There were many who believed easier targets yielded higher scores and produced more interest, diminish the number of shooters leaving the game and...
The below Interstate Association rules from 1910 will educate today's shooters in how the sport was shot in the early days. No doubt target setting...
I see 3 Hall of Famer's and I believe Calib B. Eaton deserves strong consideration for the honor as well. I'm not familiar with L. F. Curtis, of the...
Such a beautiful vintage trophy Trap3, and thank you for preserving a piece of trapshooting's history. Mr. Troeh won your trophy on June 6th, the...
You are very welcome Rob. Glad you enjoyed it. HB
Mike J, I will answer your question in a general and broad way because while rule books were changed many times throughout our history, regarding...
Wishing all forum members and visitors a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year. [ATTACH] I'm just sitting here reading a 137 year old (1880)...
It's my opinion that those who wish to gift items or monies to any museum should first decide its importance remaining in the donor's heart. That...
Look a little more closely Trap3. I think you'll find the patent date to be 1883. It was Nicholas Fischer, of Cincinnati, OH who was granted the...
Some yeas ago (2011) the ATA agreed to lease the entire campground (less the few sites under lease with the IDNR) and make full payments each year,...
I care very much about our sport of trapshooting and there were several times in my career, during trapshoots, where I had to have a chat with a...
As a proud American, U.S. Navy Viet Nam era veteran and football fan, it is very disturbing to see grown men who should know better, disrespecting...
The figures I recall hearing for the above conceptual design was that the building was over 13,000 sq.ft. Construction estimates placed the cost at...
My guess is that they have now collected donations and or pledges to cover the amount needed to construct the museum. I have no personal knowledge of...
Well, I don't have this in my files on hand traps though I've seen this object someplace before. First let's get the marking out of the way....
I think I bought one of those signs many years ago but haven't a clue where I put it. Mr. Elliott was quite the inventor. Many people know about...
Trap3, You've displayed some beautiful Ligowsky targets showing the different styles. It's hard to believe several of the old stories about them...
Don Cogan, It was only a few short years after the invention of the "domed" or "saucer" target, by George Ligowsky, (1880), that today's target...
Great picture of some old-time targets. Thanks Trap3 HB
Believe it or not, targets were still being shipped in barrels in the 1920s. Here's a 1927 advertisement for targets in boxes of 135 or barrels of...
Here's the next target produced by these gentlemen: The Standard-Keystone Target, from an 1893 Edw. Tryon & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. Catalog. [ATTACH]
Well, I believe the target pictured dates to 1888-1890 and was produced by the Standard Target Company of Cleveland, Ohio during that time. The...
There remains the perceivable inconsistency in the severity of discipline recommended by Delegates and levied by ATA Executive Committees....
I was able to confirm that William H. Heer was nominated for induction way back in 1968. The THOF advised me that all inquiries for ascertaining...
I did a bit more searching on Mr. Flues. I was never able to find his obituary though. I found out he was interred at Elm Lawn Cemetery, Bay City,...
Am I correct in interpreting the suspension letter to read that Mr. Schaeffer was expelled for a term of one year, for alleged violations of...
Did the ATA charge to enter the grounds? A little history if I may, for those interested. The concept of charging admission to the Grand American...
T Shot, Thank you for understanding my position. And, thank you for making one of my points regarding traveling distance. That is just one of...
I understand your view T Shot. I know many folks and friends who feel the same way. However, I've always been of the opinion that the success and...
I think you may be on to something Trap3. Could the last word possibly be UTICA, as in Utica, N.Y.? E. D. Fulford’s Fine Shooting UTICA, N. Y.,...
I went years before I was able to see what Captain J. L. Brewer looked like. I've never come across anyone with a good photograph of him and would...
Trap3, Please take a closer look at Mr. Brewer's score on the shell. Could it possibly be 93 and not 92? If it is, the match took place in 1893....
Here's another old trap from 1902 that came from Pennsylvania. The owner said it had been in his family for generations and was nice enough to donate...
10Guns, Sorry for my delay in answering your post. I don't know how I over-looked it. I don't have much on Mr. Flues, except what can be found with...
The two articles on Mr. Squires from my files: Henry C. SQUIRES New York City Henry C. Squires & Son A NEW BULLET Which Claims to Have Superior...
Trap3, Would you kindly show a picture of the name below Fulford vs. ?? I'd like to see it for myself because I don't have Mr. Fulford shooting a...
You are very welcome b.tic. HB
OK, I too wondered why the trophy did not have the A.T.A. logo and at first thought I may be mistaken. Then I remembered that in those days, the...
Well, b.tic, I think you may have just given me enough information to possibly identify where, when and for what your Granddad was awarded his...
b.tic, In all honesty, with so little information it will be near impossible to identify your trophy. I'll give it a try if . . . . . you provide...
Roger, I honestly don't know. I think its a THOF policy to keep nominations in house. I have no idea why they would not want to put a list of...
I wish I was confident the ATA wouldn't let it happen. I'd feel much better if the ATA had on record a "master plan" containing a number of...
Thank you Brad's friend I hope. I'm just one of several on this forum who seem to care much more about our organization that the Board of Directors...
I'll say it again . . . . WSRC inventory documents regarding items donated to them show 20 Apache Trolleys with notes relating to the condition of...
Chris Gottlieb and Ed. O'Brien are just two more of my favorite shooters who deserve more recognition than they ever received. CHRIS GOTTLIEB...
I've looked over all the posts about the trolleys and I have not found where merlo ever stated he didn't know how many were there in the first...
Hey, I was one of those K-gun shooters with very little talent and my feelings are hurt. Not because of your words . . . . but because I learned...
Thanks Eric. I kinda miss being there. I patiently await the desire to return to shooting again. Don't have a clue where it went but it left me...
Eric, Your information is truly appreciated by many of us. Thanks Question: Were the targets normal? Do you think they leveled the traps? Or,...
John Doe Thanks for sharing your information and it's nice that inside sources are willing to provide some details on these matters. Please offer...
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