Bat, Thank you for expressing your opinion. I've heard very similar opinions expressed in the past. Likewise, I've heard other knowledgeable people...
Dr. Longshot, To the best of my knowledge I believe the value of the Presidential gun was capped at $16,500 the last 10-years. How the gun gift...
Bat, Amateur Trapshooting Association By-Laws expressly prohibit the Executive Committee and Board of Directors from receiving compensation. Only...
Documentation regarding the ATA's lease(s) and eventual purchase of the property at 1105 E. Broadway St., Sparta, IL was not obtained by me but I...
Bat, I totally agree. However, there are so many occurrences of coincidence, it could give the appearance to some, of a conflict of interest as well...
Dave, The Limited Liability Company which leased and then sold the property to the ATA was 2012 Pull, LLC, organized by the Law Office of Walter P....
applachianshooter, I agree with you. It is the duty of officers, directors and committee members in every organization to avoid conflicts of...
2012 Pull, LLC certainly served its purpose for the 1 1/2 years it was in existence. You can bet that a new Pull, LLC will be organized if there is...
In a conversation a couple months ago, Dean Townsend informed me that he was in fact on the list of candidates for managing the World Shooting and...
Great post 'leftout'! As a veteran I too thank all those who have served. We have a local orchard (apples & peaches) and for many years they...
I contacted the Trapshooting Hall of Fame and informed them that their website links were not available. The problem was promptly fixed and I've...
Here are the guidelines from a few years (2007) ago and I don't believe they've changed. [ATTACH] In my usual desire to include a bit of history,...
It's a small world. HistoryBuff is on vacation, staying in Islamorada with long-time friends, in the Florida Keys and was a guest at the Islamorada...
I was never under the impression that those winning fake bronze eagles ever asked for reimbursement. I always thought the ATA made that decision on...
User 1, I honestly do not know the answer to your questions. I was trying to recall the few details that were shared with me several years back,...
Chief Car Talk, I'm glad to finally learn of someone who was in the Tuscarawas Indians. Here's their first Pow Wow and tournament. TUSCARAWAS...
I'm sorry Roger, but the vendor conducts business with the ATA and did not want the story out in public. Perhaps I went too far . . . but I felt...
Karla's discussion of those trophies "misrepresented by the manufacturer" or whomever, reminds me of another piece of this story that has not been...
Brad, let's not forget Mrs. Adolph "Plinky" Topperwein ! Many times she posted the highest score beating all men. I'm a huge Annie Oakley fan but...
I'm sorry hard left . . . . I am not familiar with the subject and/or State and Federal laws and therefore cannot answer your questions.
Unfortunately, many ATA members fully believe in the ATA leadership. I know because I was one of them for a number of years. As I started compiling...
Could this possibly be a clue ? [ATTACH]
Lady T You were unaware but for some reason my response was posted before I was finished. I surmise I was in the edit mode when you made your hasty...
It could be construed that way but it was my intention only to illustrate that a shooter of the female gender initiated a complaint against a shooter...
This matter was discussed some years ago and the ATA Executive Committee adopted a policy for the future by a 4-1 vote. The issue arose when Lady...
To All, The concerns many of you have expressed over the whereabouts of Punkin Flock and matters relating to the new museum reached the Trapshooting...
One of my favorite short stories about live bird shooting happened back in 1871. It wasn't pigeons used but snowbirds. It was between Captain...
J.A. R. Elliott was one of the few shooters to ever kill 100 straight live birds in competition. Here are some of the others and I think you'll only...
One of the great pigeons matches for a prominent trophy (DuPont Championship) took place at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, August 28, 1897. James A. R....
I thought maybe you would enjoy some old articles about flyer shooting. Here's an article by one of the old-time greats Mr. Phil Miller discussing...
I had the opportunity to talk with Leo at the Grand one year when one of my shooting buddies happened to be in the same Champion of Champions Event...
Once again proof that Mr. Shaw is in fact a "Class Act" and of the highest integrity. HB
Roger, In reviewing the HOF lease agreement at the top of this post I see that the document has received some redaction, especially in reference to...
I too hold Ontario Delegate Paul Shaw in the highest regard. I've heard him speak and seen him in action. Removing him from the Chairmanship of the...
Roger, It is my understanding that the lease was reviewed by a knowledgeable and very competent person who was not in favor of the lease...
And . . . . here's Punkin at the 1964 Grand. Sorry, borrowed this from the Web. [ATTACH]
In honor of your Dad, biggun 682 [ATTACH] Enjoy Our History
Here's another offer of land that was not widely publicized and/or quickly forgotten. The source is the head of the Illinois Department of Natural...
Just delighted that you are interested in history. Now we're a family and it is our duty to spread these stories around the country. Our old-time...
biggun 682, Yes, most don't know that many members of the Flock Family were very talented. They had a sister named Reo who was a wing-walker and...
Hap, That's one of the stories I heard also. For historical purposes, it would be nice to obtain written recollections from those involved with and...
Now Brad, You know ladies never give out their age and it was not listed in her Completed Careers either. From all I can tell she was born about...
Jo2, I appreciate your conviction and respectful questions and I’ll offer you my honest opinions. See your questions an my answers below....
Steve, With all due respect, many of us have been concerned for the well-being of our sport, the Amateur Trapshooting Association and the...
Thanks WPT, I try. Yep, "Buff Knows!" . . . . . . . but he doesn't know everything. I'm still learning each and every day.
Vera "Punkin" Flock was about 28 when she started shooting. She first registered targets in 1947. [ATTACH]
I see Mr. Fred Waldock was shooting well in 1959. He broke 199 with Joe Hiestand and P. O. Harbage and shot off for the Ohio State Singles...
Brad, you sure you really want to see Punkin and Dave standing side by side? Well, OK, here are the two trophy winners. I want to see that...
Separate names with a comma.