I was told there may be a shortage of clay targets in the near future-- a key component, in the manufacture is in short supply, word to the wise,...
Jimmy Carter is "Free AT Last" from being a basement dweller as the worst Pres. ever thanks to Joe Biden.
Some auto manufacturers have said that using E-15 will void auto warranties-Toyota, Honda,Ford ,Volvo & Mercedes are among some of the companies...
A Belleview,FL teen was killed when he and his buddy were shooting at each to see if a bullet proof vest really worked-- his bud missed the vest--...
Was looking at shoot results @ the FL. State Shoot & noticed in event 3, a shooter with a 100 was beat out by a shooter with a 98 for Vet. category.
My wife ordered her new car in Dec. found out yesterday that a person who ordered an identical car had to wait 14 months. Hope she doesn't get to...
Our chicken hearted Pres. won't answer unscripted questions from reporters . How in the hell is he going to stand up to a terrorist like Putin?
Well, Harlan shot a 72 in singles yesterday @ the southern grand, Time to dump those lousy Winchesters he's been shooting.
Ass backwoods-should be the Biden administration marching song: They pulled the military out first in Afghanistan , They started sanctions after...
when the Republicans gain control of both houses, I believe there will be some real impeachments. The Biden family crime syndicate will be exposed....
It appears Chris Wallace is leaving Fox for CNN- He will replace another Chris, Chris Cuomo. After his bias in handling the debate between Trump &...
Sad to report the passing of Dean DeBow RIP my good friend--both you and Dennis are holding clinics together again
Guess they left the big"C" from the front of RAP, the only way I would have watched that junk, would be if a gun fight broke out !!!
Well, since the Admiral banged up her SL, she sold it back to MB and started to order her new car. The sales mgr of the dealership e-mailed us that...
If the Feds step in an make gun violence a Federal crime it may take some of the power away from liberal DA's. The gun used to kill a NYC cop &...
Federal has come out with a 30 caliber round for handguns--considering the ammo shortage, kinda dumb IMHO to dilute the already stressed supply chain
This is Joe Biden's administration after their first year in office. Who can they call or what can they do to get back on their feet? A baby step in...
Anyone wanna bet there will be a great lockdown, before the 2022 elections-tis way the Dems will use mail in ballots to everyone---it worked in 2020...
Since I'm trapped @ home recovering from my back surgery--Ive been surfing lots of movies-well, yesterday, stumbled on a movie "Danger Close" its an...
Had a dream, where I woke and was told Kamala is Pres. Joe died in his sleep. Sad thing it could happen any day !!
Go to the NY POST website, you'll get to see excerpts from Hunter's laptop China own's the Bidens--We've been sold out !!!
The # 1 ,movie in China is "How They Defeat The USA"
The "Buckle Shoot" @ Robinson Ranch is cancelled. Blame is placed on lack of ammo availability.
Little word of advice. Just found out a fellow shooter fell in the the shower and broke his hip. His name is Ted Haneda-he's home after...
Sad to report the passing of Mike Snetzko-combat wounded vet, great shooter, great gunsmith, great trainer Key to making Robinson Ranch a fun place...
Just got a call from a bud of mine who said 2 Texas Counties are under fire from the cartels & Texas has asked for help from all retired military---...
china, just tested a new missile, it makes them equal to us after WWll, when we had sole possession of the bomb-we're totally screwed
With all the $$$, the cartels are raking in they will topple the Mexican gov't soon, now we'll have the equivalent of the Taliban south of the...
Wow, after seeing Merrick Garland sig his DOJ hounds on dissenting parents, for exercising their first amend rights--all I can say is "thank God" he...
Listen boys & girls , the Durham probe is getting into high gear and when the SHITF, get ready for RICO idiments against the DNC & the Clinton...
Biden wants to appoint a woman who graduated from Moscow State University, she received the Lenin achievement award and she wants to change our...
For those who never knew the story of the SS St.Louis--in the late 1930's a steamship the SS St.Louis , filled with Jews trying to escape Nazi...
The most dangerous man is the congenital liar. Biden is the leader of the pack. He plagiarized in college, lied about his academic achievements and...
Last night the progressive wing of the democrats pushed a bill to remove support for Israel's iron dome defense system--if the Israeli's are pushed...
Joe should change his first name to ADOLPH, with all his executive orders--we no longer have a democracy Get ready to scream out "SIEG BIDEN"
Its beginning to look like Biden is a mixture of Marshall Petain & Quisling--he is worse than both of them combined--because he is too far gone to...
Looks like he pushing to reduce penalties for Fentanyl dealers, & CHINA produces most of the Fentanyl used in the illegal drug industry
Look up Jason Rantz, Mother of fallen marine, on twitter--she rips Biden in her grief
A marine Lt. Col is the picture of a real officer who looks out for his men, even though he might get screwed out of his retirement. Lt Col Swiller...
Once a VP, becomes Pres. , there is NO VP, the speaker is next in line--the DEMs will lose their tie breaking vote--looks like we're stuck with Joe...
Ok-one of the key aspects of the "green new deal" is electric vehicles Electric vehicles are powered by lithium-ion batteries-guess who will make...
When a hooker opens her mouth you're most likely to get satisfaction, when Jen opens her mouth you're guaranteed to get a load of BS
Just had a revelation moment !!! After Biden, never ever elect or nominate a senator to run for president. They're nothing but world class b--l s--t...
Since the Cleveland Indians will be called the Guardians next year Maybe their new mascot should be called ,"CONDOM JOE" as it relates to Joe...
If you wanted to destroy the USA, what would you differently from Biden--I think he has it down pat 1) open our borders 2) devalue our $ 3)stop our...
Stumbled on a British military series on Tubi--"Our Girl" about a female army medic-- it gives a lot of insight into the s--thole of fighting in...
During the Vietnam War, there were massive protests that forced LBJ , not to seek a second term. There were massive Me-Too protests-for women's...
Looks like one of the Taliban 5 that Obama swapped for the deserter Bergdahl, has become the leader of the Taliban !!! Guess when lying becomes...
The Admiral has got the new car bug in the brain again, unlike me; she rarely keeps a car long, I put at least several hundred thousand on mine as...
Since I'm a retired USNR-R retireded submariner, its not often I find a non submarine military series to watch. However; in the past few weeks I...
Separate names with a comma.