During those years I attended the Grand at Sparta we had some good weather and that one extremely hot year when you could hardly breathe. Always...
T Shot, I've been to Sparta several times and not only like it, I enjoyed myself every time. Please do not confuse my opinion that it was not the...
I appears N1H1 has again misconstrued my comments. I made no such claim. My claim was that not all duties have been committed to written form....
John, Your above statement is "fake." Those electric invoices were authentic. An online FOIA request to the IDNR only takes a couple minutes to...
Some historical figures on registered trapshooting for those who may be interested.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Dear N1H1, Forgive my tardiness in responding to your post N1H1, but I’ve been extremely busy painting the exterior of my house. While I haven’t...
I was just provided a nice picture of Russ Elliott by a long-time collector friend who deserves all credit for this post. It is reportedly a picture...
Ah, Mr. Russell W. Elliott, son of "Uncle Bob" and nephew of the late great James Augustus Robert Elliott (J. A. R.). I do have a file of Russ...
Trap3, Thank you for adding your old pigeon traps to this thread. Most people have never seen some of these treasurers. I hope to add a couple...
Roger, I have no knowledge of any member of the E. C. or any B.O.D receiving compensation at this time. For decades, ATA Presidents buried the...
Roger, The ATA By-Laws, Article V, states : "Section 8: Remuneration. With the exception of the Presidential Honorarium, members of the Executive...
With all due respect, it is a Delegate's duty to take time to listen to his/her fellow shooters' opinions and questions. Most often a good Delegate...
May I provide an answer to Roger C's statement and also add some new information to help us all stay confused. The IDNR can do as they please with...
Pages 31 - 33 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
An IRS Form 990 is known as a "Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax." It is an informational tax form that most tax-exempt organizations...
I'm certainly not doubting you Merlo, but I've only heard rumor of missing items and though the stories have touted substantial losses of equipment...
Always enjoyed shooting at the PSSA facility in Elysburg, PA. First picture is the last trap on the dreaded Bank 6 (also used in shoot-offs). If...
Merlo, I'm hearing rumor that the missing Trolleys amount to peanuts when compared to all the other items the WSRC management have found to be...
I agree. The new clean look to the forum is very professional indeed. HB
Ditto what wpt said.
[ATTACH] I was a member of this squad for several years. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Inductee Phil Barber [ATTACH] Inductee Phil Barber
[ATTACH] Pine Belt Sportsman's Club [ATTACH] Len Fennimore and Phil Barber [ATTACH] Kay Ohye [ATTACH] Patty Slimm [ATTACH] The Rively's
Merlo, Any word if the missing trolley's were ever found and returned?
I never implied it did not matter to some, especially those who have a stake in their ownership, use and care taking. I'm sure the WSRC and ATA both...
That's your right T Shot. I don't have any idea of the total number of TROLLEY'S and don't know that it really matters in the context of this...
Good management decisions regarding individual and sponsor donations. I don't want to overlook the time and effort that is spent to obtain donations...
We know they are missing because Merlo said they were missing. Nobody has ever been able to discover how Merlo knows, but he's broken many stories on...
Perhaps they haven't found the right management team yet. Past management made promises that were quickly forgotten. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Looks like the "Amazing Merlo" nailed it again. I just received information from a creditable source that an inventory check, earlier in the year,...
Brad's friend (I hope), I truly appreciate your kinds words regarding my years of contributing to the preservation of trapshooting history....
I'm pretty certain you have some lobbying competition. I believe Mr. Tom W. is still a member of the WSRC Steering Committee so he's likely being...
According to the Executive Committee minutes ,in 2006 the ATA donated the "people movers" and other items related to shooting events to the IDNR....
What happened to the "Partnership"??? The "Win-Win-Win"??? [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I hope the ATA isn't upset with the SCTP leaving the World...
Are you certain they were sold? I too seem to recall the ATA donated them to be used behind the banks as rest & shade locations for shooters. I...
This might help in deciding if the $250,000 donor endowment decision was justified. [ATTACH] As for the being "down to arguing whether it was a...
I agree the E. C. made a wise decision in joining the MidwayUSA youth program. For the life of me I cannot understand why the ATA leadership felt it...
Yes Bat, the current language granting the Executive Committee such power happened many decades ago. I didn't mean to be confusing and it was not my...
I concur with 10Guns that the Board of Directors have relinquished their authority and sadly they have turned their backs to their duty to manage the...
Roger, I think Merlo is referring to the decision made by the Executive Committee to accept an offer made to the ATA several years back by the...
Doc, You can continue to blame Neil Winston if you wish but do you remember the Phil Kiner Survey in 2010? The issue was brought up to our...
Since it was the ATA who made the agreement to manage the U. S. Open tournament for the IDNR, one might wonder why they did not waive the their fees...
Regarding the agreement noted in the A.T.A. Executive Committee minutes whereby the A.T.A. will manage the U.S. Open tournament for the IDNR, I just...
Separate names with a comma.