and fully agree with your statement that having "a patent is not proof of concept." I was merely trying to...
The gentleman who patented the rubber bands for the PAT trap is Thomas Ritzenthaler. Patent No. 5,704,341 Patent Date Jan. 6, 1998 Here's the...
I can assure you Neil Winston is not fearful of any comments made by me. He is very proficient in the realm of “verbal jousting.” And had I taken...
dr l I must respectfully disagree with you. We do not want any A.T.A. President or Executive Committee issuing executive orders on amendments to...
Andy you know full well who that Little guy was. He offered a lot of ideas for the betterment of the sport. As you know, I'm in agreement with Mr....
The point is that the rule should never had been changed at all. And for many years the majority of shooters (even the top shooters) were against...
Frank Little wrote that it would favor the 27-yarder. And he had some other recommendation in his 1983 article. The 27-Yard Line By Frank Little...
I cannot speak on the 1978 Minnesota data but I can say that using the 1978 GAH scores may be unreliable because it is assumed they were made on...
In fairness it would be more accurate to state that most Executive Committees over the decades, favored enforcement of the then existing rules...
The 2006 rules narrowed the outside normal extreme angle to just 10 degrees, making the setting at 17 degrees + 10 on each side of the 50 yard center...
All the shooters were not reading the traps (pre-interrupter era), only a few attempted to do so, just like today. Long before the so-called...
The Rhodeside electric interrupter was used during the 1969 Grand American tournament and Winchester manufactured their mechanical interrupter which...
Thank goodness for people with integrity and who follow all of the rules. Non-compliance coupled with the ATA sometimes looking the other way was...
Hap, At the 1969 Grand there were twenty (20) 200s (17 in AA, 1 A and 2 industry reps) in the Class Event. In the North American Clay Target...
I agree Hap, it was probably only a few of the good shooters who read traps and even they were not 100% correct. Here's how the interrupter worked...
Goodness sake I just found that old VHS "Shoot Better Trap" by Brad Dysinger & Morris Stinebring in my old videos. The only problem is I no longer...
Ah but the early rules were explicable when the disposed of the standards permitting "known traps & and known targets" for "unknown traps and unknown...
Larry, In all honesty, it was like anything else. Good folks with good intentions held different views on the same subject. On one side were...
Thanks to Joe's website I had no problem at the border crossing on my first visit to shoot at the Hamilton GC in 2008. A few yeas later I shot at...
Thanks Hap, You've said what I've been going to say for some time. Not all of us are going to be on the same side of the issues regarding our...
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions Neil. Very impressive educational videos. I learned a lot. KR
Andy, "Shooters made it to the 27 and scored quite capably with Model 12's, 870's and Ithaca 4E's. No barrel work, adjustable combs, adjustable...
While not of great importance to me, this mild-mannered disagreement has increased my interest enough to ask : When a shot from the 27 yard mark...
Well, since my name has come in the above disagreement, I have no choice but to state the facts as I understand them from discussions documented in...
Hello Neil, I trust all is well with you in the land of “L'Etoile du nord.” Please see my responses below. Kenny, to add to, but not...
Jo 2 I must respectfully disagree with your comment that "Neal Crausbay mandated the change back to 3 hole targets." According to what was reported...
Separate names with a comma.