2010. itll still be good. great 10ga powder. i even used it in 12ga.
looks like a the best sxm1(XTR) you can get. wow.
its obvious.
is the gun a zero cast and can you tell me where the repair was made exactly?
he must be out of town.
im going to have to pass. as nice as it is, i shouldnt have to make compromise with a rh stock as a lefty, to enjoy its status as the best. none the...
pm sent
reduced.....7.00 shipped.
we know. but we still must do our job, so others wont ask why he gets away with it.
cliff is on board and check is enroute. he is spreading the word down in ark and may get some guys to come along. if so, the shoot is saved, and you...
ok heres the update........... LOCKED IN: bob L bob colo rex jeff jeff buddy 1 jeff buddy 2 lee WAITING ENROUTE: brian cliff from ark MAYBE: some...
jeff and his 2 buddies are locked in. lee is locked in. we have 7 confirmed................
no pics no advised.
pm sent, twice.
if this doesnt sell, im going to keep it to go with my winchester model 54 22 hornet with a vintage scope attached. last bump.
ok heres the update........... LOCKED IN: bob L bob colo rex WAITING ENROUTE: brian jeff jeff buddy 1 jeff buddy 2 lee MAYBE: cliff from ark(pay...
make sure to use the atta boy forum to let us all know.
need 2 more guys. bring some buddies!!!!
serious inquires only please.
lee..........check your inbox here on ats. click top right icon marked inbox. i gave you my address.
trades? pm me if you can.
ribs werent meant for style, they were meant to dissipate heat wave distortion above the sighting plane.
when did trap shooters go from the common 'arm at full length' holding bbls on a bbl pad, to only on the forearm choked up? did the beavertail...
ok folks...we have 4. lee..........bring some buddies! branson a just 1.5 hours away. they cant say its too far! lol!
i just sent you a pm to see if it works....
pm sent. cast? factory lop? (wood uncut)
hmmm, arent tires made from petrolium and chemical products? tree huggers missed that one. thats also why tires dont last as long overall. (less...
i have 3000 maybe 4000 12SO wads and some red dot powder. i have a few clay boxes full of old federal 8 point hulls. must be at least 1000+....
i will trade guns and goods for gun powder. i need 8lbs of 700x and 8lbs of unique. bring a receipt...and tell me what you want in trade.
ok heres the update........... LOCKED IN: bob L bob colo rex WAITING ENROUTE: brian jeff jeff buddy 1 jeff buddy 2 lee MAYBE: cliff from ark ya...
rex is locked in. thank you rex. we now have 3 confirmed. 4 maybes. ------------------- a long time ago shooter is coming back! lee from branson...
thank you.
im a landlord. so, i know what happens when renters dont pay rent. what happens if sparta cant make its lease payments due to low participation?
note to all that are attending: if you see anything you like on my inventory for sale list posted here on, tell me, buy it, and i will hand...
i get a chuckle out of people who post asking if the gun is still available and then never return my call. and when they do, they pm me to tell me...
will trade for gold coins. happy wife, happy life.
Separate names with a comma.