I totally agree with you but why else would they continue to make decisions that you and I would never consider? The only other explanation is...
I have it on good authority that one Delegate has asked for the ATA's estimated cost for the MOU's lease of the grounds and an itemized list of those...
rookieshooter, I don't have much information on the Pringles. I saw Twinkle's name some time back while researching and thought, gee, I'd better...
Thank you jmiller. I appreciate your response and really glad I asked you to explain. I did misunderstand your comment and thought perhaps you...
jmiller, Please explain your comment if you would be so kind. I wouldn't want to misconstrue your position. Thanks
FlaLagarto, thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. But if I may take the conversation a bit farther, I'd like to focus on another very...
Doc, I've been watching the discussion and seeing that bill was absolutely unbelievable. I wonder if and when the Electric utility will disconnect?...
Don, I've never come across any reports showing who achieved these pins. As you may know, Trap & Field (as well as Sportsmen's Review) reported on...
A little history on the origin of the Flyer pin-back resembling the avatar used by Flyersarebest. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Enjoy Our History !
Excellent Luke. Thanks for the explanation.
It is my understanding that in early December, the ATA sent the IDNR, a notice of default which called for termination of the amended lease agreement...
Yes the Winchester Model 1897 was used by several trapshooters of notoriety but the only ones who come to mind was Rolla "Pop" Heikes, of Ohio and I...
Excellent observation jhunts. I wonder if any of the Delegates were provided with a copy of the MOU?
I agree but is some cases I've read that if an MOU contains all the required principles, it can be legally binding. I don't know this to be factual...
I believe the Governor's office/counsel probably gave approval for the ATA and IDNR to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding. Both parties want...
No it was not. The ATA was involved in the politics with such things as taxes on ammunition, anti-firearm legislation and even the protection of...
Technically, we left the grounds when we were good and ready. In fact, in the rush to vacate Vandalia in 2012, officials forgot to review their...
Yes it is but most of her shooting was done with lighter loads, even when shooting pigeons. I was surprised also that she was using loads like the...
The Solon Skeet Club, near Cleveland, Ohio hosted the first National Skeet Championship, August 26-31, 1935. Here's the report from Sportsmen's...
Annie Oakley makes her debut! Enjoy Our History!
I went to the Shot Show a few years back and who did I run into? Brad Dysinger of all people. [ATTACH]
I hope readers find these rules printed just before the 1924 Grand American Handicap tournament to be interesting. Some remain in place today,...
Thank you from a long-time fan of Annie Oakley. Many years ago I started writing a book on Annie during the time she and Frank made Nutley, New...
I'd like to clarify my statement regarding Emerson Clarke being the first Canadian to win the Grand American Handicap. He was the first shooting at...
Don Cogan, you are correct that the B.O.D. in the early years was just five individuals and it was reduced to just four in the late 1920's. Those...
The Model 12's, or should I say Model 1912's were first manufactured in 1912. There is a Model 1912 in the Trapshooting Hall of Fame Museum that was...
I thought some would be interested in the first by-laws adopted for the Amateur Trapshooting Association back in 1924. Enjoy Our History [ATTACH]...
Mr. Orin N. Ford The Driving Force Behind The Pacific International Trapshooting Association (P.I.T.A.) One of the most prolific figures in trap...
Excellent point! I would not be in a hurry to meet and enter into another agreement with someone who failed to abide by our previous agreement. I...
Just my guess. According to what I've read, there is not an IDNR director at present. I wouldn't think any of the 12 State employees onsite would...
duffkjs06, I have no other details and earnestly await for them as you and others do. I only passed on an ATA communication update. Like...
Hap, Few have the details of the Memorandum of Understanding. The real question is " Will our Delegates just listen to a summarization and vote as...
I just received this from my State Association Secretary. Looks real to me. Though everyone would be interested. [ATTACH]
Greta, you've hit on a very important point historically. And it has been discussed on occasion over the past 80 years or so. The lengthy events...
Family Guy, I cannot verify those numbers are correct. I can only verify that they were the membership totals printed in our annual average books...
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !! I enjoy reading and posting. "The Buff"
And Happy New Year to all of my friends on Americantrapshooter.com. As you may know, I have a passion for our history and share it every chance I...
The definition of what constitutes an amateur and professional in sports has changed since Spalding's Sporting Rules Book of 1886. "An amateur is...
Greta, There have been many articles written and personal accounts by shooters regarding targets seemingly easier in the West. I recall Kay Ohye...
I can believe it was his most prized trophy. Winning it continues to be a tough task even today. I was fortunate enough to hold the 1926 trophy...
fritz08, I found a Mr. George W. Baillie who won the Signal of Peace trophy in 1952. Was his nickname Pi? [ATTACH] Here's the beautiful Signal of...
Only a handful of researchers are aware of trap shooting prior to the long-reported 1831 Cincinnati GC event. And, no matter where you look to...
Doc, You have a few typo's. For the last 130 years or so it has been reported over and over again that the first known trapshooting even happened...
That Punkin Flock lady had a list of achievements for sure. Here's one from 1960. [ATTACH]
I found another clue ! [ATTACH] Enjoy Our History
If I remember correctly this happened in September 2013 and the newspaper reports appeared in July 2014. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity...
Bat, If I understand the ATA's Conflict of Interest Policy correctly, the purpose of the policy is to protect the ATA's interest when it plans to...
wpt, It has been rumored that more than one ATA member made money from the ATA's purchase of the Sparta property but have not seen any documentation...
Doc Longshot, FYI, The documents regarding 2012 Pull, LLC can be easily found, reviewed and printed for free from the government of Kansas'...
Separate names with a comma.