once again, im a lefty or i'd own this one.
WOW. btw, welcome to ats.
mike, o model is officer right?
more and more the gun industry is pulling in all the little companies to create on big one....so its easier for the govt to shut down everything in...
beautiful gun. lot of history to that design. good luck! it should go fast.
as you know, that has been my philosophy for the shoot and hoots. and you can see how drawing from a hat for a calcutta evens up the game afterwards....
can i call it or what? kenton and larry are out.
cant post links to anywhere off site charles. im being as polite as i can. so, sorry if im not clear enough. im sure if you pm just joe, he will make...
sorry charles, no links. https://www.americantrapshooter.com/threads/links-will-get-you-banned.10341/ strike 1....
100 bird skeet or trap HOA match. 1st place splits the pot with the range. handicap scale to make it even: 100-95 = 0 extra birds 94-92= 2 91-89 = 3...
what a perfect uncluttered, simple work horse! if i had my old crowd coming to my range like old days, id buy it just to loan out to people to sell...
that one goes in the empty chamber on a o&u.....right?
what year is your gun? fyi... winchester made: skeet guns, skeet guns in skeet grade, skeet guns in trap grade, skeet guns in pigeon grade, and...
only guns that were skeet grade were marked skeet on the receiver. believe it or not, there were trap grade skeet guns too. mine isnt a higher grade...
no red, where is tom1 located?
ya guys gotta admit, im pretty good at predicting the future.
on the bbl engraving....since my gun is 500 miles away, look at your top latch. see the engraving on the sides? picture it continuing along the bbl...
even if they did, it was all burnt in duponts fire in fla.
no. its on the top of the ridge where the locking dogs are located. thanks for your quick responses. good luck with your sale. very nice gun.
the hanger is certainly nice. btw, factory san remo bbls are engraved along the top of the breech area, just a thin line of it on both sides. i know...
is the extra bbl a san remo engraved bbl? is that a crown bbl hanger on the o&u unit?
below is all I have to work on....... 1. 2. frank doesn't do internet forums. I will call him once in mo.. 3. 4. phil? maybe he's over his new...
one of the good ones. he does what he says. kudos. now, if only he would do the same in return, all would be balanced!
thanks for your input. say hi to the nice guys in the other place for me.
I think ata/nssa team photos will be like looking at old west snap shots with all the deputies holding their Winchesters across their laps. a whole...
a fellow from ark cant make the weekend shoot, but may come by with some buddies another day. hey, at least there are still shooters left in the...
can you post pics to compare?
sad truth indeed. thanks. btw, this gun design was the softest recoiling semi auto at the time. it still is a soft shooter. the bolt kneels on...
last reduction...........15.00 shipped.
guys guys! share your personal info on pm...not here!
sad to see the world changing before my eyes. guess its part of the walk thru life.
thanks old friend. you always come thru. many have told me that old red sile wood for the 32's is close to the same as the parcours. are they correct?
funny....I STILL allow #6's on my range.
heck, they pitched me for just warning parents not to send kids to team shoots in cramped vans back when covid first hit the east. it hadn't hit the...
lower 48 only.
im heading west soon.
wow what a deal!
and for the record, I speak with facts observed as a range owner/operator, not feelings. parents buy the guns, blow in to gleen my knowledge for...
brilliant comparisons!!!!!!!
thanks! nice pad. good luck!
if we don't get 10 shooters, who wants the title of being the last trophy donor? pm me for details.
The Vanzant Clay Pigeon Farm of Vanzant, Mo. Will Be Hosting A Private 1 Day Shoot For... ANYONE INTERESTED 13 APRIL, 2024 SAFETY BRIEF: 8am PRACTICE...
q: has the alum' portion been trimmed at any time to fit a stock or is it factory dimensions?
new guy here on ats doesn't answer pm's, so im not very hopeful he will come. just gets worse as the days go by.
Separate names with a comma.