Call, text, or email for pre-squadding. Flyer attached. Joe Nester 419-769-0926
Flyer attached
Williams County Ohio will hold an ATA shoot Saturday, Oct. 14 for National Trapshooting Day. Singles start at 9 am, followed by handicap and doubles....
Williams County Gun Club and Newport Sportsmen's Club will host the NW zone shoot May 20-21. Saturday is 200 Singles, Sunday is 100 Doubles followed...
I wanted to expand on discussion started in another thread, and maybe get some guys to put on their thinking caps with some thoughts that can help...
Heads up for a Calcutta at Williams County, Ohio, Flyer attached [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Williams County Ohio will host an ATA shoot this Saturday Sept. 17, singles at 9 am, followed by caps and doubles. There is an error on the paper...
We will be sharing the NW Zone shoot with Newport Sportsmen's Club. Williams County starts at 9 am Saturday May 14, with 100 – 16-yard targets, Zone...
Yesterday’s Calcutta results: 88 shooters total, 81 in Calcutta Calcutta purse was $8275 Lewis was $1680 Purse was $1600 50’s purse was $2370...
Calcutta Sat. Dec 18 at Williams County Gun Club, NW Ohio- see attachment Joe Nester
Williams County Gun Club ATA Registered event this Saturday is a Doubles Marathon, 5 separate 100 bird events. $24 targets + daily fees, $10 optional...
The Calcutta we had scheduled for Dec. 19 has been cancelled, hope to get another going later in the winter. Joe
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot Saturday, October 10, 100 singles starting at 9 am, followed by 100 caps and 100 doubles. Food...
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot this Saturday, 100 singles starting at 9 am, followed by 100 caps and 100 doubles. Food will be...
We have moved our Sept. 19 ATA shoot to Sept 26 so we don't conflict with the rescheduled Buckeye. Thanks and hope to see you at Williams County.
More info will be posted closer to shoot dates.
In accordance with the Governor's mask mandate beginning Thursday, July 23 at 6 pm, you will need to wear a mask in the clubhouse, or outside if you...
Williams County will be holding a registered shoot this Saturday, 100 singles starting at 9 to 9:30 when the squads are filled, followed by 100 caps...
We had 83 shooters in the Calcutta. Top score was 93 Dan Burnett, Mark Barker 92- Chris Howell, Corwin Cockey 91- Ken Heathcoate, Jerry Russell 4th...
We will be holding our second Calcutta of the winter on Saturday, Feb. 29, everything is the same as our Dec. 22 Calcutta. I will get an updated...
Attached is the flyer for our Dec. 21 calcutta
Attached is a flyer on our Dec. 21 calcutta
Williams County Ohio Gun Club will hold an ATA registered shoot on Friday, Nov. 29, with singles at 9:30, followed by handicap, then doubles. Big 50...
We have an ATA shoot this Saturday, Nov. 2, with singles starting at 9:30 am, followed by handicap and doubles. Big 50 pots for the handicap: Traps...
Singles at 9 am, followed by handicap and then doubles. 12813 Co Rd J, Montpelier, OH, 5 miles NW of Bryan, OH at the corner of Rd J and Rd 13. Big...
Our $4000 added money shoot.
We will open from 1 to 6 pm Friday, May 17, for practice, classifying, and squadding. Joe
Saturday, May 18, 9 am start, Event 1= 200 -16 yard Zone Singles Championship, $60 targets Practice trap opens at 8 am. Sunday, May 19th, 9 am...
Please note adjustment to the yardage reduction for this calcutta on the attached flyer. Hope to see you there!
Hope to see you at Williams County for fun shooting, good food, and great fellowship!
Hope to see you there!
Added money for this shoot, hope you can make it!
Williams County will hold an ATA shoot this Saturday, singles at 9 am, followed by handicap and doubles. We will also run an additional handicap...
The split NW Ohio ATA Zone will be held at Williams County Gun Club Saturday, May 19 with 200 singles beginning at 9 am. Sunday is 50 pair doubles...
Hope to see you there, last calcutta of the season.
More info to follow when I get to some Wifi!
A great crowd yesterday at Williams County Gun Club in NW Ohio. 54 shooters in the calcutta, with several others in the Lewis only. Top gun of the...
Williams County Gun Club in NW Ohio will hold their first Calcutta of the season on Saturday, Dec. 16. Flyer is attached.
In conjunction with the Ohio State Trapshooting Foundation's Donor Designated Endowment partnership with the MidwayUSA Foundation, the OSTF will be...
We will be open for practice from noon to 6 pm on Friday May 19 for practice before the Zone on the 20th and 21st. You can also classify, squad, and...
Doubles start at 9:30 am, we will be running 2 banks for doubles to move the program along. Followed by singles and handicaps. Located at the corner...
Round #2 of our calcuttas, hope to see you there!
Hope to see you at Williams County Gun Club this Saturday!
Williams County Ohio will be co-hosting the NW Zone shoot this weekend with Newport Sportsmen's Club. Here's the Williams County schedule: Friday...
Champion of Champions qualifier, Doubles start at 9:30 am followed by Singles and Handicaps. Practice trap open all day. You may pre-squad for this...
Doubles start at 9:30 am, followed by singles and handicap. Practice trap open all day, 6-way 50's jackpot on handicap. Weather looks good, come and...
Mar. 25 Good Friday, ATA doubles start at 9:30, followed by singles and handicap. Also have the 100 bird Calcutta on Saturday April 2. Hope you can...
Williams County will have a 50 bird Lewis Class shoot Sunday, Nov. 22, for whole turkeys. 25- 20 yard targets and 25- 23 yard targets, the Bob Brandt...
Separate names with a comma.