another reason to leave Ca.!!!!!!
The CEO of Ford was driving one of his company's electric F-150's, well he had to wait 40 minutes to get the damn thing charged to 40% Imagine the...
When mobster Michael Franzese partnered with the Russian mafia, he shuffled money between various companies and pocketed billions by keeping gasoline...
Just got a notice that the ATA is raising daily fees to $4.00/ $2.00 for big 50's IMHO if they are so flush with cash they should be doing the...
After shooting my 391, my left arm/ and wrist area are covered with black flakes--don't get the ejection port is on the right side of the gun--been...
Big power outage @ Sparta/ per e-mail from the ATA--if you are planning on going to Sparta for the Grand get a hat mounted flashlight with plenty of...
Looking for what's in the title
On the 4473 that Hunter was caught lying on, he purchased a 38 cal wheel gun; however in lots of photos from his lap tap he's shown holding an...
Fuzzy Moore, used to be the go to man for Mach-one & Infinity parts Does anyone have a new contact # for him
Joe opens his mouth and states" the US military is running low in ammunition" give China a green light
China is getting ready to stop exporting the raw materials needed for chips & EV batteries. The term the "Umbrella" was used in my old neighbor by...
A NY Yankee pitcher got credited with a perfect game-Well his game was against the the Oakland A's a team with a team .217 batting average--Damn I...
Made contact with Joe Bowles, he no longer welds knock down pins on auto-loaders. Anyone know a gunsmith who still does this ?
Why do we have a month to celebrate "PRIDE" and only one "MEMORIAL DAY". who did more for our nation ? No one makes us celebrate "Memorial Day" but...
Been back shooting for the last few months after major back surgery & hip replacement. Been shooting my Devault Beretta conversion, but today I broke...
I have to ship a handgun to the manufacturer for repair--looks like if I'm a non FFL holder I can't ship it via UPS or FEDEX any help please !!!
Tom Pitts, who was a major reason to shoot @ Watauga Gun Club and Henry McGinnis who was responsible for keeping the bank assignments up & running @...
Both Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson are no longer on Fox--maybe that $750 million pay off to Dominion has really bit Fox's balance sheet in the ass.
Mercedes Benz is offering $10K off, free maintenance & charging on their new EQS. Benz is not known for giving anything away, especially...
Recent Winchester AA's have had a lot off broken brass and lousy crimps-- A few years ago I had a failure to fire because a STS had no powder in it ;...
According to Aires ShootingRange Fruitland Park, they are constructing a state of the art trap range with 12 fields--this is great addition to the...
In the past 3 years , which included Covid shut downs, major back surgery spinal fusion L1-S1, hip replacement & a torn rotator cuff --went to...
It feels my pads have become slick, what can I do to stop them from sliding on my shirt ? I used to use Gooey Pads, but they are none existent.
The DNC should hold their convention in Beijing, this way they'll get used to things if we have a Dem presence. in 2024--God Forbid !!!
Just was watching a movie called the Mechanik, where Dolph Lundgren uses an O/U to take out Russian bad guys-- can't tell if he was using 71/2 or...
Robinson Ranch has reclaimed shot $30.00/ 25 lb bag--Tom cleans and treats the shot himself-Shooters who use it say its a good reclaimed shot.
Hope I'm wrong but after the release of the video of the Memphis police beating which resulted in the death of a 29 year old black man, this looks...
Al Gore should be spouting "Climate Change has been very, very good to me" since 2000 his net worth has risen from $2million to $300 million.
When I fell & broke my hip, I also, damaged an already damage right rotator cuff. General ?, if you have had a rotator cuff repair, how long and how...
First they go after our oil and gas powered cars, now they want to outlaw gas stoves. This will do wonders for the restaurant industry.
Well the Admiral finally got her new car. its a MB and I've been looking @ MB dealerships and they seem to be knee deep in new EV cars, I'm willing...
IMHO- two American super stars one in Hollywood , the other in sports military exploits have been overlooked. 1) Ted Williams fought in WWll and...
tripped yesterday and broke my right hip and shoulder
"He alone who controls the youth, controls the future" Adolph Hitler This quote is more than true today considering our education system and our...
According to the Heritage Foundage 2023 guidelines the US military is now ranked as "WEAK", way to go Biden & his Joint Chief Of staff and Sec of...
Looks like Joe is auditioning for a sequel to "GhostBusters", that why he is shaking hands with invisible people and looking for deceased persons
It won't be hard to prove that the real racists are the Democrats, all you have to do is look at the history of the Democratic Party. 1) slave owners...
I'm currently shoot a DeVault 391 conversion. Have the rib raised as high as it can toe and the com is all the way down--The current rib is 7/8" in...
After the raid on Mar-A-Lago, the seizing of the phone from a congressman-the topper is when the FBI seized the phone from Mike Lindell "the MY...
It appears 3 major credit card companies are beginning to track gun & ammo sales by using a code to ID the purchases--hope the NRA goes to court to...
Been 9 months since my back surgery--went to a local range and shot 50 targets, felt good be shooting again. now to get the old rhythm back. The...
On the news there was a photo of an underground bunker near a homeless camp in Ca. there were phots of several o/u shotguns, one had removable chokes...
More sad news for the LEO community , by the posted pictures of the perp--it looks like he got a lot of facial rearrangement by the arresting...
Looks like common sense may finally be on hand for NY,NJ Ct, Maryland ,Ca. Hawaii and some of the other anti cow states.
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, warns of a financial hurricane getting ready to hit the US, the only variable will be is, the strength of its...
Wow, Glock is being sued because it was the weapon used in NYC subway shooting.Could you imagine if every auto manufacturer was sued likewise. Ford...
Biden the fool in chief, is calling for restrictions on 9mm guns and ammo. I f u use a 9mm, word to the wise load up now
If it wasn't for Fox. News & the NY POST, no one would know there is a trial going on in Washington DC, So far the facts are pretty damning for...
After seeing all the Russian tanks getting whacked--I think being a tanker today is the same as being a Jap Kamakazi pilot in WW ll. Tanks are the...
Well I refuse to use a smart phone-love flip phones- all I use it for is for calls, well the Admiral's smart phone crashed the other day & she got...
Separate names with a comma.