Wow didn't know I had a 12 ga flame thrower, I was shooting in a league and a 10' flame was seen from my barrel--the range officer went to dislodge...
Talking about divisiveness, the super bowl just reached a new low. Well the belief that the USA is one nation is being trashed again. Guess what,...
I would not think so, a person who had her checker a stock, was so dissatisfied with her work, he used it for fire wood--she had a lot on her mind...
I know I have #229 can't shoot it any more, due to age and ailments-shooting a NCP 391 conversion
The wood guy who worked for Dennis was Tracy Latham, don't know if he is stil building stocks A million $ life insurance policy would have kept...
Maybe the more snow flakes who drive EV's in the snow they may see the light after they have suffered enough low battery anxiety and worse ---frost...
Chicago Tesla owners are forced to ditch their Tesla's, because they won't charge in the cold
Well I won the first round of our league using 1 oz 81/2 for singles and 1 oz 71/2 @ 1300 fps for 20 yd wobble
Wondering if any moron has the balls or just pure stupidity to drive an EV to the Iowa caucuses ?
B&P softest shooting shells out there and they load just like Federal Papers--Their F2 Mach is a kick ass shell 1 oz @ 1300 FPS
Guess what Hertz is selling off all its EV's, they are NFG !!!
After seeing Kamala raving about the big yellow electric school buses she failed to mention the company that was making them filed for bankruptcy;...
The two legged pit bull was neutered today, he was charged with attempted murder on Tues. His leap will cost him dearly.
Why subscribe to T&F, especially if you live in a state where local clubs that shoot registered don't offer category points- I stopped subscribing...
I tried a Noble 11/8 @ 1145 with 8/12 the only difference was in the hits the 11/8 made the target smoke & the 1 oz made them disappear
I've had spinal fusion L1-S1, a hip replacement & a torn rotator cuff, this why I'm shooting 1 oz loads and my old auto-loader, can't lift my...
MY wad cleared the barrel=LOST
How about using a B&P shell 1 oz of 71/2 @ 1300FFPS for the 20 yd wobble ?
I was told Roger Smith a late shooter from Kansas shot nothing but 1 oz of 8 1/2's he had a 99 average for 140K targets and was a 27 yd shooter
I shoot 1 oz of Nobel Low Recoil shells with # 81/2 shot @ 1200 FPS, with a DeVault 391 using a Mueller # 2 choke for singles Will the above shot...
Al Sharpton, reported today that the Harvard Pres. was forced to resign because she was black, not an anti-semite and a plagiarist
Teenage white student was beaten and severely injured @ Marjorie Stoneman HS iin CoralSprings Fl, the site of a mass shooting a few years ago., by...
Three thousand auto dealers have sent a signed letter to Biden, pleading with them to stop pushing EV's. One dealer has over 100 of these cars that...
Years ago I had a bad batch of Remington Gun Clubs, Remington swapped them out with STS's;however, @ a registered shoot I had a lost target due to a...
In DC you can go to jail for possessing a shotgun hull or a brass from a fired weapon !!!!
Wonder what "DumbAss" insurance firm, insures him & his car
IMHO, the Secret Service agents who discharged their firearms, should be charged--I always believed the use of deadly force was to protect life not...
Submarine Force in W ll--"Find em, chase em, sink em"
Wonder were they called Autumn Gold ?
They could be Hubbell,
Talking about auto loaders can a 391 stock fit on a multi-target
Can't top a Cosmi, for looks or a Butler for second
Number 1 is a DeVault NCP Beretta 391 conversion, with good wood ebony grip cap and Dennis custom rib--how do I know I' currently shooting one
No Pres. should announce when he's going to arrive in a war zone !! W e had to crack the Jap's naval code in WW-ll-- to shoot down Yamamoto All the...
Got a shooting bud who's got the new gun inch-he currently shooting a K-80, He's thinking about a single barrel, I mentioned the three in header-I...
Anthony Matterese, won the world championship with a Beretta 391--so it's the man behind the gun, not the gun
soft shot gets deformed by tight chokes
1 oz of 81/2 (must be hard shot) @ 1185-1200/ with an IM choke will smoke targets from the 22
Got hold of Wally in Iowa, got complete bolt ass'y for $160.00 shipped with my broken one as a core back to him. By the way Beretta doesn't have a...
Not bad after 200K rds, its a shame I can't shoot my Infinity any more--that gun can't break
Took my 391 apart for its monthly cleaning, noticed the breech bolt housing had cracked-I always have a complete receiver with spare parts Now the...
I sure the gang bangers will pay tax on everything they buy with THEIR 5 FINGER DISCOUNT, VAT BS, as my German journeyman would say when I was an...
If your club has a combo field shoot trap from the skeet stations, can't move till you break a target, the shooter who finishes with the most shells...
I saw one @ Robinson Ranch, last week almost looks like the Pin Oak Dennis DeVault had on his "One of One" Infinity that I had for a while
BUY stock in U-Haul, the EXODUS out of California is getting ready to shift into high gear
IMHO, Joe should be called Benedict as he should be the sole recipient of the Benedict Arnold lifetime achievement award
Pa. is still a 2nd amendment state, guess NY'ers will have Togo to Vermont to buy ammo if Pa. folds later on
Seattle put a per round tax on ammo, every store that sold ammo moved out of Seattle--build an Ammo shop on the NY border's a guaranteed winner !!
Do you think Perazzi, USA would move out of Ca. if this passes ? What next an 11% tax on non EV cars ?
Sec of energy, Jennifer Granholm, was taking a road trip in an EV,she had a gas powered car blocking access to her intended EV charging station--a...
Separate names with a comma.