does this mean its no longer available? MOD
looking at my records.... I had 11 visitors last year. im currently looking at 7 this year. if all goes well, I may tie last years number in oct....
72 hrs my friend. 3 day bump rule. thanks..............MOD
ok , will the mystery mod or admin guy who keeps putting forum discussions in the FOR SALE forum, at least be nice enough to tell me why and give me...
was it windy?
im trying to determine if its a k32 or 80. if its 5 digits, its k80. if its a 4 digits, could be a 32. I have factory flyers. if I could nail it down...
whats the serial number on the bbl?
still looking. if anyones going to the grand, if you see one, get the guys name and email!
how much did you pay for it?
then I fixed it up.......... [ATTACH]
we got power here in vanzant!!!
I bought the hay farm with the range and clubhouse already built by prior owner, going to seed w/4' of grass. visit my website and read up on me and...
ok, we have 4 but only 2 are solid. bob L brian bob/colo jeff below is all I have to work on....... 1. a new long shot over on 24hr may come....
I will remind him in a few days.
wooo wooo......I just got my 4th sign up in oct! hes coming from central Kansas too. 6hrs.
on it.......
no obo's allowed here my friend. the bosses rules.............
well done. that's good news. we haven't seen jeff for 3 years. I sent him a pm.
30 day notice to the early bird tickets expiring.
if it was a dual swell, I would have bit. wow what nice gun.
3 days is 72 hours too. we don't play the 'post it up,' next day ' reduce the price,' and the next day you bump it again. don't abuse this rule. 72...
thank you very much. its my go to pad. haven't bought one in ages.
billy.....make it a true 72 hours next time. OK? thanks...........MOD
are they still made? cost?
bingo! alls well.
david doesn't. the topic is the cost of registered shooting. anyone who drives an rv to major shoots towing a car, best not be someone complaining...
alls well. we just don't want anyone getting burnt by internet crooks. alls is well.
and now you know the problem. there is no crowd! biggest town is springfield and most there say 2 hours is too far. all the big s&t clubs in...
i wonder if they still use them.
wally, duke, send and post your private info in a (PM) (private) msg. thanks. MOD
the point is... the cost of one.
my 2 nibbles back out. it seems 3 hours was too far. lol.
yet, the san ant world shoot facility had to expand its rv campsite for those 60' mobile homes with 30' trailers towing spare cars, to fit in......
shooting registered doesn't effect those that can afford it. but to those it does, its like justifying putting a registration plate on a motocross...
that's out of my league. my crowd brings a covered dish and prizes are found in the walmart sporting goods section.
made my day. thanks.
hey colo'bob, wanna try these guys again? WeimsnKs and Rusty Zipper over on 24hr?
ok,thanks. btw, is English as hard as black walnut? now, if you see any circa 90's English walnut blonde factory skeet or trap stock sets in great...
is English walnut graded the same as American? crotch/marbled/ aaa/aa/a/select/straight grain/cross cut, etc....? what was the old 32 sile wood?...
back in the 90's, it was common to see a blonde finish on k80 stocks. also, the marbling was spectacular. what was it called? was it a French clairo...
the way you do it is you post in the atta boy forum. I will mark this as 'FOUND' for you. sounds like you got a good bbl. congrats.
if you got a bbl from oleolliedawg, why are you TTT'ing this ad?
he's toast.
got him. gone.
Separate names with a comma.