Lew, Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure there are others who know much more than I do. I just have a passion for our shooting history which...
I don't know that anyone can truly answer the question. Believe it or not, I actually have a file on the subject. ATA Hall of Famer Charley...
I am happy to report the Ms. Brackman was kine enought to give me the following answer in an email : "You are correct in the 262 difference. The...
Thank you jlmccuan, I appreciate learning of more novelty shooting events held prior to 1980. From early on trap shooting was found to be...
Just Joe, The next time you speak with Monica Brackman of the World Shooting & Recreational Complex, will you ask her to help us understand the...
User 1, I should have also mentioned that the IDNR gets 20 free camp sites each GAH tournament period so that will adjust your figures downward a...
FYI I received a copy of the answer to a FOIA request that asked for the total number of GAH entries the ATA submitted to the IDNR. The response...
Certainly one of our astute Delegates will or has already asked the question. Although they didn't seem to know the ATA rented the camp sites, paid...
From what I hear the electric bill is paid up except for the $22K billed for September. Wonder where the money came from to pay off their delinquent...
Yep ! [ATTACH]
Bat, I've looked over the October issue and personally, I think you're being a bit too critical. Oooops! Sorry! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
They seem to have had a similar discussion on the problem with trap shooting back in 1923. Here's what one shooter thought about the subject :...
Welcome back wpt. Wishing you a speedier recovery at home. HB
I don't! I think its a mistake. A mistake that really should have been found by many people prior to print. But then what would we have to talk...
Having met and had a short discussion with the young lady personally, and while she admitted she's fairly new to the trapshooting game and IDNR...
I can't help but wonder, does anyone else think Merlo provides more oversight of our ATA and pays more attention to details than most Delegates? I...
You're right oleolliedawg, a write up on the Krieghoff Model 80 with Trap 80 on the sides of the receiver, appeared in the September 1979 issue of...
Dawg, I always heard the rumor but never knew if it was true. For some reason I seemed to recall reading that Kay did assist in improving the...
More prayers & good wishes sent from the "Buff". HB
Roger, The above advertisement is from April 1980. I have an old file or document I compiled somewhere of the history of the K-80 gun and Kay...
K-80 Centennial Receivers (referred to as K-80 Signature Series) I believe Krieghoff only made 100 of these Combo's and they sold for $7,150....
I posted some information in the Completed Career forum thread about the death of Ruth J. Hunter, wife of well-known Bill Hunter, of Huntington...
There was little publicity. I learned of Ruthie Hunter's passing weeks later. Mr. Hunter befriended me some years back. He took time to give me a...
If I were to venture a guess, I would presume the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation's SCTP group will enter into a contract with the Cardinal...
Here's an old clipping I've had for at least 20 years and just came across it recently. Hope it is helpful to others. HB [ATTACH]
Sending well wishes, prayers and hopes for a full and speedy recovery to wpt.
More about Mr. Donat : [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I don't think so Roger but I will look. Enjoy Our History !
Rob Taylor, Thanks for sharing this bit of history with our reader friends. The year was 1949, the same year I was born. Not only was it a...
wpt, Appreciate your bit of history and with your permission I'd like to add your above story to my Reg Jachimowski file. Reggie didn't think he...
Did You Know . . . . . . . . Before Winchester stamped the gun barrel Model 12, they were in fact called the Model 1912. A Model 1912 won the...
My comments regarding the authenticity of the WSRC Electric bills can be seen on WSRC Electric Bill Looks Fake thread that I created on June 30th. I...
Gee, I never though about the cost of water and sewerage. Good job Merlo! HB
John, Someone called previous invoices fake some time ago, so I sent my own Freedom of Information Act request into the IDNR FOIA Office requesting...
I certainly don't have any idea. I just read the top post and offered a welcome. I don't think I've ever had any of my posts altered and I get a...
Welcome Wathavidone, I think its a great site also. You'll see diverse opinions on a multitude of topics. That gives each of us an opportunity to...
While there were a few different types of glass ball traps, the most widely used were the catapult and rotary traps. The first two ball traps...
Secretary Galloway was not given the wrong information, either intentionally or unintentionally. He was fully aware of the proper name of this...
Bat, I didn't know it was the ATA's lawyer's summary and agree he would not provide it in an untruthful manner. I assume the Attorney General's...
Merlo, You sure have the ability to come up with interesting news and you even provided what appears to be some sort of official document, however,...
I don't think the Delegate Update states the ATTY General's office notified the ATA May 2nd by letter. They may have and should have but I've heard...
Thank you Brad's friend (I hope). Darn, I should have thought of that. HB
I would recommend that your question be properly answered by representatives from the Trapshooting Hall of Fame, Inc. My assumption is that...
On or about May 17, 2016 the ATA sent out an update to all Delegates. The final paragraph spoke to this issue and according to our ATA Officials,...
I want to be optimistic. Had there been someone within the leadership, knowledgeable of the early history of the sport, and who could show earlier...
Roger, I can't see any view you've expressed in which I disagree with you. We're on the same page. And to those who believe that harder targets...
Roger, I think the majority of shooters do like the targets the way they are now. And most new shooters from 1997 to present don't know that...
History has shown us that after every handicap yardage increase made by ATA Board of Directors handicap, a future Board votes and approves narrowing...
Like other organizations (ie: museums, historical societies, etc.) the Trapshooting Hall of Fame permits both Donations and Loans. All...
I don't have the answer but can provide some information for those who may be able to make a comparison. First, a little history. [ATTACH]...
Separate names with a comma.