was a time any wise eastern gun collectors would frequent the gun shops and tag sales in florida....and bring them back to their states for resale...
yes....... but then, that was the whole plan.
shooters today have lost the art of fitting themselves to a gun. gizmos have carved out a pretty big niche in the gun world.
itll fire, but the 3" crimp will expand beyond the forcing cone, not sealed in it. thats the danger. reason a mag can handle a 2 3/4" hull is because...
putting 2 3/4" bbl on a mag gun is not a safe practice, since the 2 3/4" may be mistaken for a mag and if you chamber a 3" in it....well. theres also...
people look at me funny when i pull out a model 50 winchester and ask, who made that?
jim, the dot should be between the OU and the beginning of the serial number...i/e: OU .23456
marthas vineyard r&gc, mass...16yd squares on skeet overlay.
falmouth skeet club, mass....16yd overlay only.
concerning the young firearm.... by chance, is that the same gun that was on display at the vandalia grand hall of fame, back in the day? i knew the...
heres a better pic of meriden f&g club. note classic ammo stands! [IMG]
bend of the river rod and gun, cookville tn. is 16yd only, WITH ammo stands!
ledyard rod & gun ct is a 16yd only field.
yes, they are slightly bigger than win's, but not dangerously loose. rule of thumb for me has always been, once a cheditte goes in, that hull is...
holy cow.
if it was sent regular parcel usps, it had to go thru NUMEROUS hands on confirmations at every transfer. took long yes...but gotta hand it to usps...
wow, modern horse shoes!
is it a sign of the times? seems the guns in the spotlight even amongst seasoned clay shooters these days is newer guns. anyone see a slower trend of...
for the record....the friendly club is mount pleasant r&g club. truly a great bunch of guys. many there are members of campfire, and offered to...
are those public ranges making you shoot factory ammo? let me guess....sold at their counter only?
funny note i must post about the campfire club, ny. i wanted to visit them on one of my trips home years ago. they have a website, but never answer...
point is power can be abused. and with all the tools and equipment in place, it can be very easily manipulated into being used for what someone else...
cyber bullies are everywhere. i lead too wonderful a life to be involved with forum bar fights. especially here.
.....skeet guns came from the factory with just buttplates? how many skeet guns do you still shoot with just a buttplate? win model 50 and...
i cant agree with the statement that skeet has been made easier, i mean its not like you can slow the targets down or change the angles. yet i can...
if you come....we may have 6. bob L brian you stan dustin dustins son no word on joe or 2 new guys from tn. time will tell. its going to be a small...
heads up bob. the man i asked to cut my lawn this summer double crossed me and walked off the job on day one after we left for va. i can only imagine...
i think its all pretty entertaining. i can only wonder how many have to run to the med-locker and take gliserin tabs to recover from reading these...
im a guest at a very prestigious hunt club where the skeet range has one purpose, and thats to teach dogs not to flinch at the sound of gun fire. the...
jim and gwen are out. new work schedule.
put in danger is the key, roger. many here are ignoring that point in order to start an argument. which are also the same people missing the point...
so...back on topic and to the ata program. as i was saying, the cover is a public display of someones vanity. (or, for the over sensitive,) their joy...
thank you harry.
what part of... if the dog threatens me first, did you miss? they say dogs are like their owners. i agree. so back off.
dogs are allowed at my range as long as they are leashed, picked up and dont cause a disturbance to shooting. if they are loose, growl, and come at...
ive had my share of dogs. and for that reason i dont have any more.
dogs are meant to be enjoyed privately. being displayed in public is vanity and reflects poorly on the sport and its participants.
some ranges ive been to, i had to carry a popsickle stick with me to clean out dog crap from my shoes. dogs arent better than people. they are dogs....
does it have a steel butt? any wobble in the takedown when locked up? thanks.
as mentioned earlier...unless you redesign your shotgun to have rimfire firing pins, the idea is dead in the water. shotgun shells are centerfire in...
maybe im blind, but the last time i looked at a shotgun primer, they are bell shaped . 22's are straight wall. how in sam houstons name would you jam...
im out. life is too short to fool with crazy ideas. at least mine is....and im a yankee.
having a match and winning?
this is what i have. its a pigeon 2 bbl matched set. ws1 26" and a 28" full. both have their own wood and front ends. ive been carrying this gun in 2...
Separate names with a comma.