well well. good to hear.
sad. all that work for nothing.
wow. I remember in the 90's they just finished the new rv lot and were eager to build new fields down below and were in the process of doing it to...
im wondering if they will ever need to use the fields down below or up on the hill with only 500? im thinking they'll have a fast turnaround on...
I take it the glory days of 1500+ are gone?
outliving each other is a competition in itself. no guns or ammo required, just a good medical plan.
are the numbers up or down this year? my buddy in mo canceled in light of costs. wonder how many other did.
fla IS ny. didn't anyone tell you?
reduced last time...400.00 shipped.
I remember federal use to always be the most expensive stuff around. their ammo was always 1.00 or 2.00 more than rem or win.
100 dollar flats is what 410 or 28ga use be around 2002. and even that was high.
this was designed as Winchesters semi-automatic Model 12. to be in pigeon grade is hens teeth. be the new proud owner of some old American quality....
this is what a pigeon trap grade wood set will look like installed.... [ATTACH]
bob L scratched up 2 guys. we have a match. small, but hey, its something!
what ga gun? I assume 12?
is it bored for 2 7/8" hulls? chokes?
thus why the one world order is trying to do away with cash, with a goal of going to card only. time to bring back the barter days.
I never give mine unless he gives his first. did he?
meriden rod and gun club, ct. 2020. one simple modest trap. no one was around when I shot. they all were over fishing at the club lake in a...
does any other popular gun co make them?
buy with confidence. he's one of the good ones left on the internet. fast ship.
pm answered.
trap bbl muzzle. [ATTACH]
no. trap bbl is factory original.
used to compensate and balance out the 12ga bbl, after using the subgauge tubes in the 4 gun event. measures out 5 1/4". this will not work on a...
so is what I shot properly called a concave rib?
funny how you say how ones heart would pump as you neared the grounds. my coach always said, plan on dropping birds on your first grand due to your...
4h doesn't care about actions. theyd still have a fit. personally, I see nothing wrong with that pic, fyi.
ok, so is one ordered when a gun is built? what is the official name of that rib that looks like a gutter looking down the rib? I shot a friends new...
debates and opinions are not allowed on for sale ads. you can discuss values on pms folks. thanks.
I am lifting the 3 match championship limit as of today. it is now 5 match wins to 'trophy out' at vcpf. old champs.......come and win another one!
looks like im going to have to scrape the plaque off the trophy and chalk it up as a loss. $$
I helped moses hold his staff up, for his people to safely cross the dead sea. I remember looking over and I saw some guys loading hulls w/o wads.
yep...hens teeth. hoping someone out theres' got an original set just laying around with my name on it! no cracks or cuts please. intact and complete...
do all target grade p' guns have concave ribs?
just enter a reply in your own topic with the word...bump.
2015 andy dalton range, ash grove, mo [ATTACH]
should I assume this is a SPF?
oh gawd o' mighty. don't let 4H see that pic! lol. muzzles under the chins!
ive been preaching to stop shooting to force prices down for years now....but nobody listened. the wealthy can afford it, so they buy it...and the...
as the ad states, factory 30"vr trap full.
not looking good folks. unless bob L can scratch some buddies up, and if my 1st timers man up and really come....im going to have to cancel. blame...
even bp rifle/musket shooters knew you had to have at least paper or cloth to keep the powder from fouling in the shot. at the least id go with 'card...
for those wondering what the difference is, the space between bbls on a 12ga Remington 3200 is greater than a 12ga krieghoff 32. (note the center...
posting personal info is a no-no joe. do it on pm. I deleted your info above. thanks.
stan is out. down to 5 hopefuls.
up for the OP.
what model is this for?
so much for early birds. we are at NO BIRDS.
Separate names with a comma.