Ok, now that I'm shooting an auto-loader & tomorrow is first of the month its time for the gun to get its monthly douche. I been using Slip 2000...
A shooter on my squad had a Briley choke get launched from his Bt-99, it split the end of the barrel--the tube end looks like it curled up(inside...
Wow, one month in office and they're questioning Biden's control of the "nuclear football" , IMHO, if he last 6 months it will be a lot. Get ready...
Ok guys, I know I'm ready to stir the pot--I shoot on a regular basis with an all American & he says prior to coming to Fl I'm AA27AA, when I leave...
Well, its Black History Month and they removed one of the richest most successful woman of color from modern history, so long to Aunt Jemima And its...
What part of the plate or thrower arm is used as a reference point for getting these parts on the same plane as the walk way? Thanx-guys
Well, the powers that be have ordered a new trap machine for the range that is a work in progress Now the ?--What part of the plate or the throwing...
Had a Eurika moment, why are all the car companies giving into the all electric movement ? It has nothing to do with the environment, its profit...
I'm running a club shoot tomorrow Expecting 13 mph south winds The field is still a work in progress, been using a radar gun & a 50 yd stake, there...
If and when Biden's plan for gun control go into effect, get ready to practice the old NYC reload, Carry two wheel guns when the first one goes...
Ok guys , get ready to say I'm full of Biden poop- Well went to the range today-used my Infinity as a "lead" bat for a practice round After that I...
I got about 700 STS once fired hulls, never hit the ground. 5 cents ea. will meet off I-75 in Fl Exit 329--if you want to pay for shipping its...
If you're headed to Fl and taking I-75, think about exiting on Rte 44 and going was a little bit-east 1/4 mile Theres a place called M&M...
OK guys, thinking of making an official Joe Biden dog leash, when you attach it to a collar it says,"salute the marine" Do think it would sell ?
Ok, guys been shooting my old 391 for about 3 months now, several shooters adjacent to have said some of my shells sounder "off" 1) been shooting 1...
For a good laugh or a great opportunity to make some $$$--go look @ Gun Broker and see what 12 ga target ammo is going for !!!
Most Biden supporters take a shower before they go to work, if they even have jobs or work !!! Most Trump supporters take a shower after they come...
Just came back from the local club, which I have talked about (worst trap field) & (mgr. busted} This in my opinion takes the cake--they have very...
If the walk ways at a club are terrible condition, cracked , not level as much as 4" s tilted, can you go one yard back to shoot on a level platform
Lets say a club has let its facility deteriorate to a degree where its no longer a safe place to shoot. I'm talking about the physical aspects of...
How many shells are u comfortable in your stash, when I reloaded always had the equivalent of 40 flats and enough components to make 100 flats Now...
a shooting bud of mine went to an unnamed club- he was the first person to squad and he requested to shoot post 3 (his favorite),(he was put on post...
As previously stated I'm shooting my auto loader, the comp Hi-Viz sight keeps falling off, should I say " to hell with it & shoot without it?" I...
My Infinity has a custom forearm--looking for a person who can make me a duplicate, without my personal engraving
WTB a DeVault 391 Elite Conversion with 30" barrel or just the barrel
Was just looking @ the results for the Silver Dollar club championship shoot, Noticed the following listing of categories: V, SV, SSV What is SSV
Looks like the media & newspapers in our country are doing to America what Quisling did to Norway in WW ll. CNN--is now the China News Network, the...
The owner / mgr of Blackjack Sporting Clays Club was carted away after the Florida Sporting Clays State Shoot -- he was taken off the premises in...
Need a spare and another piston for one of the two 391 Berettas I have Must be the one with the 3 foot base or a Briley/Angleport clone Kindly PM...
I took my 391 apart for its 1500 rd douche, and guess what ? two feet of the gas piston had broken off--no problem, I had a newer spare with 3...
Today I was @ an ATA shoot--two shooters with the same score shot for Sr. Vet trophy (buckle) The loser could not fall back to yardage group. He got...
Looking for a DeVault Infinity 391 conversion 30" Optima bore
Discovered that I must hold way lower & more inside the trap house with my DeVault 391 than with my Infinity The question is--WHY ? the 391 is 1.5...
Terry Jordan has suffered a heart attack and is getting triple by-pass surgery Please hang in there Terry--prayers on the way--there's a lot more...
To everyone who has ever owned a Precision Gold Trigger--sad to announce the passing of Jim Coons RIP--Jim
Firstly, I drive a MB station wagon-Now this 4 dr Camry with blacked out windows pulls up alongside me (I'm in a left turn lane), the driver of the...
Going to be 78 in a few weeks, my Infinity weighs 10 lbs and its getting too heavy for me to shoot more than 100 targets @ a time My DeVault 391...
Was @ a local club yesterday, its a one field club Well a family of 5 shows up with all non trapshooters--3 adults and 2 sub teen children I became...
Went to a cemetery on veterans day--WOW, saw lots of "I Voted " stickers on tombstones--miracles still happen
Less than a week after election day Pfizer announces a Covid vaccine--big pharma had to shoot down Trump to protect their price structure
Sorry to regret the passing of Dennis Kennedy, he shot well --frequented Robinson Ranch & the Silver Dollar Always had a smile on his face and...
Was testing out some ammo & chokes from the 24 yesterday STS# 7 1/2-11/8 @ 1145 from my Infinity with a .025 choke performed the best Other shells...
I know that Bio targets will kill vegetation. My ?, is how do Bio targets affect trap machines, especially sporting machines that are subject to...
It looks like Chris Wallace will be the winner of the "Candy Crowley" most biased moderator award--
In Fl, there seems to be very little shot shells available, also; the people I know who reload are also complaining about the shortage of components...
Seems no one bitched about "white privilege" when Chelsea Clinton got a $900K gig from NBC , right out of college with zero experience She was a...
Biden keeps BS'n about Scranton; however, he fails to mention HE LEFT SCRANTON WHEN HE WAS 10 YEARS OLD The guy is beyond truth-he is totally...
Was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Monday evening went to the refrigerator to get a glass of water. Woke up on the floor with two...
I don't see any difference between the Brown shirts who destroyed Jewish businesses & houses of worship on Kristallnacht in 1938 & the current Antifa...
Thinking about removing the Delrin rib that Dennis Devault put on one of my guns, Does anyone know how to remove it ?
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