In Dennis' Infinity he used a small recoil spring, I had problems with Federal ammo, and Winchester super targets stick, Gun loves Remington STS'...
Gary, back surgery is a bitch, had mine @ 79---good luck, got a neighbor who has three corvettes, mentioned your car to him.
Bad news, if he has mesothelioma, his family should contact Weitz & Luxemburg , in NYC--, they helped me out when plaque scaring, was discovered on...
Watch fuel prices to get cut in half and the Keystone pipeline completed , then inflation will get under control and EV's will be put out to pasture...
Trump in a landslide, the only state he will not win is Ca. and he might win NY--he will get every other state
Well, its finally happened the "home Boys" have finally discovered there's COPPER in this EV charging station cables-an entire Tesla super charging...
no # for get about itt
Its not just station in life its trying to relive a youthful dream. Where I live we have a corvette club with over 600 members. And weekly, the local...
The billionaire owner of TOTAL WINE is running as a Democrat for the US Senate from Maryland and he is a big donor to the Democratic party
Biden says his support of Israel is iron clad, Well the USS Arizona lying in the mud of Pearl Harbor is more dependable than Biden's word- its iron...
Krunt --explanantion: Substitute teacher is in of a class in front a tough Italian neighborhoof in Brooklyn. She writes her name on the board Ms....
Today is VE Day, the day the lights came on again in the world and the holocaust really ended. Without today there would be no anti-semitism,...
You mean Mrs. Krunt
Trump's downfall and most men's downfall: BJ--saw a girl driving a hi-end convertible her license plate said, "4 1 BJ" Ron, whose # Stormy or Karen...
Trump's firm instruction to his kids, :NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, AND NO TATTOOS" STORMY IS LOADED WITH TATTOOS, this is against his basic being--but...
Its hard to get 2 squads @ RR, this Sat. we'll have a 4 man squad, its becoming real hard to shoot registered with the s"snow birds" flying the coup,...
Beyond barrel lengthy interior finish and bore diameter can be another way than determining when away leaves the barrel Dennis DeVault compared...
Thanx for the update !!!
I was told about this @ Robinson Ranch, which is located in Dunnellon, Fl the closest Walmart 's # 352-489-****
I was shooting at my local club and fellow shooter was telling me that Walmart is now charging $60.00 for a Federal 4 pack--sure hope this is not an...
Monroe load levelers
At a club I shoot at, there is a Remington 1100"F" grade posted, the gun is beautiful, only "F" grade I 've ever seen
If they want to live, they must exit BLUE States and change their voting habits and learn how to shoot straight---NEVER AGAIN
First time I saw them was in Redlands, California, then I saw them @ Mud Run-but again get those ICE BLUE lenses
Looking for a 391 Optima bore barrel 28" with a DeVault or Moneymaker rib set up for sporting
How about a COSMI--hard to beat for looks and uniqueness
Found out the Empire Grand will be throwing "LIME GREEN" targets, if you are planning to attend-a heads up, get yourself a set of "ICE BLUE lenses...
Prayers on the way
1 sporting clay club, with a crappy trap/combo field 13 miles-next cub has a trap field oriented into the south 20 miles--finally Robinson Ranch 48...
If its not Trump, you better start learning Russian, Mandarin and Farsi- There will be a Third World War. -and we will lose , with a woke military...
If Letitia grabs any of Trump's properties, this will just guarantee him the election !!
Was the seller still alive or was this an estate sale !!! A shooter I knew went to an estate sale in Virginia, the auctioneer didn't know squat...
Well, its almost Easter and Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Judas sold out Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. But this time its...
The same thing holds true in Florida, most clubs have hired helping that's why targets are way more expensive than in NC were I used to shoot & the...
Talking about stamina- I tried shooting my Infinity, but its extra weight tired me out after the first 100, with my 391 on a good day I'm able to...
I'm not a 27 yd shooter, but tried out shooting from the 27 several times and got lucky a few times
Farting around I ran the field several times from the 27 as long as I could still see the targets, not bad for an 81yr old who has been reduced to...
The pin that holds the trigger in place, has become real loose < I've got two custom pins with buttons on the end , so no tool is needed to remove...
The closer u get the more difficult it is for older shooters, the eyes and the brain see the target but the body can't rotate that quickly, that's...
The State of Illinois has a category for state residents over 75 shoot @ their state shoot in championship events its called Elder Class In my...
Also, a kit gun 22 lr revolver has 8 shots S&W 317
Seeing that work Dennis did brings tears to my eyes, gone too soon-I have two guns that he made for me--his work was second to none !!!
MooShell is waiting in the wings
Thanx,just wondering also !!!
I was shooting Sat. and a large piece of a target from an adjacent field ended up real close to the target I was shooting at, missed the target--I...
And today, our local paper stated that the EV's higher weight & lower center of gravity enable them to push thru the current guard rails used in...
In our local paper Fri, there is an automotive supplement, due to the weight of batteries and quick motor torque-you will be lucky if you get 10000...
Also, if he is not present to welcome home the bodies of three black soldiers--he might as well kiss the black vote adios !!!
When the three fallen soldiers remains are returned @ Dover AFB and if Joe is standing there this time, hope Jill takes his watch off before they...
Honestly. I picked the shell out of my box holder-never noticed weight, nor did I look @ the crimp
Separate names with a comma.