Well . . . . let's see. How about a picture of Punkin from the 1963 Grand American. Looks like she's wearing the shooting attire with cowgirl boots...
And only a couple weeks before the Grand, Punkin was seen at the Southern Zone held at the Memphis (TN) Gun Club. Darn if she didn't make a new...
Oh, that's the Berlet Brothers . . . . Dave and Ned at the 1963 Grand American. [ATTACH]
I think these two fellows were also looking for Punkin. Maybe they were after Pumpkin Pie. Any idea who they are ? [ATTACH]
Good post Larry. See, I knew you would fit right in with this group. Sometimes we get a little off track but I assure you we all care very much...
Welcome to the forum Larry. In time you'll see the frustrations we have regarding some of the decisions made that negatively impact two...
Lets not forget ATA Executive Director Jim Thompson who preceded Mr. Rively, who also attempted to bring transparency and trust back to our...
The pictures make me feel like I'm right there with you all. Truly appreciate you taking time to share and post them. We all enjoy them very much....
I'd like to thank everyone associated with Americantrapshooter.com for all the time and effort during the initial startup and continued work to make...
Harder targets will not solve the problem! Not one poster here has any desire to hurt shooters, gun clubs, state association, the ATA and...
Wishing you the best of luck with your new Kintara foot Doc. I have no doubt you'll master it and be walking faster than I can. HistoryBuff
HAP, Hoping for you to get feeling better and I will also be watching those big score you're gonna post at the GRAND. Shoot well friend and enjoy...
No need to edit for me HAP. Most of the time we agree on any given subject but glad you pointed out the shooter's decision to refuse his reduction....
HAP, Wouldn't the review process or a request to his delegate (to be approved by the E.C.) for a yardage reduction based on his past shooting have...
I have not found any E. C. or BOD minutes during the annual GAH tournament in the old Sportsmen's Review. There are E. C. minutes for Nov. 4-6, 1955...
Unfortunately, this problem will continue to come up year after year and cause the ATA and THOF to consider their options. Both organizations...
Brad's friend (I hope), I honestly don't know. I have not seen any plans for the building and would have thought there would be more information...
REMINDER: Life Members gave up their voting rights . . . . . well, actually their representatives (State & Provincial Delegates) did way back about...
Before I started saving pictures on the progress, I'm pretty sure all I saw was a huge concrete slab. No basement. Back when the discussion...
Wishing Doc and Ed the best of luck with their prosthesis. This proves you can't hold a good shooter down. Ed I hope to return to shooting some day...
I copied these from the THOF website during construction. The first is the first week of October 2014. [ATTACH] This one below I saved from...
Well said Seitz9010. Many of us have these exact thoughts . . . . . . . . and are considered "bashers" by many for having them.
I have been told that the items to be displayed during the Grand Opening are the large framed pictures of Hall of Fame Inductees, Past Presidents and...
Rosey said : "Very interesting stuff Ken. It amazes me you have even found one to take pictures of. Where do you find this stuff?" Rosey, I have a...
And for those of you who enjoy learning about the many areas of trap shooting's history, here is the above W. T. Hill sparrow trap. The base is a 9"...
I have never heard anyone suggest that the ATA homegrounds or the Grand American Handicap tournament be located anywhere other than in close...
Doc, you are correct, Mr. McKinley did request the return of the items he had placed in the care of the Trapshooting Hall of Fame. And, they were...
There were two major the reasons why English sparrows were used. First was due to the often unavailability of pigeons and second due to the...
Actually, I don't recall them being called a trap-house in those days. Originally traps were hidden from shooters by means of a screen. The screen...
I was doing a bit of research today and thought I'd share a bit of history that had nothing to do with the subject of my research. Hoping most of...
Hugh "Bud" McKinley was the ATA Manager from 1964 thru 1974. He was an OSTA board member from 1951-1957, serving as OSTA President in 1956 & 1957...
I don't know Birddog. Some years ago the Sparta mayor told me there were about 4 groups that wanted to purchase or lease the WSRC. I later found...
I've contacted a Delegate friend who said he did not recall hearing any discussion about it when he voted in favor of the A.T.A.'s $250,000 donation....
wpt, I agree but to the best of my knowledge, none of the lady delegates have ever sought the position of Zone V.P. Arkansas was the first to elect...
Back about 1954 the ATA discussed the establishment of a Hall of Fame, making their discussion part of the official minutes. They announced the...
While there no doubt are some businesses who make the decision to construct a multi-million dollar building on leased property for that property...
I think I can answer that Leonidas, if I'm reading things correctly. It was posted on this forum a few weeks ago. Someone either knows somebody...
Family Guy, As N1H1 stated and so everyone is clear, the "directors" refers to the Board of Directors (BOD) who are the elected Sate and Provincial...
It was reported in the Annual BOD minutes, August 13, 2014 on page 13. You can view and/or download from the ATA website.
Here's something every ATA member should be doing : Ask their Delegate if when they voted to donate $250,000 from the ATA's funds, were they...
I'd like to bet against that Dysinger fellow but seeing his name in the headlines so many times while reading the old Trap & Field magazines . . . I...
For you HAP, I certainly will. And you'll note that Mr. Berlet nailed the main reason in opposing it . . . . . added time. [ATTACH]
Here's what some shooters thought about it some years ago (1979). [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Vic Reinders also discussed it later in his...
From a legally incorporated standpoint as well as technically, they are stand-alone organizations. At its inception the Trapshooting Hall of Fame...
Please remember, the A.T.A is a separate entity with it's own Officers and Board of Directors. The A.T.A. made the decision to purchase and have...
Family Guy, It's a long story filled initially with some political correctness from the Pacific Coast shooters while they were being hammered...
PM sent with instructions to Brad's friend (I hope).
[ATTACH] The year was 1930 and P.I.T.A. was formed for the benefit of shooters from the west. The first Pacific Grand American Handicap was held...
I"ve heard it said many times that poor economic conditions hurt trapshooting by reducing the number of shooters participating practice and the...
Once again this site proves its worth!
Separate names with a comma.