I feel that "PROTESTORS", who confront people who are seated in a restaurants, should be charged under the same law that a home invader would be ....
I grew up in Brooklyn, when the Dodgers left, I vowed to never set foot in a major league stadium again--Now today with the BLM, BS--football,...
Guys look @ my post Odd Ball Target Breaks--you'll see pictures of a real stinko field
Got my STS rebate check today--3 months
Well the other week I had a brand new factory STS, where the wad left the barrel and today I had 3 light hits from STS new shells Question I keep...
If anyone wants an Ultra Rib for an Infinity I have one 11/4" in the back goes from 70% -100%
Well, guys everyone has been reading about my episodes of shooting at club that stinks. It stinks for the following reasons: 1) lousy background 2)...
I hope Pres.Trump if he makes his acceptance @ Gettysburg, paraphrases the address of Col. Joshua Chamberlain--it really brings home the value of...
Went to a local trap field to try something new this morning-- Very cloudy No Sun @ all. Tried clear lenses. hit everything hard- Now the oddball...
You have to see this--no wonder he ended up the way he did--
Was shooting a big 50 this morning. Was shooting new factory STS light 71/2's & this is a first for any factory load I have shot-- the wad cleared...
Does anyone know how far from the 16 yd line , is the shot curtain @ the Cardinal Center ? A new range is thinking about installing one and they...
The Israeli's have come out with the ultimate crowd control weapon--Its non-toxic, but its liquid stench that is sprayed out of a water canon & it...
Looks like Remington is going bankrupt again--If I get my rebate, it will be a miracle-sent my form on day one of eligibility
I, will liquidate all my equities,keep all my tax free muni's and will not pay one cent of taxes to a Demo-rat gov't--I'm retired @ 77 yrs of age I...
Its summer and shooting can be quite difficult in high heat & humidity areas. Guys go to Health.mil--its a US military health site--enter...
I got a Devault 391, Elite conversion- with the rib all the way up and the comb bottomed out its shooting 70/30 the rib is 7/8" in the front & 3/8"...
After the recent events , no sane person should question the need for high capacity magazines !!
Remington STS rebate is in effect now--Bass Pro selling STS light target @ $6.99 + free shipping --50 box limit for rebate--comes to $4.99 after...
A local club got a Pro-matic Matrix machine, does anyone know what degree angle on theplate on that machine should be also, looking for a...
Just read the NC state shoot has been postponed--no news as to a future date One of the better state shoots
Tried shooting again @ the sporting clays place that opened up a trap/skeet combo field No wind at all and every other target heights were...
The local sporting clays field has their combo trap/skeet semi- ready--no voice calls for now No sky targets at all-lots going right at trees and...
The CEO of Aflac has donated 1 million to fight covid and another person Jack Dorsey has donated 1/4 of his vast wealth to fight cover Looks like...
Haven't touched any shotgun since Mar 14, may have to go to shotgun shooting 101 & see a hypnotist-to remember what trapshooting looks like when this...
Its been 8 years since one of my credit cards was hacked I live in Fl ,didn't know I could use an Uber in SanFrancisco yesterday Don't own a F-18
A local sporting clays club will be hosting the Florida State shoot which was changed to be held in Dec--here's a listing of some of the prizes-K-80...
W.VA, is the only state without the virus--maybe nobody wants to go there & the residents are too poor to leave--safety in poverty
Heard that at the last meeting of the EC, that the ATA will require all orange targets--is this true or BS ?
Went to a local Walmart, no target ammo, shelves bare--hope I don't have to start reloading again,
Just reached 50K singles target, starting to get used to my old DeVault 391 conversion again, the shame of the thing is IF I had stayed with that...
Do you think the cause of the coronavirus is--The Year of The RAT--this year is RAT year --do think someone ate a lab rat for good luck--rats...
Discovered a series on YouTube--"Go Shooting" by Russel Mark an Olympic Gold Medal clay shooter--his info is no BS--covers just about everything He...
Looks like big shoots may be affected by the coronavirus-, I'm 77 if I catch this bug I'm a dead duck-- I will not get on any flying contamination...
A Fl club that I shoot at, just got new replacement microphones from BRB, what a difference --super fast , constant releases--great pricing too--5...
This might be the dumbest ? ever--do you change shells for weather conditions, wind in excess of 20mph & rain-- I'm talking about shell speed & shot...
There is a club in Fl, that will be installing shot curtains--for those who have shot @ a club using a shot curtain-please reply to the following ?...
After being a member of several clubs, it appears the best run shooting clubs are those that are businesses Clubs that offer many types of shooting...
IMHO, this is the height of political correctness and catering to a minority for nothing but vote gathering The navy will name its newest carrier...
Took my ole DeVault 391 to the range today. Had the machine set @ straight away Was shooting my B&P 1 oz loads @ 1160--used all my Muller chokes...
Don't be surprised if Obama, John Kerry & Valerie Jarrett are invited to be pall bearers @ the funeral--their hopes & dreams along with him
This gun has been around the country 3 times, finally got it back--it may keep my old arthritic body in the game longer, it is accompanied with a...
I've lost about 15 lbs, now my bead alignment isn't straight on, the mid-bead is right of the front bead--I believe I should move the comb to the...
A shooter I know went to an estate sale several years ago, a Silver Seitz was being offered, the auctioneer stated the gun doesn't work He got the...
Was watching the impeachment farce, when Rep Johnson a Dem, was quoting the transcript of Pres. Trump's Jul call--he read it -" the word "US" was...
Starting to try shooting sporting clays--got a682 Gold E with a DeVault stock & Delrin rib, with a Spears release--thinking of getting my old...
A shooting bud of mine just got a new Kolar with double release Well first time our of the box-no patterning ,no practice,--runs 100 straight in...
Well, it looks like Tacoma, will be a gun store free zone in the near future--Tacoma wants to place a $25.00 tax on all gun sales and 5 cent per...
Left my house @ 7:15 this morning drove 80 miles to shoot some registered targets Witnessed the targets being set, tried several different lenses...
Helping a local club build 3 new trap fields, recommended BRB voice releases, will most likely using a mix of wired & wireless Always liked ERADS,...
Separate names with a comma.