ok, i see what youre doing. you want to reduce lop w/o cutting the stock again. factory trap guns came with 14 3/4" lop over pad. pad is 1" so taking...
had field 1's motors tested and checked. they are repaired. im putting them back in today. by march, both skeet fields will be open again. thank...
foreign market has taken over usa ammo. not a good sign for americans to be self sufficient in time of war. remember folks, commies do everything...
we have our trophy donor, so here it is. come and win the last ever trophy from vcpf.
unless i find those old pics of mine, i wont be able to post up the ft eustis s&t range in yorktown va.. its toast. it was another victim of base...
and with that......vcpf's semi annual oct shoot and hoot, fades into history forever. it would mean a lot if my 4 guests would say something nice on...
colo-bob won 1st place-hoa. 103/125. congrats bob! [ATTACH]
congrats to jeff. 50yd champ. [ATTACH]
small, but fun. who would have thought that in mid oct you could get sunburn! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
if anyone is wondering why there wont be any more night birds......here ya go! [ATTACH]
bob L and colo bob are signed up. 2 shooters. lets get 8 more to save the vcpf shoots! my prediction is: jeff from kansas, brian form mo, rex from...
we have a trophy donor. in to town i go!
good time had by all. colo bob cleaned house but lost to jeff for the 50yd trophy. pictures to follow.
colo bobs here. spending the night on site.
the match modification is as follows: 2- skeet..............................50 1-16yd trap.........................25 1-handicap...
see ya soon.
range is ready to receive my 4 friends. everyone else had higher priorities. dont blame them. the world has changed. guns and sports related to them...
who says an A5 isnt/wasnt a target gun? maybe not currently, but in its day, it was.
yep. its on.
ok, as of today, we have field 2 in operation. the trap is working. field 1 will work after i replace the blown motors in both machines. but, im in...
my back up electrician stood me up. im down to 1. we shall see 8am tomorrow. even if he doesnt fix it, the trap works.
forest city gun club, savanna, ga 1996. i won the 20ga afsa match here. 100 straight. i beat mike schmitt in a shootoff. im told the world shoot use...
fresno trap and skeet club, ca 1985. (current photo credit to their website) i use to shoot here when i was stationed at nas lemoore ca./usn saw my...
wolfe creek r&g club, ga 1995. now called the tom lowe shooting grounds. (photo credit goes to them) [ATTACH]
(a current photo credit to bend in river website) i shot here passing thru tn. in 2009. it just rained then, and station 1 filled with water. (notice...
i'll never be in ca again, so heres a pic from their website. kingsburg r&g club, ca i use to shoot a 34" 870 here back in 1985. the fun shoot was...
(photo credit from their website) arrowhead, r&g club, va i shot here in 1995. [ATTACH]
(photo credit from club website) fredricksburg rod and gun club, va 1995 many enjoyed their famous steamed crab dinners. [ATTACH]
(photo credit to fairfax r&g va, website.) i use to train here. fabulous club. 2007 [ATTACH]
we go more north now when traveling west, to avoid the crazy I-40 traffic in tn, so i'll never see this one again. fairfield glade sportsmans club,...
back in 1995, i was invited to try out for the u.s. olympic skeet team at ft benning, ga. i got waxed needless to say. i will never be down in ga...
same goes for black canyon shooting range, AZ. its now called the ben avery clay range. i shot my first nssa match here in 1985. i won b class 28ga....
since im never going to get a chance to visit usmc quantico, va again, allow me to post a pic from their website. i shot here in 1992. [ATTACH]
i bought my first skeet and trap gun living in ca. hard to believe how its gone down hill in 40 years.
didnt take but once to learn that. im back to aa's and good stuff to date in my 12.
tues 8am, tech will be on site.
trap works on a cord from club. we have a trap.
i will have a confirmation that the trap works on extension, as soon as i can muster up enough to reach the trap house.
if all we have is the trap working on a cord, we can do a 100 bird trap match with handicap scale, the 50yd shoot, and a turkey shoot. at best. bob,...
colo bob...what day did you plan on leaving colo to get here?
solenoids on the skeet machines are toast. when the pole came down, even with the circuit breakers off, it surged thru the lines. hopefully the...
we cut the range today. we are going to act as if the tech will be successful. started cutting with the tractor and it died again. got enough in...
if push comes to shove, i can run an extension cord from the club to the trap. hopefully it wont draw too much resistance. being itll be well over...
i will make the call if the meet is canceled asap. if there is any chance of the tech fixing the wires to the houses, we will still have it. and i...
frank is recovering from a heart attack. hes out.
here in mo. range is destroyed. i will let you know the details. watch the forum closely.
on our way to mo.............
bob L wont be able to make the sunday 100 bird option. makes no sense to hold it with only 3 (maybe) people so its canceled.
21 oct is back on for the shoot.
thank you. i sorta remember the jap ones were model 200e's. if new, still nice balance and nice gun. good luck!
Separate names with a comma.