one time reduction. 750 plus ship as is. goes back up next monday.
sad....we live in the age of temporary flash in the pan shooters buying cheap guns. and the market loves it.
you just did. next bump you can do is 3 days from now. we dont bump your ads. you make a 'btt' post and its done.
it was a good run. 15 years. hate to retire it from my roster. but time marches on. if the sport picks up in the future....maybe itll come back. but...
rare bbl for a rare gun. come and get it......
he said he was moving about a year ago. he even asked what the economy was here in mo. he considered having my range be his home base to shoot.
up for monitoring............MOD
i will be in ct may. bring a trailer.
thank G-d i still shoot fixed choke guns..............
will be in mo in mid june/july for a ftf sale. bring a trailer.
nellis afb throws them. work well.
lets do the math......... 15.00 range fee. 5.00 a game. lets see...2 games = 12.50ea ehhh.........goodbye oceana!
correct. but you can make another line entry below the first post. hope it helps.
youll always do better if you show everything youre selling. that way there arent any surprises. good luck.
im here. come and get it.
rongee.....the viewers want to see the other parts. if you are offering them, you must post a pic.
overpriced for what you get. very complicated to operate. they kick. and you still have to pick up hulls.
back in va safely. thank you to all that attended, as well as all the others over the years. a chapter in my life comes to an end. a new one now...
the future of my range is basically going back to a 'call and come' operation for skeet or trap. i will still offer my range as a lease to any group...
im going to be in ct in may. anyone interested can do a ftf with me. of course, trades considered.
no. it does not matter. the good news is, if its going in a savage, it should slip right in. sorry i cant offer you a try period. btw, ive shot it in...
just a quick reminder to my friends, its official. i am a mo. resident now. that means if there are any guns on my list that youre interested in,...
contamination issues.
some pics of the event....... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1200.00 shipped, as is. come and get it.
if theres anyone still reading this topic anymore, would they be so kind to leave something nice on claytargetsonline for us?
cliff showed up just to say goodbye and left after the turkey shoot. so, that counts as a no show. ive met some strange people over the years. this...
frank is coming by to watch and maybe shoot. he says he may not be able to last the whole match, but will try. and he is going to the trout farm.
brian and bob colo are here. rex is in town.
and with that my friends........................the vanzant shoot and hoots are history after tomorrow.
get well soon. stay well forever. for the short time we knew you here so long ago, we enjoyed you. we will donate your ticket to a local shooter.
you just did.
sunny windy. all is dried out for sat.
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how are the lands and grooves? any throat erosion? are the scope holes factory drilled?
Separate names with a comma.