im in mo now. local phone is best way to get me.
pretty simple. my bbl can be seen on the sxm1 gun I have for sale here in the vanzant forum. lmk. FOUND.
ok. in case you want to see them anyway, I have them llsted over in the vanzant forum on main page. regards........
and once again, we wont be offering ammo at the counter due to the shortage. make sure to bring at least 12 boxes. most bring 20.
would you settle for a m50?
any dings in the rib, repaired cracks if any, and is it a 0 cast? is it up to full house loads or would you pamper it with reduced loads like 1oz or...
larry alfermans out. he has work that day.
byrons out.
other site is weird. always welcome here. enjoy.
gene pool thinning gadget.
2022 is including a new shoot policy. since 99% of my attendees bypass night birds, i have a choice. either make it a 1 day shoot or give an...
the altermatt family is out.
silly me. i read this quick and thought iT was about a war time GARAND. LOL.
how many is a sleeve? i use to buy them as10,000 a (case.)
the wildcard calcutta is an optional game after the match. make sure to bring extra ammo for it if you chose to play it!
anyone care to donate for the oct trophy? pm me. you don't need to attend to donate for it.
if youre reading this, youre invited.
The Vanzant Clay Pigeon Farm of Vanzant, Mo. will be hosting a private shoot for INVITED GUESTS Oct 21-22, 2022 SAFETY BRIEFS: 3PM Friday & 9AM &...
i sent an invite to larry alferman. be nice if he'd come down and chew the cudd with us little folk!
frank may come .frank is a local trap shooter here in douglas county.
most i talk to agree im the cheapest guy in town. rockbridge is charging 25.00 for 25 birds!
we try to discourage paying at the counter brian, but we understand most cant commit. it throws off our planning and prep time if we decide to have a...
larry's nibbling. his wife might come.
tickets are now full price. snooze ya lose.
6 days to early bird offer ending.
I marked it gone, fly'.
becoming? it always was. its where all the draft dodgers use to go. its one big hippy commune.
....if you can find primers cheap.
stan is out. surgery.
leads up to 1.50 a pound on the world market today.
youd be surprised what some say! btt, ttt, up. all ones ive seen before. never saw pull to mean anything other than pull the ad, in an ad! LOL. ok,...
I assume you mean pull the ad?
hopefuls: (any new forum attendees) + joe.........working long hours on a new job. hope he can get away this year. its been a while. larry....always...
Kenton wont know until later.
jim is out. the lure of San Antonio has him shooting mims and points matches this year. we wish him well.
rex just signed up. we have a whooping 4!
12ga. I can see an obvious difference when hitting clays. one is smoke, one is parts.
I have an old parker choked 021 and 023. what choke are they? im thinking ic/mod?
early bird sign up ends 1 march guys. if you can sign up early to give us a feel for the crowd size, do it now. thanks.
yep. but skeet shooters have a forum and their money is green too! ;>
its not a new round. its rehashed luger round from ww2.
check your pm's.
my pleasure. good luck on your ad.
1 deg this morning. thank GOD I split wood back in nov!
my 4 fingers are working again. my thumb still cant squeeze anything. wrist is moving but when I try to grip a pistol grip it tells me it doesn't...
this bump is showing 2 days since last ttt. be advised. keep it 3 days.
I don't think a m32 k gun is considered current!
imagine that. basic eco101. end of year inventory purge to save on inventory taxes.......then raise cost for new inventory to create a new norm for...
the euro market has usa in their back pockets.
Separate names with a comma.