and just like goes another 'ignore member' option. lol.
you got a lot of nerve telling me to stuff it. you don't even know me. and don't think for one minute youll ramrod or bulldoze me here. I fight back...
geesh, I looked quick and thought this was the reloading forum. :> btw, don't worry. they'll make their own...better too.
look on page 3 or 4. I got nothing but pretty ones....
there are sure going to be a lot of cameo appearances....or like most times, 66% of those that say they will come, wont. tickets talk, all others...
citori or superposed?
anyone still shoot fixed choke guns?
anyone care to donate for the apr trophy? pm me. you don't need to attend to donate for it.
ohhhh geeeez!
you can drive it between trap fields like golf cart.
I guess no one will ever share with me the secret handshake on this one. :<
unless someone asks now, I wont be bringing primers to trade.
hopefuls updated........... joe in ark colobob dustin and son kenton cliffs buddy brians buddy bob L son gary garys wife dude and son
if youre reading this, youre invited.
The Vanzant Clay Pigeon Farm of Vanzant, Mo. will be hosting a private shoot for INVITED GUESTS Apr 8-9, 2022 SAFETY BRIEFS: 3PM Friday & 9AM & NOON...
skeet is too hard. everyone is switching to 2 hole trap with big money payouts. lol.
that little kids a real whipper snapper.
thought it looked familiar. thanks.
I got this response in, by the skin of my teeth.........
Bravo Zulu. btw....where was that pic shot?
those are funny, by cracky.
colobob fell off the map. hope he's ok.
dude and son are still trying to swing by to shoot enroute to pheasant hunting up north.
reading this makes ya want to slap your grandma....... figur? recon?
ok........lets try again. I WANT............. a SAN REMO GRADE. no ugly or damaged ones please. 100% original with no aftermarket mods or bored out...
my point was, this whole topic should have been a pm. im done.
why does everything on this website have to be a catfight? here I am trying to rescue a new guy who stumbled into a street brawl and I get lambasted....
good. blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall see G-d.
how much is it a game at ea. location now?
did both places lift visitor restrictions due to covid?
I shoot a pigeon 12 with b carved wood. figure the odds of someone putting a pigeon 12 with b carved wood next to mine in the rack while I was...
just like that, my s&h fees just went up on all my guns for sale.
Down and dirty version: A person MUST be an FFL to ship firearms via FedEx now. I would post the link, but rules wont let me. youll have to google...
ok. got ya. I pass thru del-mem-bridge to ct and va all the time. I shoot at omelangdon in del on occasion off 13. I have an open invite to pine belt...
nuts, I was inviting you out to mo to learn for free. fyi....jersey, what exit? north- central- south jersey? I use to shoot in central. njp ex88...!
jj-jj, what state do you live in?
bob L's son is nibbling...........
it use to happen a lot when 1100's were on the line. so much so, guys would use embossing tape and put their name on the stocks because guns looked...
coming to my range is sorta like a vintage car rally. ya know, cords and score chairs with no batteries failing? I ran out of life, but I did intend...
new guy called. gary and his wife from St Louis are nibbling. we shall see.
ron-t is out.............
my club motto is..........'good ole fashion skeet and trap.' I live by it. many enjoy it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..............But like I said before those days are over. They won’t come back. So the people of old style shooting can reminisce about...
subjr....don't feel bad. I did 5 terms in the military. consider 1 done for you. it was my pleasure to serve for you.
shooters should shoot. golfers should complain. either youre a range or a country club. if you want both, find one, go only there, park your rolls'...
lotta Russians in pa too!
hopefuls........... ron T in ark joe in ark colobob dustin and son Kenton cliffs buddy brians buddy
rdtay10 is out...........
Separate names with a comma.