Sad to hear of the passing of Lou Carter, met and shot with Lou in NC and after his move to Fl--where he shot and score @ the Silver $ RIP --Lou
Now the Dems are starting to panic us with there rise of the new covid variant--they're letting how many infected illegals thru out the US !!!, get...
Joe should change his family name to QUISLING-- he is doing almost as much damage to the USA as QUISLING did to Norway, just before Hitler invaded,...
A person I know went to buy a new gun, the make, model , serial # & caliber had to be entered before he could make out the 4473--the info on the gun...
The Taliban should thank Biden for leaving them tons of weapons and munitions @ the Bagram base-its akin to what Obama did that led to the rise of...
Girl asks her mom--"Is it true that babies come out of the same hole that a penis goes into" Mom flies--"its true" Girl asks--"will I lose my teeth"
261 People were killed over the 4th of July weekend and no-one gives a rats ass--;however 1 miscreant by the name of George Floyd was murdered by an...
Just prior to his units heroic defense of Little Round Top, Col. Joshua Chamberlain made an empowered address to men of his unit--in short he said...
I always record "A Captol 4th" , just found ought, Vanessa Williams will be singing "The Black National Anthem" instead of the Star Bangled...
Now listen boys & girls don't get crazy ape 's--t" & spend all @ once----we just were notified of a windfall profit of 16 cents on our 4th of July...
Wow, doesn't that tourist know there's an ammo shortage everywhere--he's got a lot of nerve making the home boy take a second shot to hit his...
You have to have some pair to lecture us on gun control--when there is undeniable proof that t=your son lied on a 4473-- gun app-- liar in chief !!!
Ok, U want to end gun violence--F---king simple--make any crime committed with an illegally obtained fire arm or by a person who can not legally own...
Spoke to a shooting bud of mine who shot @ the Illinois State shoot,,asked him what ELD meant, he told me it was for Elder Shooters--75+ I'm 78...
I'm doing nothing-- the only people who benefit from this is gov't workers who now get another paid day off. The real holiday should have been a...
Looks like the reporter who broke the story about Clinton meeting Lyncn on the tarmac, committed suicide Death count keeps rising
Think about this guys--prior to any competition, -each member of a squad should be allowed to shoot "one" non score able target, to get the rust out...
I've had two laminectomies on the l4-l5 area of the back--looks like I'm in for the big one now-l5-s1 Has anyone had any work done on the l5-s1...
My wife broke her femur 12 weeks ago. Went to see her surgeon Wed and was given the all clear to resume normal activities-- Down the road from her...
Just noticed the scores of a Fl shooter who is currently classed as a D shooter, when he shoots @ his home range in N.FL his scores are approx. 20...
Do ya think these coins would sell: Limited edition: Cream of the Crap Collection: Carter, Obama & Biden--worst Pres. In American history--limited...
Chicago NYC Baltimore St. Louis Philadelphia any idea what the over/under will be ?
Remember all the times you were berated for not putting the toilet seat down, by your wife. Well, it was a sight to behold--the toilet seat cover...
Been using Gooey pads, but in Fl, they turn to mush really quick. Will be going back to Kickeez on all of my guns- I currently use a modified trap...
There is one way to make sure you'll have plenty of ammo to shoot. Become a Palestinian, Huthi Taliban or any other brand of terrorist that suits...
In 1973, we had gas shortages and had a moron in the White House, its amazing how history repeats itself Yeh, Joe shutting down pipe line...
Two days ago May 8 used to be celebrated as VE-day, well I'm an American of Jewish heritage ,if VE Day didn't happen , you would not be reading this...
Just got two flats of shells from one of my suppliers. All I can say they are the prettiest shells I've seen . The brand is Victory & the model...
anyone wanna bet the real reason behind the pipeline shut down , was to promote " the green new deal" they're gonna say , " wish u had an electric...
Was thinking of going to shoot the Fl Spring Shoot ; however, after looking @ the program & seeing the prices, wondering is it worth it targets...
One hundred plus days into his term and he hasn't had to fire anyone !!! His hand picked team has to really be the cream of the "crap" not the cream...
Anyone wanna bet Hunter Biden who sources have said had "kiddie" porn on his laptop & John Kerry told Iran about Israel's secret attacks on Iran's...
53 people shot in NYC over the weekend--Chicago u might be out of the running for the murder capital. Gun control really works--trying buying or...
I never cared that u were gay, until u started shoving it down my throat & I never cared what color u where , till u started blaming me for your...
Looks like the Capital police officer who was vaulted as a defender of the capital on Jan 6, actually died of a STROKE--he was not a victim of...
Maxine Watters, goes to Brooklyn,MN & incites the crowd , to protest if they don't get the verdict they want. Time to impeach her--here there is...
The ATA is recalling reaching out , they're advertising South Illinois visitors guide , IMHO its a guide to NOTHINGNESS No where to stay, nothing to...
Looking for a 12 ga 391 DeVault Elite conversion, 30" trap- Optima or Mobil will pay top $$
With saddened heart, have to report the passing of Tom Freeman , A true Tn gentleman & a pleasure to shot with RIP--Tom
E-mailed the CEO of Ruger and told him I wished they would make an 8 shot LCR in 5.7x28mm for the following reasons: 1) lots of senior citizens can't...
He said he never used drugs on the form & ditched the gun he just purchased in a trash container close to a school, the gun disappeared What a moron
A bud of mine who is @ the Silver $, called me & said they're out of ammo, the Fl state shoot is this week. also rumor has it San Antonio is out of...
The American people trade in a Ferrari, Pres. Trump for a 75' Pinto with a blown head gasket and a flattened cam -and the Dems expect better...
Just saw a news broadcast, where Pres. Biden & VP Harris are "both" departing the same plane after landing in Atlanta. Thought this was a strict...
Does anyone know the thread size of the locknut on the end of the tube that holds the recoil spring on a Beretta 391?--bought an 8 mm 125, thread is...
Just double checked the weights of my two trap guns; 1) Infinity 9.6 lbs 2) DeVault 391 elite conversion 8.5 lbs Now the ?, thinking about...
I got a shooting bud he has a K-80 combo, the gun weighs 10 lbs, he is as old as I am looking for recommendations for something under 9 lbs
Hearing Biden take credit or the covid vaccines & distribution is biggest lie. He cheated his way through college He lied about his class standing He...
Understand they are building a Joe Biden "memory unit", capacity for one
Just found out NC shooter Tom Smith passed away after battling cancer & covid He shot @ Wautauga RIP --TOM
Separate names with a comma.