To the clubs that shoot Lawrys, buy them before the 25% tariffs kick in or buy American
I'm a one eyed shooter. My Infinity is set to shoot 140% high. This was set up for me by the Late Dean Debow, I used to hold low on the front edge...
Just got a K 80 Parcour's- a non fired shell doesn't lift out of the chamber when the gun is opened is this normal on a K 80
NASCAR has become the best sleeping pill out there--you can see the same action by standing on an overpass and watching traffic on any busy...
Joe took 577 vacation days during his 4 year time-imagine the damage he would have done if he was in the White House more !!!
Ft. Liberty has been restored to Ft. BRAGG--let freedom ring !!!
The marine Col. who was courtmartialed for criticizing the lack of leadership that resulted in the deaths of 13 service men & women in the withdrawal...
I was told the Silver dollar has worded 6 million Eurotargets, with a saving of $2.50/per box. If u think they will lower their prices, think again
Could a release pull trigger be considered a binary trigger--since you are shooting two shells with a single pull? could be a problem in some...
Looking to get into sporting clays. Looking foe either a Perazzi MX 8 with 30" barrels or a Krieghoff Parkours, Don't care about the wood because...
Trump announced he is going to rename Ft Liberty back to Ft Bragg and I guess all the other bases will be back to their original names- you can't...
There is a picture of the girl who shot up the Wisconsin school on a trap field--the picture is on the NY Post site
Daniel Penny, immediately after being acquitted , dropped into a bar near the courthouse, for a shot , Semper -Fi & fair winds with following...
Was just informed there will be NO shooting @ the Silver $ during the month of DEC., there will be lead mining & field cleanup--IMHO this should...
I'm just a tad away from being 82, I had spinal fusion from L1-S1- 21/2 years ago. And the big problem is I'm letting go of my release early @...
There was a photo shoot of Walz hunting pheasants. He was carrying a Beretta A-400, couldn't load the magazine, he said he used the gun for shooting...
As a former NC resident & shooter prayers are needed for Buncombe County Gun Club & Watauga Gun Club for their facilities & their members who are...
Biden said, he won't interfere if there is a strike maybe its his way of getting even with Harris forcing him out of the campaign, since the strike...
If Kamala gets elected , she wants to tax "unrealized capital gains" well if your property or house has increased in value, you better hope you have...
Anyone who votes for Harris & expects change, is probably a person who poops their pants & changes their shirt, that's , how they change
the ad for "Dinner With" can't be accessed on Google , had to look@ it on Firefox Big tech is still tipping the election scales.
Just got an e-mail from the Florida Trap Association, the cost for the first 100 targets registered is $41.00+$7.00 daily fees, now add $40.00 for...
Waiting for a copy of Walz's DD-214 to surface, it should tell the truth about his service.
Well they made break -dancing an Olympic sport; how about making drive by shooting a new sport to rival the bi-athon winter event Chicago could...
Just finished a 15 day cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam-There are no medical personnel on the ship, they can't give u a Tylenol; without a MD on...
1) Trump holds up his hand and shows Biden 5 fingers-he asks "how many fingers do you see" 2) next question--what day of the week is it 3) final...
A shooter I know showed up with a Remington 3200 Competition, with a great rollover left hand stock & a Morgan adjustable pad He can not select...
line f) states that are you a USER, or an addict--his defense will be looking @ the definition of the word addict No one can deny the the definition...
A verdict is in in the NY BS trial-hope & pray Trump is acquitted !!!
The billionaire owner of TOTAL WINE is running as a Democrat for the US Senate from Maryland and he is a big donor to the Democratic party
Biden says his support of Israel is iron clad, Well the USS Arizona lying in the mud of Pearl Harbor is more dependable than Biden's word- its iron...
Today is VE Day, the day the lights came on again in the world and the holocaust really ended. Without today there would be no anti-semitism,...
Trump's firm instruction to his kids, :NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, AND NO TATTOOS" STORMY IS LOADED WITH TATTOOS, this is against his basic being--but...
I was shooting at my local club and fellow shooter was telling me that Walmart is now charging $60.00 for a Federal 4 pack--sure hope this is not an...
Looking for a 391 Optima bore barrel 28" with a DeVault or Moneymaker rib set up for sporting
Found out the Empire Grand will be throwing "LIME GREEN" targets, if you are planning to attend-a heads up, get yourself a set of "ICE BLUE lenses...
Well, its almost Easter and Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Judas sold out Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. But this time its...
The pin that holds the trigger in place, has become real loose < I've got two custom pins with buttons on the end , so no tool is needed to remove...
The State of Illinois has a category for state residents over 75 shoot @ their state shoot in championship events its called Elder Class In my...
I was shooting Sat. and a large piece of a target from an adjacent field ended up real close to the target I was shooting at, missed the target--I...
When the three fallen soldiers remains are returned @ Dover AFB and if Joe is standing there this time, hope Jill takes his watch off before they...
Talking about divisiveness, the super bowl just reached a new low. Well the belief that the USA is one nation is being trashed again. Guess what,...
I shoot 1 oz of Nobel Low Recoil shells with # 81/2 shot @ 1200 FPS, with a DeVault 391 using a Mueller # 2 choke for singles Will the above shot...
Teenage white student was beaten and severely injured @ Marjorie Stoneman HS iin CoralSprings Fl, the site of a mass shooting a few years ago., by...
IMHO, the Secret Service agents who discharged their firearms, should be charged--I always believed the use of deadly force was to protect life not...
No Pres. should announce when he's going to arrive in a war zone !! W e had to crack the Jap's naval code in WW-ll-- to shoot down Yamamoto All the...
Got a shooting bud who's got the new gun inch-he currently shooting a K-80, He's thinking about a single barrel, I mentioned the three in header-I...
Took my 391 apart for its monthly cleaning, noticed the breech bolt housing had cracked-I always have a complete receiver with spare parts Now the...
IMHO, Joe should be called Benedict as he should be the sole recipient of the Benedict Arnold lifetime achievement award
Sec of energy, Jennifer Granholm, was taking a road trip in an EV,she had a gas powered car blocking access to her intended EV charging station--a...
Separate names with a comma.