Thanx for all the kind words !!!!
Its been a really rough ride, right now I'm going to P/T--looks like I'm going to misss the best time of the year to shoot, I live in Fl and after...
whatever fills the pattern at the distance u need need to break the target,ireally B&P 71/2 ,1 oz,@ 1300 fps
In the hospital right now, met my surgeon-getting a total hip replacement-broke the ball, that goes into the socket, he. said I''ll be. walking after...
tripped yesterday and broke my right hip and shoulder
"He alone who controls the youth, controls the future" Adolph Hitler This quote is more than true today considering our education system and our...
The most dishonest thing about Pa. was when a Pa. shooter won the GAH from the 18, shot something like 7000 handicap targets with no punch, played...
CBS finally announces Hunter's laptop is for real--25 months too late, how's that about being on top of things?
You can ship long guns with USPS, lot cheaper, also there's a gun insurance co. that includes shipping insurence with their regular policy-its called...
If a state can elect Fetterman for its senator, anything is possible
US Navy submarine service 62-68, spent 20+ years in the Navy reserve retired as a ICC (SS)
Just heard a retired 4 star General, Jack Keene say " the US would lose a war with China"
Went to a local sporting clays field that has one trap field, there were 300 cars filled with sporting shooters, I was the only one on the trap...
According to the Heritage Foundage 2023 guidelines the US military is now ranked as "WEAK", way to go Biden & his Joint Chief Of staff and Sec of...
And I'll add to the above rant, if junior is shooting a Perazzi, Krieghoff, Blazer & high end factory ammo , he doesn't need a leg up, he already...
Phil, glad you are still teaching-attended a clinic of yours in Pa., this week its been 1 year since my major back surgery-it seems insignificant to...
If the U S military continues on its woke path, its going to bite them in the ass, recruitment is way below expectations, if it keeps up they may...
Looks like Joe is auditioning for a sequel to "GhostBusters", that why he is shaking hands with invisible people and looking for deceased persons
also, if you want to kill your avg. shoot in Fl, with the heat, humidity, and constantly changing winds its a tough place to shoot
It won't be hard to prove that the real racists are the Democrats, all you have to do is look at the history of the Democratic Party. 1) slave owners...
Blaser 's are great guns, may take a little bit of time getting to feel comfy with its fast trigger, remember the gun has to fit your body & hand...
Best of luck, mandatory evacuation for all manufactured homes in the Silver Dollar zone
By changing front bead diameter you can also change POI
I also have an Infinity, the late Dean Debow, said" let me see your gun" and he said" you have to set the Infinity @ 140% high" I did that & the gun...
Want it to shot flat for sporting, the lowest I can get the rib is 70/30
I'm currently shoot a DeVault 391 conversion. Have the rib raised as high as it can toe and the com is all the way down--The current rib is 7/8" in...
After the raid on Mar-A-Lago, the seizing of the phone from a congressman-the topper is when the FBI seized the phone from Mike Lindell "the MY...
It appears 3 major credit card companies are beginning to track gun & ammo sales by using a code to ID the purchases--hope the NRA goes to court to...
With the 48 yd targets, the 50 yard stake has been removed and lots of clubs are throwing really"soft" targets , anyone wanna bet lots of clubs are...
Remember the shoot off between Foster & Leo 800 ea. 4 flats of ammo @ today's $$$ -is it worth it for a trophy and or All American points--the ATA...
The Bartholow family shoot really well with Browning guns--If any one gun was significantly better than the other the big dogs would use them...
Been 9 months since my back surgery--went to a local range and shot 50 targets, felt good be shooting again. now to get the old rhythm back. The...
On the news there was a photo of an underground bunker near a homeless camp in Ca. there were phots of several o/u shotguns, one had removable chokes...
also, a lot hats to do with what brand of gun you are shooting, A Seitz usually shoots at at least 100%, my Infinity shoots @ 140%-, but my Beretta...
What about Hunter lying on his 4473 about using drugs, when its factual he was thrown out of the Navy Reserve for failing a random piss test that...
The weasel's father should be criminally culpable, since he signed off on the weasel's FOID application--he knew of the threats to the family and...
More sad news for the LEO community , by the posted pictures of the perp--it looks like he got a lot of facial rearrangement by the arresting...
Looks like common sense may finally be on hand for NY,NJ Ct, Maryland ,Ca. Hawaii and some of the other anti cow states.
Sooo True !!!
Way to go Ohio, Now if all states would follow !!!!!
All Durham mostly likely wanted is the facts read into record during discovery, this info will be a gold mine for Trump when he proceeds with his...
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, warns of a financial hurricane getting ready to hit the US, the only variable will be is, the strength of its...
So u found the can of Chef-Boyardee
Wow, Glock is being sued because it was the weapon used in NYC subway shooting.Could you imagine if every auto manufacturer was sued likewise. Ford...
Sussman not guilty--talk about a tainted jury--
Biden the fool in chief, is calling for restrictions on 9mm guns and ammo. I f u use a 9mm, word to the wise load up now
Teachers should be armed and trained,
And to top it off the Judge's wife is an attorney who is representing Lisa Page/. the lying lovers !!!!!
If it wasn't for Fox. News & the NY POST, no one would know there is a trial going on in Washington DC, So far the facts are pretty damning for...
Every potential Pres. candidate "must" be vetted for dementia before being allowed to run for the office of POTUS, and Republicans must not compete...
Separate names with a comma.