Or if you live in S.FL and have to evacuate due to an incoming hurricane
Both Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson are no longer on Fox--maybe that $750 million pay off to Dominion has really bit Fox's balance sheet in the ass.
I sponsored 3 "Uncle Phil " shoots $5k ,handicap only $1500--champ, next 5 shooters got some good bucks--biggest crowd for the first shoot 120...
Slip 2000 choke tube cleaner
Mercedes Benz is offering $10K off, free maintenance & charging on their new EQS. Benz is not known for giving anything away, especially...
Too bad Brad you were robbed by Winchester & the ATA for a IMHO a stupid rule, especial if new factory ammo is required !!!
Recent Winchester AA's have had a lot off broken brass and lousy crimps-- A few years ago I had a failure to fire because a STS had no powder in it ;...
According to Aires ShootingRange Fruitland Park, they are constructing a state of the art trap range with 12 fields--this is great addition to the...
In the past 3 years , which included Covid shut downs, major back surgery spinal fusion L1-S1, hip replacement & a torn rotator cuff --went to...
The late Phil Ross, said "don't grind a pad, leave it as big as possible to spread out the recoil"
It feels my pads have become slick, what can I do to stop them from sliding on my shirt ? I used to use Gooey Pads, but they are none existent.
If there was a cocked wad, it could have made the shell the equivalent of a shaped charge
One of the most important aspects of gunfitting is "GRIP" Dennis DeVault paid a lot of attention to the grip, its the only part of the stock you...
I'm 80 , trying to avoid surgery, meeting with my surgeon, to discuss PRP,
The DNC should hold their convention in Beijing, this way they'll get used to things if we have a Dem presence. in 2024--God Forbid !!!
Used to love Gooey pads, only negative was their short life, I'm stuck with Kick-Ezz modified trap
Thanx Gary--I knew how to pronounce Russ's last name , but spelling it was another thing--his fitting is second to none
Too bad Dennis DeVault is no longer around, from what I hear if you really want a true "custom" stock Russ Gioscalvdo ( please check my spelling) is...
Kind of reminds me of when I was in business, if I said "I do it for nothing" some cheap bastard would say "too much"
Age is the key factor and in Fl , the driving distances are prohibitive for shooting, how well can you shoot after a 3 hour drive the closest range...
Just was watching a movie called the Mechanik, where Dolph Lundgren uses an O/U to take out Russian bad guys-- can't tell if he was using 71/2 or...
Victory shells are a quality shell and they didn't stick in my Infinity-I have a bud who loads them , as well as B&P--he says he treats them as if he...
Where I live cheap ammo, isn't the problem--the cost of targets , a local club charges 55 Cents/per target-for trap, skeet crazy quail , five stand...
Dennis DeVault happened to be looking @ Homer Clark's gun in the Hall of Fame Museum, & he was chatting with Homer about his gun. Homer said his gun...
Robinson Ranch -Dunnellon Fl
Robinson Ranch has reclaimed shot $30.00/ 25 lb bag--Tom cleans and treats the shot himself-Shooters who use it say its a good reclaimed shot.
And if you live in S.Fl. and there is a mandatory evacuation due to a hurricane you don't have enough range to get out of harms way, and with am ice...
Can you imagine the replacement cost of all those charging cords a cord connectors in big cities after they get cut off and sold for scrap[--lot...
It was 5 COPS vs 1 black guy, the media will overlook the fact that they were black & ANTIFA & BLM don't need a real reason to riot.
Hope I'm wrong but after the release of the video of the Memphis police beating which resulted in the death of a 29 year old black man, this looks...
Al Gore should be spouting "Climate Change has been very, very good to me" since 2000 his net worth has risen from $2million to $300 million.
Hip replacement is going easier; however my right leg is still weak, going to PT 2x a week, plus doing exercises @ home-this body repair isn't much...
When I fell & broke my hip, I also, damaged an already damage right rotator cuff. General ?, if you have had a rotator cuff repair, how long and how...
At least they are not as dumb as NJ, in NJ is a criminal offense to have hollow point ammo, in their infinite wisdom hollow point Ammon are deemed"...
The best lenses for low light are clear, they transmit the most light-also if any lense is that much better the Olympic shooters would be using them...
Looks like its started, Musk is reducing the price on Tesla's by 20%
I'm a retired Navy submariner, everything on a boomer was classified with a minimum of "SECRET", remember the sailor who spent jail time for taking a...
Good idea, cheaper than a backup gun
Most big city apartments don't have enough electrical service to power an electric range, yet for get about where are they going to plug in their EV
First they go after our oil and gas powered cars, now they want to outlaw gas stoves. This will do wonders for the restaurant industry.
Just remember in the old days when you bought a Jaguar, you usually bought a second one ,while the the first one was OIA--navy for on its ass
Well the Admiral finally got her new car. its a MB and I've been looking @ MB dealerships and they seem to be knee deep in new EV cars, I'm willing...
I'm in the Villages FL
wherever you located, also the rib looks like it is a flat rib
would you be interested in selling the barrel by itself ?
Could anyone imagine what Ted William's stats would have been if he hadn't spent 5 years in service ?
Good luck to you Mike Phil
IMHO- two American super stars one in Hollywood , the other in sports military exploits have been overlooked. 1) Ted Williams fought in WWll and...
Ammo costs, target costs, daily fees, fuel costs, hotel/camping fees combined with the biggest state Ca. restricting persons under the age of 18...
Separate names with a comma.