Early report was wrong--RIP
Has anyone experienced BRB, airless voice calls ?
The last recreation center might be in St. Pete
A W ll, vintage B-17 crashed & burned in Hartford, Ct--only good thing was., one person slightly injured--keep these old war birds flying
Also, if anyone here is not "banned" let the a--holes on the other site known--Phil Berkowitz got an invite from the Whitehouse to see the Pres.
the Sanford ,We stood on our feet for 11 hours to see a campaign rally in 2016 @
President Trump is coming to The Villages--got an e-mail from the White House, inviting me to attend his signing this Thurs. It in a theater with...
If you can there is a great shoot @ the Dixie Gun Club in Mathews ,Ala Oct19-Oct 20 Sat-200 singles , 100 caps Sun-50 pair doubles, 200 caps...
Its a shame The Villages developers kids weren't in to clay target sports--the Silver Dollar would have been history a long time ago--we got polo...
They have close to 4000 acres, to play with--if they decide to get in high gear--combined with their proximity to The Villages which has 60K new...
Hey PM me , like to chat--was responsible for RR getting ERADS, he letting the place fall apart-very discouraging
Tom wants to be a beach bum and a cruise dude-- running a business is in the back burner, hope I'm wrong but I give RR 2 years @ the most
Another ? what is the biggest dimension that a trap house can be-I was told the CC really pushed the limits--my rule book is a 2014--was told the...
Its going to happen 2 trap fields with BRB voice releases, a combo field with a pat trap wobble the trap will use BRB the trap fields will all be...
Blackjack Sporting Clays in Sumterville, will be shooting trap & skeet in the very near future--they have close to 4000 acres and are running a world...
The Alabama Trap Ass., had a poll for changing their state shoot format-after looking at it--I thought it made a lot of sense On Fri--have a class...
Back in 83' , since I was in business that required lots of contact, I purchased a Nokia Mobira, it weighed close to 25 lbs , had a battery life of 1...
A shooting bud of mine , mentioned the term "foul shot", wondering if this could be used to address what I proposed
It not just focus , it getting comfortable with the gun and recoil--next rd its for real-- what would be the real problem-- its not ATA--its a club...
Instead of "see one", how about this let each squad member shoot one "non score able" target before starting an event Lots of times I have really...
NJ has an exit tax, BOHICA-bend over here it comes ago--hope they use a little KY and give u a kiss
NJ Has got to be the dumbest state going, you can go to jail for possessing a hollow point--they consider hollow point hand gun ammo as "cop killer...
Carl Icahn--is bailing out of NY--if you have any assets bail to avoid their stupid income & estate taxes--how much $$$ do you want to donate to...
Seattle has a tax on ammo 5 cents on all ammo per round, except 22 cal. which is 2 cents per round--think they sold zero rounds in Seattle after the...
A shooting bud of mine just got a K-80, the unsingle is the high pro-rib, he started shooting it and is doing very well with it; however, the comb is...
The real problem is the lifestyle of the itinerant shooters, who travel a lot-- fast food, sleeping in campers and not having a regular physician...
Keith Heeg has passed. He did work for me, the trap community has lost another good man
Yea right--
In Fl, its almost impossible to get a punch, unless you shoot a 96, most local clubs never get 15 shooters--there are only approx 375 ATA shooters in...
Now that I getting into the zone, other shooters have commented that I'm shooting much faster-- The reason I was told by coach is , I've got...
If you win your class @ a class championship-normally you are bumped up for the championship event
Shot thousands of targets from the 18 without a punch--yea-right
I believe the other shoot was Berlet-he really got screwed--and Was told the 18 yarder played every option, was shooting a K-80--very typical 18 yd...
Just double checked didn't know it was a big 50-still believe it was the sand bag of the century award--not a real GAH
Back in 2014 an 18 yd shooter won the GAH from the 18, looking @ his scores on the ATA--a month earlier he shot a 98 in West Virginia--his yardage I...
Why would I drive 1400 mi, each way to shoot . and 90 miles each day to commute, with stink-O restaurants--I'm not chasing AA points A few years...
Just saw the scores @ the Kentucky State shoot-WOW--@ the zone this weekend , IMHO everyone else will be just water boys for Berea Well done...
Rumor has it Bob Schultz will be donating the Canterburys--IMHO-lots of out of town shooters rave about ERADs and are not interested in...
Mn, the flashlights were @ the Cardinal--everyone loved them
A shooting bud of mine was a runner-up @ a state shoot in the handicap championship event-340 shooters participated--he shot a 99, his prize was a...
A good source has stated that NC home grounds Bostic, will be dumping ERads & going back to Canterbury's Also, another source has stated that Bob...
Miami is an extension of Spanarico & South Beach is a Russian mafia rip off haven--gotta be nuts to step foot in either Either way no registered for...
I shoot some shells made by Federal, I have had lots of Failures with factory ammo, if you can show the puller a dent on a primer--you should not be...
The only thing I remember about San Diego, when I was going to navy school--there must have been a law --"no ugly women allowed outdoors during...
Just finished weighing the 682, it 10 Lbs , while my Inity is 9 lbs 6 0z- I'm 75, don't want to invest in another high end gun Looking for a o/u...
After several years of trying to shoot my 682 Gold E, for doubles, the feel and trigger is so different from my Infinity-- I know it won't work...
Went to Highlands,NC -2 years ago for 2 months--where in Wisconsin, do you stay?
Today @ 10:30 the heat index will be 103, if this keeps up, will send my gun barrel out to Robar for a roguard treatment and the receiver for an NP3...
I agree with Marc, you have to be nuts to declare if you're a senior vet in Fl at the big shoots--its time for a super senior class, age 76, life...
Dennis DeVault had an electronic tester-thats how I got the info-- one of his tests was he time an Infinity with a AA @ 1145 fps vs a Silver Seitz...
Separate names with a comma.