One of my old squadmates has come out of his long slump. He missed two singles targets the entire tournament, breaking a 200 today. Congrats to...
L. C. Smith double with ventilated rib and a Hunter One-Trigger.
Thank you Family Guy We truly appreciate you for volunteering your time and effort to allow us to feel we are right there watching with you.
It should be Jack Fishburn Month !!
Storeman, I wish that were true but twice I shot when I knew I was behind the target (a mistake I used to do on occasion) and once I flinched,...
I totally agree with you Mr. Cogan. I had the pleasure of viewing each of those shooting venues on a golf cart tour with Mr. Dysinger. I...
Thanks DEDPAIR for the update on Mr. Burkey.
Actually, that boy with the rifle is me about 60 some years ago. My dad with the binoculars passed in 2002. I hunted with him and walked fields...
Old friend, good chatting with you last week. It must have inspired me to think about going to my State Shoot. I haven’t shot much since 2012. My...
Rest in peace old friend. HB
Depends on how much faith you have it the written words in any constitution or by-laws. In short, according to our guiding principles and ATA...
Thank you Jumanji, Your explanation certainly allows me to better understand both sides of the issue. And you make several points that I believe...
Jumanji, I appreciate your comments. Though my knowledge is limited on this subject, I was aware that more often than not, the financial...
If the Ohio State ATA Delegate gave this response he is as normal as any other State/Provincial Delegate. That is, most of them either don't know or...
Some cotton mouths have similar color and markings. I just can't make out if your snake has the traditional venomous head. wpt, you're hurt'n...
Flyersarebest, I'm glad you didn't dispatch that water snake. Although when a young lad, those things would always bite me. Couldn't get them to...
T Jordan, I been thinking about hanging my chart and do a little practice dryfiring. I might just shoot some doubles at my State Shoot this year....
Thank you Family Guy Your pictures permitted me to attend (in spirit) to honor Mr. Fishburn. He will forever be known as one of the great patriots...
Here is a young man hunting groundhogs is Pennsylvania circa 1960 with his father. The .22-250 woodchuck dispatcher. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Enjoy your day Dr. Longshot !
According to official ATA minutes, regarding the U.S. Open: "No Daily Fees Will Be Collected For the Illinois State Association." This likely...
I don't think so. I don't think any of the three ATA owned shoots held at the WSRC pay the ATA and State Association fees. But, I could be wrong....
That's a good question possumskinner. The original agreement between the IDNR and ATA required the ATA to hold at least 3 tournaments at the WSRC...
I heard a rumor one time that one of the old 27 yard concrete pads where many a great shooter stood, was saved and placed on the grounds at the...
Does anyone recall the title of the book that Mr. Smith listed the 100 straight doubles? I'd like to look it over. Veldon Smith broke 100 straight...
Actually, Rudy's father Fred R. Etchen is the earliest shooter I have on file to break 100 straight doubles. He did this on August 14, 1921, on a...
Brad M, I appreciate your time in responding to the many discussions. I really do. The offer of cabins was first made 10 years prior to the 2013...
Why Vandalia ? Well, let's read some history to find out a few of the reasons Vandalia was chosen. And for those who give any credence to those who...
I agree with the above comments. The anticipation of the GAH tournament was very high, year after year. [ATTACH]
I very much doubt it. Most of the other substitutes for the current composition of targets have had little to no success. This includes plastic,...
Don't forget the cabins! 2013 IDNR REPORT TO ATA 211 The next item on the Agenda was a report to be given by personnel from the Illinois 212...
Sshhhhhh! Keep it down Mike n Missouri. You'll wake the Delegates.
A fair disagreement butterly. I should have chosen better words to express more clearly my statement. My point was that it is the Board of Directors...
Again, I want to state I appreciate Brad M.'s contribution to our great sport. I think he's doing the best he can with the cards dealt to him. I was...
And to think that they allowed some Zones to have two Satellite Grands. Remember, the Spring (Satellite) Grand approved in 1976 was proposed by E....
[ATTACH] Enjoy Our History !
Wishing you all the best Doc & rookieshooter.
The ATA says it has authorization . . . . the IDNR FOIA office can't find any authorization. Perhaps one of our State or Provincial ATA Delegates or...
Hey, isn't that where the IDNR FOIA Office is located?
Would one of you be willing to explain how to sight or judge where to position the barrel when shooting from the hip? Personally, I was never any...
Not all change is totally for the good. Sometimes change also comes with negative consequences. Change that may not be in the best interests of an...
County70, Regrettably, I don't have a quality picture of the Duvrock disply / carrying case. However, I do have a scan of an old 1930 advertisement...
I had not heard of this accident before but have included it in my files on shooting related accidents dating back to 1845. A trusted source has...
Are you looking for the carrying kit box or a shell box (410 gauge) that came with the kit box?
Here's a couple pigeon shooting events from 1862. April 1862 a team from Detroit City exchanged matches with a Canadian team from Windsor. The...
Yes, pigeon shoots were held during the Civil War (April 12, 1861 - May 9, 1865) Some were matches between two or more sportsmen, while others were...
Let's not forget, Mr. Winston only had one vote. A majority of delegates voted in favor of reducing the long-established target angles. Many still...
Gotta be an April Fool!
Separate names with a comma.